
[求助] 水为什么旋转着下去


Dear Dr. Universe,

Q1. Why does water spin in a whirlpool down the drain or toilet?

Q2. Is it true that whirlpools, such as toilets, spin the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere from the northern hemisphere? If so, why?

Q3. If the above is true, what direction do whirlpools spin at the equator?

Dear Joel,

A1. When a lot water is suddenly allowed to go through a hole, it will often form a vortex. The water nearest the hole drops through, then the water next-nearest water has to take it&#39s place. Then it drops through the hole, and so forth. Thus, the water is moving to the side before it moves down, creating the swirling we see.

A2. It is not true that toilets and sinks drain one way in the Northern hemisphere and the other way in the Southern hemisphere. It is true of hurricanes, though. This is called the Coriolis Effect. Only huge things like hurricanes are big enough to be affected by it.

A3. As for the equator, a large whirlpool would theoretically flow straight down. But in reality, other pressures would probably have some effect on it. Also, hurricanes don&#39t cross the equator.



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當女兒問及我一些小孩才會留意的科學性古怪問題, 我通常都是啞口無言, 只會上去找. 在她仍有興趣前找出答案.

例如她問我:-彩虹為何是彎不是直的? 為何月亮跟著我們的車子走?....我就只有上這網查, 因為問題都是出於小朋友, 這裏有專業小組解答, 有些問題很難在書中找答案的.

有些小朋友的問題很奇怪, 例如:- 在捕鼠器放上花生醬捉老鼠, 但每次都是沒有收獲, 花生醬也不見了, 後來他發現了捕鼠器附近有蟋蟀走近, 他的問題就只是:- 蟋蟀吃不吃花生醬?

Dr. Universe 的答案是:- Crickets will eat almost any organic matter (plants, animals, clothes, each other). Therefore you may be right in thinking that they will eat peanut butter.

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下面是引用sophie于2004-09-22 9:26发表的 :
不要這樣說吧, 我也是感恩圖報吧! 況且, 我在這裏, 我也獲益良多啊!

