
[推荐] 人物访谈--------如何学好数学主题

原帖由 ccpaging 于 2012-10-24 15:02 发表
小学生怎么才能把数学学活,148# 讲过了。

现在返回去看,已经很清楚了。引导小学生解数学难题,其实,每一步都是在促使小学生思想。在自然正常 ...


[ 本帖最后由 Ageji_Mom 于 2012-10-25 08:33 编辑 ].


Mathematician Lillian Pierce's advice on learning mathematics in an interview in an issue of Girls Angle Bulletin:

Enjoy math!

Especially, enjoy challenges!

Math is just like any other skill: practice counts.

Also, have courage and confidence in your abilities. Don't shy away from failing to solve something immediately: try out your ideas, make mistakes, learn from your mistakes.

The struggle itself is one of the most important parts of your practice.

Try again!

Fail again!

Fail better!

[ 本帖最后由 Ageji_Mom 于 2012-11-11 06:48 编辑 ].


回复 272楼ccpaging 的帖子

有用就好!这段话最早是从我们这儿数学圈子的发的电子邮件看到的, 也是用来鼓励孩子们。

我们这儿有几个大学教授特热心,义务给初中高中的孩子组织了一个数学圈子,让爱好数学的孩子一起学习,每周一聚,主要是孩子自己先做题,然后相互交流讨论,会的孩子教不会的孩子。数学圈子也组织孩子参加主要的数学竞赛。一群兴趣相投的孩子相互促进和帮助,效果非常好。能干的孩子还到各初中当学校数学俱乐部的教练,或是自己另找时间给其他孩子搞Satellite Math Circle。 这样孩子自己学了数学,也锻炼了交流和组织领导能力。我儿子参加这个圈子后成了数学迷, 受益匪浅。我也推荐儿子的许多同学朋友去参加。

数学圈子的一位组织者以“Try again! Fail again! Fail better!”为题写了一篇短文给孩子们:

Try again! Fail again! Fail better!

Students: Were you feeling discouraged by the difficulty of the problems you tried at our math circle on Friday evening?

If you found yourself struggling and flailing about and feeling lost, that means you are in the right place!

The problems we work on at math circle are supposed to be a LOT harder than the problems you get in regular school classes. Struggling, flailing about, feeling lost a lot--that is what mathematics is all about.

Mathematician Lillian Pierce has great advice on learning mathematics in an interview in the latest issue of Girls Angle Bulletin:

Enjoy math!
Especially, enjoy challenges!
Math is just like any other skill: practice counts.
Also, have courage and confidence in your abilities. Don't shy away from failing to solve something immediately: try out your ideas, make mistakes, learn from your mistakes.
The struggle itself is one of the most important parts of your practice.
Try again!
Fail again!
Fail better!

When you have been beating your head against a problem for a while, and getting nowhere, leave it and move on to other problems, struggle with those for a while, then come back with a new perspective. Sometimes just finding a partner so you can share what you've been trying can help a lot. Even if your partner is just as lost as you are, the simple act of explaining aloud what you've been trying may help to clarify the problem in your own mind. And perhaps you have a great approach but finding a small blind spot your partner can help you spot will make all the difference.

Remember: practice counts! And practice means making mistakes! It is OKAY to make mistakes, lots and lots of mistakes at our math circle meetings. If you are NOT making mistakes at our meetings, you are doing the wrong problems!

Don't be embarrassed about making mistakes at our meetings! All of us make mistakes. Celebrate your mistakes! Learning from your mistakes, your half-baked ideas, your false starts--that is the essence of problem solving.

Our math circle is a place where it's really, really okay to make mistakes! Don't be afraid. Enjoy that space and freedom to make mistakes! It's a treasure! Share your mistakes and what you've learned from them..

