
[转载] 国最另类大学:放牛种地、门槛高过哈佛




The thing to remember about statistics is never to trust them. Deep Springs is a school of 26, which means 3.8% of our student body is sitting at the keyboard typing this. Not only do statistics grossly over-represent individual idiosyncrasies, they also change both rapidly and radically: half of our student body is replaced each year, and admissions statistics can vary widely depending on the size of our applicant pool and the number of students admitted. It is entirely possible that an incoming class might contain as few as 11 or as many as 15 students, selected from a pool of between 100 and 200--which means our selectivity can vary between 6% and 15% year-to-year.

However, some statistics remain relatively stable over the years. The SAT scores of accepted students generally average in the upper 700 range for Verbal and around 700 for Math. But even students with low SAT scores should apply because we consider the essays and interview a much more important part of the admission process. Out of 11 to 15 students accepted every year, over ninety percent will accept the offer of admission.

Deep Springers are generally successful in the transfer applications process. In the past 10 years, 16% of students transferred to Harvard, 13% to the University of Chicago, 7% to Yale and 7% to Brown. Other schools frequently attended after Deep Springs include Columbia, Oxford, Berkeley, Cornell and Stanford.

In the past 5 years Deep Springers have won the following national scholarship competitions:

The Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship (2)
The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship (1)
The Rhodes Scholarship (1)
The Harry S. Truman Scholarship (5)
The Morris Udall Scholarship (1.

