
let's talking about some children's English book

原帖由 zuopyu 于 2009-4-10 22:18 发表
This is an article from one English book. Can you understand?
If you know a little, please share. Thanks a lot.
If you got some questions, please ask it out. Maybe someon can help you hopely.
This sort of article can be read by Year 2 or Year 3 pupils in Australia. It's normally in the non fiction books. I can understand it without any problems. But why do you need an English explanation? The article itself is already a good information as simple as it can be. It's just for children..


回复 13#zuopyu 的帖子

Oh, I see.
My suggestion is parents who regularly do a guided reading with children should choose fiction books instead of non fiction books. Because as long as children read and understand plenty of fiction books that will be easier for them to explore non fictions. Non fictions are about facts which stir up especially boys. However if children don't have expanded reading on fiction books before, then they will be struggling with non fictions. Understanding shall follow up automatically rather than others explain to them. In science lesson, children do some experiments accordingly to prove the facts in the non fictions. Some simple experiments help them to get the point. Few teacher explain the facts in words. On the other hand, in literacy lesson, non fictions have not been read for ages. Books carried interesting stories are always the appropriate teaching resources.
I was once a volunteer in an Australian school hope what i saw might help you a little bit.

[ 本帖最后由 Emerald 于 2009-4-14 12:52 编辑 ].

