
Happy April Fool's Day

Not a happy day for me. My note book can't be booted up after install some softwares downloaded from the internet.  Seems I am fooled by the virus today. Terrible!.


the worst thing happened to my laptop. The hard disk failed to past the selftest, i.e. broken!  Everything is not backed up, and I have already applied for a portable hard disk.
What an awful day to me! Wish it were a Fool's day joke to me. .


Seems my laptop colluded with IT guys to fool me yesterday. Laptop selftested and reported ,"Hard Disk self test failure", and IT guys said, "You need send it to HP for hard disk repair. It may take long time and cost much, and your data may get lost ". Gosh! I begged, "Please try to re-install the XP operations system, maybe it works". "No, it can't  help." claimed they.
I took it back to my home, and installed with a piratic XP. Yeh, it works. My data comes back.
What a foolish day!.


回复 11#jimmy妈咪 的帖子

Thank you, you are a great prophet..

