
Start small business instead of working for others?

To start one's own business is a dream of every white collar worker, a simple SWOT analysis might help you to make a smart decision.
S--your strength, what you can offer other than your competitor
W--what is your weakness, lack of capital, time and etc
O--what is your oppotunity, sometimes, unemployeement maybe an opportunity
T--what is the threaten, are you willing to take certain risk, you  might loss money at the very beginning, also you might loss the current cozy life  that you have already been used to.
It takes great determination to shove the way strewed  by thorn.
But once you make it, you are the master of your own life.
it is like a one-way track, once you start, retrieve would be really hurt.

some people will think"nothing ventured, nothing gain"
others may think"better safe than sorry"
both are right, therefore, it is quite depend on your own judgement.

[ 本帖最后由 nice妈妈 于 2009-3-24 10:21 编辑 ].

