
[求助] 如何有效地辅导孩子英语


我, 应用语言学(Teaching English as Foreign Language)硕士, 做了九年同传,可对于教自己孩子英语,很失败! 请大家出出主意. 本来孩子外出参加每周一次的SBS学习班, 但我后来发现从UNIT 1 起单词语言点都没掌握,我又重新教了一遍. 为了提高她的兴趣, 我网上找到一些网站有FLASH, MUSIC, MOVIES, STORY TELLING,等等, 也买了各种不同类型的书(如新课标百科全书), 可她没有任何动力要学习, 从不主动记笔记, 更别说复习了. 我是绞尽脑汁教她, 如学到INGREDIENT, 我把食品包装拿给她看, 每天跟她说点英语, 她倒能听懂,但均用中文或YES,NO回答我.  我是无限耐心, 压住火气,  泛读和精读必须结合好, 否则底子不扎实. 我本来期望每天弄个15-20分钟英语, 现在根本办不倒, 学校作业完成后她磨着...晚了,算了, 一叫她学, 挂个苦瓜脸. 她觉得学习是很烦的.
我是200%全身心地想把孩子英语搞好, 可是事与愿违, 她天生语感超好, 在学校英语算是强的, 越难的考题她越对, 可口语差, 没有MOTIVATION. 我怎么办? 谢谢大家!.


谢谢大家帮我认清形势. 医生看不好自己家人的病,同理! 我就放羊吧. 死心吧, 她有自己的造化. 我是不敢教别人孩子, 不要误人子弟..



Thank you for your trust. But teaching is an art while I am a good artist in this field. However, I can share with your daughter about my experiences as a simultaneous interpreter as follows:

1. Understand all kinds of accents such as accents Indians, Germans, as well as many others have when they speak English.  This is so important as it is impossible to have only Americans speak every time. Not so lucky. But Indians are very easy to work with as they are very careful and just follow the written documents every time. Government people are easy to handle too. The most difficult part is Q&A part. You never know what Qs will be raised.
2. Chinese to English interpretation is actually easier than English to Chinese interpretation as you can grasp logic when Chinese people speak. You may be able to capture most English words non-Chinese say but still don't get the logic behind.  It does happen.
3. Interpretation is just a job and don't expect too much. Remember it is a client-driven business and we are always put in passive position. Therefore my conclusion is that if you can, don't choose it as your career in future. I am serious!!! Of course, interpreters meet nice people most of time and get nice pay but there are drawbacks too which can't be neglected. I started doing job after I had serious health problem and I was no longer be able to do full time job.  I am doing less and less now and my family is  primary at the moment.
4. Face to face teaching is what I can't do, I suppose. But I am more than willing to reply to your Qs if I can. Just feel free to send me messages..



呵呵, 我是写给你女儿的, 另外我纠正一个错误, 正确的是: I am not a good artist in this field.要是I am a good artist in this field, 我也不会碰到问题了. .


谢谢你, 这是切实可行的好办法, 我女儿不爱学习在我大学同学间也小有名气, 但我很多同学说她象我, 叫我想想自己当时的德行样! 我今天花了很多时间把她学过的词和语言点一一列出, 音标, 中英文解释, 并且我写了许多有关例句, 她有点感兴趣了, 说这样对她有帮助, 记得住, 学到NO MATTER, 我让她听BOYZONE的NO MATTER WHAT, 她把歌词打出来, 也挺喜欢.   我前几天被她气得饭也吃不下, 现在我知道自己的弱点, 一点点改吧.

我给自己的问题如下, 也在此与大家分享:
1, 我是否身体力行在为孩子送出一份养育的礼物?


