
[外语] Everyday Scicence Quiz 5


1.Where do aquanauts travel?
(a) In air  (b) In water  (c) Underground  (d) In space

2.Who might use Braille?
(a) Blind people (b) Pilots  (c) Doctors  (d) Engineers

3.What sign goes with the positive electrode of an electrical circuit?
(a) + (b) -  (c) %  (d)*

4.What is it like inside a kiln?
(a) Very wet  (b) Very cold  (c) Very windy  (d) Very hot

5.What joins the wheels of a car?
(a) Engine  (b) Axle  (c) Brake cable  (d) Exhaust

6.Which spacecraft travelled around on Mars?
(a) Apollo  (b) Wanderer  (c) Sojourner  (d) Galileo

7.Using radio waves to detect faraway objects is called…?
(a) Radar (b) Sonar  (c) Ultra  (d) VHF

8.Lister, Simpson and Barnard are the famous names in which field of science?
(a) Space  (b) Computers  (c) Medicine  (d) Maths

9.Which of these are rays from space?
(a) Gemma  (b) Gimme  (c) Gamma  (d) Gummy

10.In which century did people first ride on stream trains?
(a) 16th  (b) 17th  (c) 18th  (d) 19th

Quiz 5 答案已用粗体标明

[ 本帖最后由 zwyirene 于 2007-10-5 18:48 编辑 ].
最佳答案 ( 回答者: KITTY004 )
1b 2a 3a 4d 5b 6b 7a 8c 9c 10d.