
[基督徒] 每日箴言TODAY

Isaiah 55:6-11  
January - 8


Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Isaiah 55:6

In a made-for-TV documentary on marriage a wife says to her husband, "We live together, eat together, and sleep together, but we have nothing to say to each other. We’ve become intimate strangers." Of course. Without meaningful communication there can be no closeness.

What is true in our relationship with our spouse or other family members is even more true in our relationship with God. One of the reasons some of us don’t feel close to God is that we’re not communicating with God on a personal level.

We need to learn how to communicate with God. We need to take time to listen to what God is saying to us through the Bible. We have to listen to God as he speaks to us through circumstances and things that happen to us. We have to learn to ask, "What is God saying to me through what happened, and what is God saying to me through my spouse, my parents, my children, my friends, and other Christians?"

After we have listened, we have to talk with God in prayer. We can’t expect to feel God’s closeness unless we talk to him. Make sure you come to God and listen to him. Make sure you take the time each day to talk with him. Otherwise God will seem like a stranger. Imitate the Lord Jesus, who spent time alone every day to communicate with his Father.

Lord, help us to take time to communicate with you. Teach us how to pray, and teach us how to listen to you as we pray. Help us to follow Jesus’ example each day. Amen.

以赛亚书   55:6-11
January - 8


「当趁耶和华可寻找的时候寻找他,相近的时候求告他。」 赛55:6







Romans 12:1-8  
January - 9


Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God . . . . Romans 12:1

"It’s not about you!" This is the opening sentence in Rick Warren’s best-selling book The Purpose-Driven Life. At the beginning of a new year we need to remember that in this coming year it’s not about us. It’s about God and his purpose for our lives, and it’s about discovering that purpose.

To experience God’s closeness, we have to understand that the reason God gave us another year is so that we can live for him. As Paul puts it in Romans 12, we need to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God. This is how Eugene Peterson puts it in The Message: "Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering."

God’s closeness requires surrender. We have to be willing to turn the controls of our lives over to God. We have to turn our hopes, our aspirations, our wants and our needs over to God. We have to learn to say, "Not my will, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42).

It takes grace to reach that point. For most of us, it’s a lifelong struggle to allow God to take complete control. We prefer to pretend that we’re in charge. It takes the Holy Spirit to make us willing to commit our lives to God. But it’s the only way to truly experience God’s close¬ness. Ask God today for the grace to surrender.

Lord, please help us surrender our lives to you. Give us the grace to see that life is not about us but about you and your purposes. Help us live each day to your glory. Amen.

罗马书   12:1-8
January - 9


「将身体献上,当作活祭,是圣洁的,是神所喜悦的……」 罗12:1


若要与神亲近,我们必须明白神赐我们新的一年,是叫我们可以为祂而活。正如保罗在罗马书第12章所说,我们要将身体献给神,当作活祭。而尤金.毕德生在其著作《信息》(译者按:这是一本采用现代英语意译的圣经)中,是这样描述的:「把你每天的生活 —— 睡觉、吃喝、工作,及一切活动 —— 交给神,当作献祭。」








1 Kings 19:1-9  
January - 10


Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. . . . He . . . prayed that he might die. 1 Kings 19:3-4

Some years ago I said in a sermon that more Chris¬tians struggle with depression than many of us realize. The next day someone called to tell me that I was wrong. "A real Christian won’t get depressed," he said. Isuggested he read 1 Kings 19 and Psalm 42.

The Bible makes clear that believers do struggle with depression, sometimes even to the point where they want to die. Elijah, who only a few days earlier had seen a great miracle from God on a mountaintop, reached a point where death seemed better than life. He cried out and prayed that God would let him die.

Depression can be real and frightening. A woman in her early twenties described her depression to me as be¬ing in a black hole from which she could not escape. Be¬cause of it she could not see a trace of God’s presence.

If you suffer from depression, read Psalm 42 and reread 1 Kings 19. Remember that God is where you are, even when you can’t sense his presence. Cry out to him. Ask him to send someone to offer you a lifeline. Ask a close friend to help you find a Christian counselor, and if you suffer from clinical depression, don’t be afraid to use medication, which can be a gift from God.

And if you have never suffered from depression, thank God and ask him to let you be his presence in the life of someone who can no longer find God.

Lord, you understand the anguish of people who are depressed. Reach out to them and give them a sign of your presence. Thank you for always being with us. In Jesus, Amen.

列王纪上   19:1-9
January - 10


「以利亚见这光景就起来逃命……就坐在那里求死……」 王上19:3-4








Psalm 139:7-12  
January - 11


If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. Psalm 139:8

I was visiting someone whose close relative had taken her own life. "Was God there when it happened?" I was asked. "And could she be saved?"

As we were talking, the words of Psalm 139:8 came to mind. We opened our Bibles, and together we read the first part of Psalm 139, which says God is where we are, no matter what.

The God of the Bible, the God who has become our Father because of Jesus Christ, does not leave us, not even in our final desperate moments. Says David, "If I make my bed in the depths, you are there!" God is ¬present even in the darkest moments of our lives, also for those who have reached a point where death seems better than life. We must be careful not to draw unwarranted conclusions. Our God is a God of mercy and of grace. He understands when life becomes unbearable for his children.

Of course God wants us to live. He does not want us to take our own lives. According to John 10:10, Jesus came to give us full life. If you feel you have reached the end of your rope, cry out for help. God is there!

And if you have experienced the pain of losing someone who took his or her own life, be assured that God is present even in the depths of life. He has promised never to leave us.

Lord, please give your comfort to those who have lost someone they love. Assure them of your everlasting presence and love as well, for Jesus’ sake. In his name we pray. Amen.

诗篇   139:7-12
January - 11


「我若升到天上,你在那里;我若在阴间下榻,你也在那里。」 诗139:8








All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Pslm 139:16

Some years ago a young man on his way to the funeral of a family member was killed in a car accident. A local newspaper quoted a state trooper as saying that the young man had been in "the wrong place at the wrong time."

That comment raises an important question: Is the outcome of our lives in this new year just a matter of being at a certain place at a certain time? Is my life no more than a matter of chance or of making sure I don’t take the wrong turn?

Thank God that the outcome of my life is not determined by such things. Of course God does not want us to be careless or reckless. But when all is said and done, life is not a matter of chance, and whether I live or die this year is not determined by being in a certain place at a certain time.

According to Psalm 139:16, the number of my days is carefully determined by God himself. The Lord Jesus says that not even a sparrow falls "to the ground apart from the will of [our] Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Matthew 10:29-30).

With that assurance I can enter into a new year, travel when I have to, make plans, and do all sorts of things trusting that God is watching over me. God himself has determined the number of my days.

Thank you, Father, that you have set the number of our days. Help me to live in that assurance and to be faithful in using the time you have given me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

诗篇   139:13-18
January - 12


「你所定的日子,我尚未度一日,你都写在你的册上了。」 诗139:16








Deuteronomy 6:4-12  
January - 13


Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

A recent newspaper article carried a picture of a one-year-old praying in a high chair with eyes closed and hands folded in front of her face. The caption below the picture said that her dad used to hold her on his lap, read the Bible, and say, "Time to pray." Now she won’t eat unless they’ve prayed.

Of course. This is God’s promise to parents: Train up children in the way they should go, and when they have grown they will not turn from it. Commenting on the fifth commandment (about honoring father and mother), Lewis Smedes says that parents are "God’s storytellers." God shows his presence through believing parents, and it’s up to parents to make sure that children sense the presence of the Lord.

Some parents try to give their children the best things money can buy while neglecting to bring them into a relationship with Jesus. Billy Graham once told a story of a teenage girl who was in a fatal car accident. As she lay dying, she whispered to her mother, "Mother, you taught me everything. You taught me how to smoke and how to drink, but you never taught me how to die. Mother, teach me quickly, because I’m dying."

It’s up to parents to train their children so that they learn to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, and strength. It’s the greatest gift we can give them.

Lord, make us parents and grandparents faithful in training our children in your way. Help us to show them your presence. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

申命记   6:4-12
January - 13


「教养孩童,使他走当行的道,就是到老他也不偏离。」 箴22:6


当然嘛!这是神赐给父母的应许:教养孩童,使他走当行的道,就是到老他也不偏离。Lewis Smedes在谈到十诫中的第五诫(要孝敬父母)时,表示父母是「为神说故事的人」。神借着基督徒父母彰显祂的同在,而这些父母便有责任确保孩子们感受到主的同在。





Psalm 46  
January - 14


God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

The book America Out of the Ashes, written after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, asks the question, "Where was God?" Millions of people asked the same question after the tsunami disaster that devastated parts of southern Asia on December 26, 2004. Where is God when nations are torn apart by civil war, when disaster seems to strike at random, when children die of AIDS or hunger or poverty every single day?

Psalm 46 gives the answer. God is right where he says he is: "ever-present" with us. Sure, "nations are in up¬roar," the earth gives way, "waters roar and foam," and "mountains quake" even today. But in spite of all that happens, "the LORD Almighty is with us."

God never intended for his creation to be ravaged by disaster. We don’t know why he allows it. But one thing we know: God is in control. The writer William Faulk¬ner had it wrong when, in his Requiem for a Nun, he said that after creating everything, God lost control.

In response to the question about where God was on 9/11, or when a tsunami or earthquake strikes, or when war breaks out and brings so much suffering, we can answer with Psalm 46: "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble"!

Pray for eyes of faith to see God’s presence even in times of disaster.

Lord, sometimes it’s hard for us to see you. Help us to sense your presence and see how you care for us even when things seem to be falling apart. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

诗篇   46
January - 14


「神是我们的避难所,是我们的力量,是我们在患难中随时的帮助。」 诗46:1

一部于二零零一年九月十一日美国受到恐怖袭击之后写成的书America Out of the Ashes(意译:《走出灰烬的美国》),提出了一个问题:「神在哪里?」二零零四年十二月二十六日,当海啸导致部分南亚地区生灵涂炭后,亦有数以百万人提出同样问题。当内战造成国家分裂;天灾横祸骤然发生;每天有无数小孩子死于爱滋病、饥荒或贫穷时,神在哪里?


神绝对无意叫祂所造之物遭受灾祸蹂躏,我们不知道祂为何容许这些事情发生,但有一样事情是我们知道的:神在掌管!William Faulkner在其著作《修女安魂曲》中说,神创造万物后便失却控制,这个说法是大错特错的。





Jeremiah 29:11-13  
January - 15


"I know the plans I have for you . . . plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Some years ago the well-known author James Miche¬ner wrote a book called The Drifters. It’s a story about young students traveling aimlessly through Asia and Europe, drifting from one day into the next, without plan or purpose.

Lots of people today are drifters too. Even if you have everything life has to offer, you can feel unfulfilled and without purpose, drifting from one day to the next.

Or maybe you feel as if you’ve been cut adrift. For example, maybe you’ve lost your job and you don’t see much of a future. Or maybe you’ve lost your spouse through death or divorce, and you feel as if you’ve reached the end of the road. Or maybe you just retired and you feel as if you’ve been put on a shelf. Or perhaps you’re permanently disabled and you’re not sure how you can go on.

If you’re feeling adrift for one reason or another, take heart from God’s words to us through Jeremiah: "I know the plans I have for you . . . plans to prosper you and . . . to give you hope and a future."

God does not want us to drift through life. He has a purpose and plan for each one of us. Whoever you are, ask yourself, "What does God have in mind for me? And how does God want to use me today so I can have hope and a future?"

Thank you, Lord, for your promise to give us hope and a future. Help us to see your purpose for us and to take comfort in you each day of this new year. In Jesus, Amen.

耶利米书   29:11-13
January - 15


「我知道我向你们所怀的意念……要叫你们末后有指望。」 耶29:11

数年前,名作家 James Michener写了一部小说,名为《流浪者》。这个故事是讲述数名年青学生漫无目的地浪迹亚洲和欧洲的经历。他们毫无计划,毫无目的,日复一日地过着流浪者的生活。







Proverbs 3:1-7  
January - 16


In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6

During the Second World War an elderly man was arrested for hiding Jews in his home. Because of his age his captors were willing to release him if he would promise never again to hide anyone. This was his answer: "There is no safety outside of God’s will." He was convinced that placing himself outside of God’s will was far more dangerous than facing death at the hands of Hitler’s Nazis.

As we begin a new year, we need to know that the most dangerous place in life is outside of God’s will. But how can we know God’s will? How do we know what God wants for us this year? How can we know if God approves of our choices? How can we know what God has in mind for us at this time in our lives?

We have to learn to listen carefully as God speaks to us through the Bible. God does not tell us whom to marry, but he does tell us we are to marry in the Lord. God does not spell out what job to choose, when to retire, or how to invest, but God does tell us we are his stewards. God makes his will known through open and closed doors and through many of the circumstances in our lives. He wants us to look closely at the opportunities we have and the gifts he has given us.

As we make our choices, we do well to remember that there is no safety outside of God’s will.

Lord God, help us to acknowledge you in all our ways. Show us your will, and make us willing to live your way. Give us faith to trust in you and wisdom to serve you. Amen. Lord God, help us to acknowledge you in all our ways. Show us your will, and make us willing to live your way. Give us faith to trust in you and wisdom to serve you. Amen.

箴言   3:1-7
January - 16


「在你一切所行的事上都要认定他,他必指引你的路。」 箴3:6







Jeremiah 31:31-34  
January - 17


"I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." Jeremiah 31:34

"Will God accept me when I die?" A member of our congregation asked me this question shortly before she died. Her past was catching up with her, and she was afraid that God would refuse to have anything to do with her. All through her life she’d been taught that God forgives, but now that she’d reached the end of her life, she wasn’t sure.

Some Christians struggle with that question. They live in fear that because of their sins God won’t be there for them. Through the prophet Jeremiah, God assures each one of us that he does far more than forgive: God even forgets our sins. God declares, "I will . . . remember their sins no more."

Through the covenant God has made with his people, God vows to forget our sins. He will not allow our sins to separate us from him. That’s the good news throughout the Bible. Isaiah 1:18 says that even though our sins may be like scarlet, they will be as white as snow. And Romans 8:1 says, "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

That’s the reason we don’t have to look back over our shoulders, afraid that our past will catch up with us. That’s why we can be sure God will accept us when we stand before his judgment seat. God promises, for Jesus’ sake, to remember our sins no more!

Lord, we thank you for your forgiveness and the promise that you will not hold our sins against us. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving your life to set us free. In your name, Amen.

耶利米书   31:31-34
January - 17


「我要赦免他们的罪孽,不再记念他们的罪恶。」 耶31:34







Malachi 3:6-12  
January - 18


"Test me in this . . . and see if I will not . . . pour out so much blessing . . . ." Malachi 3:10

God’s people living in the days of Malachi were in for a surprise. They felt that God had left them, but they could not understand why. The prophet Malachi ex¬plained: God had turned his back on them because they were stealing from God by withholding their resources.

Some of God’s people living today wonder why they don’t experience God’s presence and closeness. Some wonder why God does not seem to bless them the way he has promised.

The answer may be found in Malachi 3. Perhaps they have been stealing from God by refusing to return to God a small part of what he has entrusted to them.

Some people feel that the church has no business talking about money. Some people think that whether or not we give back to God has nothing to do with our relationship with God.

The Bible tells us, however, that the way we use our money and resources has everything to do with our relationship to God. By refusing to give back to God from what he first gives us, we push God out of our lives, and we deprive ourselves of some of the greatest blessings God has in store.

Let’s make sure we return to God by giving back from all he has given. And God will "pour out so much blessing that [we] will not have room enough for it."

Father in heaven, help us to be good stewards this year. Keep us from taking what belongs to you. Help us give faithfully for the work of your kingdom. In Jesus, Amen.

玛拉基书   3:6-12
January - 18


「以此试试我,是否为你们敞开天上的窗户,倾福与你们,甚至无处可容。」 玛3:10









Luke 10:38-42  
January - 19


"Martha . . . you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed." Luke 10:41-42

"If all the rubbish in my soul were cleared away, I would see God." That line from a poem says it all. Things clutter up our lives. Life is busy; we have appointments to keep, e-mails to send, meetings to go to, parties to plan, kids to pick up. And if we don’t do these things, who will? Sometimes it’s all up to us.

In the busyness of life, however, we sometimes fail to see God. That’s what happened to Martha. Of course she knew that Jesus was right there in her house. That’s the reason she was so busy. She wanted the best for him. But in all her "fussing," she failed to see that sitting in her family room was God himself, speaking to them. So she missed out on what was most important. This is how The Message puts it: "Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing."

It happens all the time. And we excuse ourselves by saying that if we don’t do it right now, it won’t get done. But in the process we sometimes walk right by our Lord without even noticing.

Don’t let it happen to you this year. Make a list of your priorities. Make some changes in your schedules. Don’t get yourself worked up over nothing. Only one thing really matters: To live life in the presence of the Lord each day, seeing his work and listening to him.

Father in heaven, help us to keep our priorities straight, and keep us from getting worked up over nothing. Help us to focus on you and how we can live for you. In Jesus, Amen.

路加福音   10:38-42
January - 19


「马大!马大!你为许多的事思虑烦扰,但是不可少的只有一件。」 路10:41-42







John 14:15-21  
January - 20


"I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever . . . ." John 14:16

Jesus’ disciples were upset. For three years they had been with Jesus. They had walked with him and talked with him. And now he was about to leave.

How could they possibly go on without him? How could they face the challenges of life without his daily presence?

In his farewell address the Lord Jesus put the disciples’ minds at ease. He told them that his returning to the Father was for their good (John 16:7). He promised to send the Holy Spirit, who would live in them and teach them about living for God. And through the Spirit they’d be able to enjoy God’s presence always.

Through the Holy Spirit you and I can experience God’s presence every moment of the day. All we have to do is ask. As Jesus says in Luke 11:13, "If you . . . know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

The most important prayer we can pray each day is to ask for the all-powerful presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit. When we have the Holy Spirit guiding us each day, we will not only experience God’s presence in our own lives, but we’ll also be able to show God’s presence to others as we live God’s way, displaying the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

Lord God, please fill us with your Holy Spirit and help us to show in our lives the fruit of the Spirit. We ask all this for Jesus’ sake and in his name. Amen.

約翰福音   14:15-21
January - 20


「我要求父,父就另外赐给你们一位保惠师,叫他永远与你们同在。」 约14:16








Romans 8:18-27  
January - 21


We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us . . . . Romans 8:26

"Pray continually," says Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. And James 5:16 reminds us that the prayer of a righ¬teous person "is powerful and effective." Most of us be¬lieve this, but what if you have reached a point in your life when you can’t pray?

Some of the Christians I’ve met have told me that at times they could not pray. Sometimes people simply have no energy to pray. Sometimes life deals people such a blow that they can’t even talk, much less pray. Some¬times there’s too much pain, or a person’s depression is too deep. Sometimes praying seems impossible.

Thank God that he is with us even when we cannot pray. In those dark moments we can trust that Someone else is praying for us. As Paul says, "We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." The Holy Spirit who knows what’s going on in our lives takes over for us.

Because Jesus became one of us, we can also be assured that we have a great High Priest who knows what our lives are like, and he sympathizes with us in our weaknesses (Hebrews 4:15). Even in our most desperate moments God has us covered. If you meet someone today who cannot pray, pray for that person and assure him or her of the Holy Spirit’s presence and prayers.

Lord, thank you that the Holy Spirit prays for us, helping us in our weakness. Thank you that the Spirit knows our hearts and minds through the work of Jesus. Amen.

罗马书   8:18-27
January - 21


「我们本不晓得当怎样祷告,只是圣灵亲自用说不出来的叹息替我们祷告。」 罗8:26







Psalm 139:13-16  
January - 22


You created my inmost being; you knit me to¬gether in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13

In 1973 the United States Supreme Court made what has been called a "landmark decision" by legalizing "abortion on demand." Since then millions of unborn babies have been put to death legally, some through the cruel method of so-called partial-birth abortion.

Some people have defended this as no more than the removal of bodily tissue, but the Bible calls it murder. Between the moment of conception and the time of birth, according to Psalm 139, God’s own hand is busy shaping and molding a new human life. Says the psalmist, "My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. . . . Your eyes saw my un¬formed body." And God himself told Jeremiah, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you . . ." (Jeremiah 1:5). God is present even before we are born!

Abortion is a defiant act of interfering with God’s creative work. It’s a human attempt to push away God’s hand. It tells God, "You’re not wanted." Abortion is a sin we must stop.

If you’re thinking about having an abortion, consider keeping your child or giving your child to people who are eager to adopt. Abortion always leaves an emotional scar. And when we talk to someone who has had an abortion, we have to lead them to repentance, assuring them that God forgives even the sin of abortion.

Lord, help us as a nation to repent of the sin of abortion, and help us as your children to guard and celebrate the sanctity of life. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

诗篇   139:13-16
January - 22


「我的肺腑是你所造的;我在母腹中,你已覆庇我。」 诗139:13







Matthew 18:10-14  
January - 23


Your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost. Matthew 18:14

One Sunday afternoon after I had preached a message on abortion, I found a letter on my desk. It was written by a Detroit police officer who had been in our church that morning. He wrote, "I was disappointed by your sermon this morning. I thought your time and that of your church could have been used more profitably. Don’t abuse my time telling me that abortion is wrong. Instead, talk to me about alternatives and what you are doing to promote them."

I kept his letter, and I have quoted from it often. Of course we have to speak out against abortion. But how active are we in doing something about it? In what ways have we helped a single mother who is faced with an unwanted pregnancy? How much do we support agencies that provide alternatives? How many of us try to become foster parents or even consider adopting a child instead of having one more of "our own"?

What are we doing to provide alternatives?

What share of our income do we set aside to care for one of the little ones Jesus talks about in Matthew 18? How much of our church budget goes to support agencies that are not satisfied with merely speaking out against abortion?

Ask God to help you find a way to keep even "one of these little ones" from being lost.

Father in heaven, open our eyes to the needs of your little ones. Keep us from merely pointing out what is wrong, and motivate us to act, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

马太福音   18:10-14
January - 23


「你们在天上的父也是这样,不愿意这小子里失丧一个。」 太18:14








Matthew 18:1-6  
January - 24


"Whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me." Matthew 18:5

While I’ve been writing these devotions, my wife and I have been eagerly looking forward to joining our daughter and her husband as they go and pick up their adopted daughter in Korea. It’s been a slow, costly process, and there are lots of unanswered questions.

Especially in the past some people looked at adoption with a lot of skepticism. Others rejected any notion of adopting, choosing instead to remain childless. Still others considered adoption as a last resort. And some children who have been adopted have lived with resentment, because they are treated as second-rate.

But adoption is not second-rate! According to the Bible, each one of us has been adopted. Ephesians 1 and Romans 8 tell us clearly that through the honor of adoption you and I have become part of God’s family. Any¬one who puts down or thinks little of adoption needs to be reminded that God loves us so much that he wants to adopt us all.

Matthew 18 tells us that each time we welcome a child in Jesus’ name, we welcome him. Parents and families who have opened their hearts and homes through adoption have welcomed the Lord Jesus into their homes.

Thank God today for your adopted children and grandchildren. Thank God for adoptive parents. Thank God also for adopting us as his own children!

Father, thank you for adopting us as your children. Thank you for adoptive parents and adopted children. Help us all to welcome you into our hearts. In Jesus, Amen.

马太福音   18:1-6
January - 24


「凡为我的名接待一个像这小孩子的,就是接待我。」 太18:5








Matthew 25:31-40  
January - 25


"Whatever you did for one of the least of these . . . you did for me." Matthew 25:40

Back in March 2005, Time magazine featured an article on "How to End Poverty." Inside were pictures of children sleeping on city streets and of a woman scavenging for food on a huge pile of garbage. According to the article, more than 20,000 people die each day because they are too poor to stay alive. At least 1.1 billion people in our world live in extreme poverty.

After rereading that article the other day, I turned to Matthew 25, where Jesus says that the nameless millions who die each year represent him. He says, "I tell you the truth, whatever you [do] for one the least of these brothers [and sisters] of mine, you [do] for me." Jesus himself comes to us in these poor billions. He expects us to care, to help.

What can we do? We can acquaint ourselves with some of the realities of poverty. We can find out about shelters in our immediate communities. We can set aside a part of our income to give for those who are poor. We can find a trusted organization to send donations. We can designate a part of our church budget to help the poor. Caring for the poor is not an option. As families and as churches, we may have to adjust our priorities. Someday Jesus will ask us, "Did you see me as you looked into the eyes of these brothers and sisters of mine? And what did you do for them?"

Lord, forgive us if we have been living in abundance but have failed to reach out to poor people. Help us to see you in people who are in need. For your name’s sake, O Lord, Amen.

马太福音   25:31-40
January - 25


「这些事你们既做在我这弟兄中一个最小的身上,就是做在我身上了。」 太25:40






Proverbs 16:1-9  
January - 26


In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Last spring a woman named Ashley Smith seemed to find herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Early one morning she went to a nearby convenience store. When she returned, an escaped convict, who had shot and killed four people during his escape, took her hostage and held her in her apartment for about nine hours. He tied her up and threatened to kill her unless she did what he said.

But instead of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, she was exactly where God wanted her to be. While most of us might panic, she began to talk to the man who was holding her hostage. She read to him from the best-selling book The Purpose-Driven Life, and slowly but surely something happened in the criminal’s heart. A secular magazine called it "an encounter with God." The convict himself called her "God’s angel, placed there by God himself." God had directed her steps that morning so that Ashley could become God’s presence in the life of someone who had reached the end of the road.

We might plan our course, but it is God who determines our steps. Remember this as you stand next to a stranger in the store today, or sit next to a stranger on a train or airplane. God has a way of getting us into the right place at the right time.

Lord, give us the grace to understand that you are the one who directs our every step. Help us to make the most of every opportunity. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

箴言   16:1-9
January - 26


「人心筹算自己的道路;惟耶和华指引他的脚步。」 箴16:9

去年春天,一位名为Ashley Smith的女子似乎在错误的地点和时间出现。在一个大清早,她前往附近的便利店后,在回家途中被一名逃犯胁持作人质,这名罪犯在逃狱期间已开枪射杀了四人,他在她的住所内胁持着她达九小时之久。他把她捆绑起来,又威胁她,除非她照他的说话行,否则便没命。





Philippians 1:1-11  
January - 27


He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion . . . . Philippians 1:6

One day a mother whose 25-year-old son had turned his back on God was telling me she had given up on her son. After years of praying for him and trying to convince him that he needed the Lord in his life, she was sure that God had written him off. She had decided no longer to pray for him.

It was one of the saddest things I’d ever heard: a parent giving up on a child.

I told her how glad I was that God never gives up on us. If he did, you and I would not stand a chance. If I would have had to hang on to God throughout my life, I would be hopeless. The only reason I am who I am today and the only reason I am where I am in my walk with the Lord is that God refused long ago to give up on me. If it were up to us to stay close to God when things fell apart, we would be lost.

Thank God for his assurance in Philippians 1:6: "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

God never gives up. It’s the most beautiful assurance we have. Even when we are tempted to let go, God refuses to give up. And because God never gives up on us, we may never give up on the people around us as long as we or they live. Each day offers a new opportunity for grace and for turning back to God.

Father, thank you for hanging on to us even when we want to let go. We love you, Lord! Help us, in your name, to hang on to others who still need to turn back to you. Amen.

腓立比书   1:1-11
January - 27


「那在你们心里动了善工的,必成全这工……」 腓1:6








Philippians 1:12-26  
January - 28


What has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel. Philippians 1:12

Recently I reached a milestone: my 70th birthday! It caused me to reflect on my life and ask myself some questions. How did I get where I am today? How did someone who grew up in a small town in Europe happen to marry someone born in California? Why did I have the privilege of preaching for almost 40 years?

To some people, the answer is quite simple: we are where we are because of our choices. We choose where we live, whom we marry, and what we do with our lives. If we make good choices, things work out well, and if we make bad choices, things work out poorly.

Some people might also say that Paul was in prison because of the choices he made. He could have refused to become a Christian; he could have turned down the challenge of becoming a missionary for Jesus. He could have been more careful and compromising. It seems that some of the early Christians even felt that Paul’s being in prison was a mistake and was never meant to be.

Paul responded by saying that it was God who put him there. God had Paul where he wanted him. Through his imprisonment Paul was able to bring the gospel message straight to the seat of government in Rome.

Thank God that in spite of our good, bad, or even sinful choices, when all is said and done, the Lord always gets us where he wants us.

Thank you, Lord, that you make no mistakes and that you always get us where you want us. Help us to live wisely and look for your direction each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

腓立比书   1:12-26
January - 28


「我所遭遇的事更是叫福音兴旺……」 腓1:12








Philippians 4:4-7  
January - 29


The peace of God . . . will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

"Anything to get me through the night." According to one story, these were the words of Frank Sinatra after many long nights of tossing and turning. The man who seemed to have it all, who had fame and fortune and sang, "I did it my way," lacked one of the most important things in life. He had no peace of mind.

Millions of people, both rich and poor, go through life without God’s gift of peace. Some search nearly everywhere and never find it. Others try almost everything imaginable—without success. No amount of alcohol or pills can help us obtain it. No measure of fame or pleasure can guarantee it. Only God himself can give it.

In Philippians 4:7 Paul tells us where and how to find this peace. We need to know the Lord Jesus Christ and have a personal relationship with him. Says Paul, "In everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

God’s gift of peace is available for the asking. Turn your life over to the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in him as your Savior. Commit to living for the Lord each day and ask for the Spirit’s guidance. When you do, you have the guarantee that the peace of God will flood your heart and mind. Don’t go another day without it.

Father in heaven, we thank you for the gift of peace that we can enjoy because of Jesus Christ. Help us to live for you and to help others find your peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

腓立比书   4:4-7
January - 29


「神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里,保守你们的心怀意念。」 腓4:7







Philippians 4:8-20  
January - 30


My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

When Paul wrote the words of Philippians 4:19, he was speaking from experience. Ever since he’d become a Christian and a missionary for the Lord, he had faced almost every need imaginable. He’d been thrown in prison, he’d faced persecution, and he’d suffered at the hands of those who hated him. But God had faithfully met Paul’s needs every step of the way. God had never let him down. Whether in plenty or in want, hungry or well fed, Paul had experienced God’s providing hand.

At the beginning of a new year God promises to meet our every need. God already knows what we’ll need, and he promises to meet our needs. God will be with us every step of the way, providing for us in ways that only God can. It’s guaranteed!

Make sure you don’t misinterpret these words of Paul. God does not promise to give us everything we want. Sometimes God’s answer to our prayers is "No." Some¬times God will answer our prayers in ways that we don’t want or expect. There may be lots of things God will withhold from us. But he does promise to give us what we need in order to fulfill his purpose for our lives. We have been given a new year to serve God.

As God meets our needs, he also asks us to help meet the needs of people around us. This is one way in which God shows his presence through us.

Lord, thank you for your promise to meet our needs. Help us to see the needs of others, and move us to be willing to help meet those needs in your name. Amen.

腓立比书   4:8-20
January - 30


「我的神必照他荣耀的丰富,在基督耶稣里,使你们一切所需用的都充足。」 腓4:19







Revelation 21:1-5  
January - 31


"Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them." Revelation 21:3

In his book Heaven, Randy Alcorn paints a fascinating picture of life on the new earth. Based on his interpretation of several Old and New Testament Bible passages, life for God’s people is not some ghostlike existence. People will have real, physical bodies, will recognize each other, and will be able to relate to each other in meaningful ways. In keeping with God’s promise to make all things new, Alcorn envisions a creation that will be restored and renewed.

As beautiful as that will be, the most amazing thing about life on the new earth will be the perfect presence of God. Says John, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God." As The Message puts it, "God has moved into the neighborhood."

Today we experience God’s presence imperfectly. Some days we feel God’s closeness, and some days God seems far away. Some days we talk with him, and some days he seems to turn a deaf ear.

On the new earth, when Christ has come again, as a familiar song says, we "shall see him face to face, and tell the story, ‘Saved by grace.’" Make sure you know him as your Savior, and pray that we will soon be able to experience his perfect presence.

Lord, we thank you for your promise to make all things new and for the promise to live with us on the new earth. Come soon, Lord Jesus! Amen.

啟示錄   21:1-5
January - 31


「看哪,神的帐幕在人间。他要与人同住。」 启21:3

Randy Alcorn在他的著作《天堂》中,描绘了一幅在新世界中生活的动人图画。据他对旧约和新约圣经某些内容的理解,神的子民在天堂并非如鬼魂般生活,他们会有实实在在、真实的肉体,他们能辨认对方,而且可以互相接触和沟通。由于神应许叫万物更新,所以Alcorn在书中展现了一个将会获得再造和更新的世界。






Acts 24:1-16  
Feburary - 1


"I worship the God of our fathers as a follower of the Way . . . ." Acts 24:14

A fourth-century desert father named Sarapion once traveled from Egypt to Rome, where he visited an elderly believer known for her reclusive ways. This Christian woman seldom left the small room she called home. Sarapion loved to travel and was skeptical about her way of life. He asked, "Why are you sitting here?" She replied, "I am not sitting; I am on a journey."

She was right, of course. You may not have the means or the inclination to cruise the high seas or visit faraway places, but if you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, you are a traveler.

During the Middle Ages, spiritual writers often re¬ferred to believers as "wayfarers." That language reflects one of the earliest descriptions of New Testament believers. As described by Paul in our reading for today, they were called "followers of the Way."

Followers of the Way don’t set down permanent roots. They move through life with greater destinations in mind. They are always stretching and growing. They are always "on the Way" with Jesus Christ—who identified himself as the only way to God (John 14:6).

There is much coming and going in Scripture. The people of God are always going places. They refuse to get stuck in a rut. This month let’s discover what lessons we can learn from them for our own walk with God.

Father, our lives run the risk of spiritual stagnation. Put us on the road with Jesus to learn new lessons about faith and discipleship. In his name we pray. Amen.

使徒行传   24:1-16
Feburary - 1


「我正按着那道事奉我祖宗的神……。」 徒24:14








Genesis 1:1-5  
Feburary - 2


The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Genesis 1:2

The first journey recorded in Genesis is not a pilgrimage by our spiritual ancestors across rugged terrain in response to God’s calling. That kind of journey did occur at times, but the first journey recorded in Scripture is undertaken by God. The Spirit of God hovered over a world that was "formless and empty." The Spirit of God descended into the darkness that covered "the surface of the deep."

We shouldn’t find this journey surprising. Through¬out the Bible we discover that God often had to step into the picture to bring order out of chaos and to shine light into dark places.

But we tend to forget that. Instead we think we can wrestle with the raw material of life and bring order out of anarchy. But we typically make a mess of things. We don’t have the wisdom or strength to shape the raw materials of life into something wondrous and beautiful.

God does, however. That’s why the first journey in Scripture is about God. God’s Spirit hovers over the world like a bird hovering over her nest, protecting and feeding her young (see Isaiah 31:5). And as the psalmist reminds us, God continues to send his Spirit to "renew the face of the earth" (Psalm 104:30). The Lord’s creative and sustaining energy nurtures us for faithful obedience in our own lives.

Lord, spread the wings of your Spirit and hover over our lives with your care and love. Bring order to our lives so that we may respond to you in trust and obedience. Amen.

创世记   1:1-5
Feburary - 2


「神的灵运行在水面上。」 创1:2







Genesis 3:1-10  
Feburary - 3


[They] heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden . . . . Genesis 3:8

small wooded area.

Sometimes in the summer my wife and I saunter there in the cool of the evening. We go not just for the park’s beauty but for each other’s company. It’s a time for us to talk about our day and catch a glimpse of God’s imprint on creation.

You and I are created to enjoy similar rambles with God. Of all God’s creatures, we alone have hearts that can open to God’s heart. Of all God’s creation, we alone can share God’s joys and intentions for this world.

Our brokenness is displayed in our reluctance to keep God as our walking partner. God knows too much about us. God’s gaze is too penetrating. We feel naked when God is near.

But God has an answer to our shame. He has garments that cover our nakedness.

Ultimately our shame is covered as we are "clothed ... with Christ" (Galatians 3:27). When we’re covered with the sinlessness of Christ and forgiven for his sake, we are prepared again to have God as our walking partner on life’s journey.

Father, forgive us when we cower in the bushes, afraid to be seen by you. Help us to come out of the shadows and put on your garments of grace through Christ. Amen.

创世记   3:1-10
Feburary - 3


「耶和华神在园中行走……,(他们)听见神的声音。」 创3:8









Genesis 3:14-24  
Feburary - 4

[God] placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword . . . . Genesis 3:24

The Heidelberg Catechism, a historic creed of the church, describes our core problem as misery. But what does it mean to be miserable? Is misery a matter of living in a squalid hut in a poor country? If so, many of us are anything but miserable. Some drive new cars, others eat in good restaurants, and a few take cruises on the Caribbean every January. Yet none of these things really satisfies. Deep inside, no matter where we live, we sense we are out of synch with life’s design.

The original German word for "misery" in the Cate¬chism literally means "homesickness." That names our problem. Our true misery isn’t an inability to amuse our¬selves with the best the world has to offer. Our true misery is that we have become a people without a country. We are cut off from our native land and are longing to go home. Meant to dwell in God’s Garden, we’ve been banished "east of Eden."

"East of Eden" is not a pleasant place to live. "East of Eden" is a place filled with "thorns and thistles." "East of Eden" we work hard but find that the problems of life still choke our joy and satisfaction.

We need to get back to the Garden. We need to go home to God. And the only way back is by way of Christ, the Savior, who now rules from God’s throne (Ephesians 1:20-23; Revelation 22:3).

Lord, we desperately want to go home. By your Spirit, make us citizens of your kingdom. Help us show each day our true commitment to Christ. In his name, Amen.

创世记   3:14-24
Feburary - 4


「(神)在伊甸园的东边安设口基口路口佰,和……发火焰的剑。」 创3:24







Genesis 11:1-9  
Feburary - 5


"Come, let us build ourselves a city . . . so that we may make a name for ourselves . . . ." Genesis 11:4

Edward J. Smith was captain on one of the most famous sea voyages of all time. His reputation had suffered a setback in previous years, but his new commission was guaranteed to restore luster to his name. Smith was determined to make the first Atlantic crossing with a speed that would impress his harshest critics. That’s why he ignored weather conditions. That’s why it wasn’t really an iceberg that sunk the Titanic on its first voyage. It was the pride of Edward Smith and his employer, the White Star Line.

Many of us are in the business of making a name for ourselves. Who can blame us? Who wants to be discarded on the ash heap of history? Life’s winners are those who at least get a footnote in history books.

But our attempt to make a name for ourselves revisits the plains of Shinar. The game plan at Babel was to build a staircase to heaven. But the effort was doomed. The pride that separates us from God separates us from each other. The babbling at Babel is a fitting punishment for people who refuse to hear God’s unifying speech. People scatter out in all directions—a clear sign of sin’s power to fragment and divide.

God’s answer to Babel is Pentecost. By the power of God’s Holy Spirit, peoples of many nations drew together under the banner of God’s name (see Acts 2:21).

Lord, our arrogant name-building isolates us from you and our neighbors. Place your own name upon us, we pray, and give us unity in bearing the name of Christ. Amen.

创世记   11:1-9
Feburary - 5


「来吧,我们要建造一座城……,为要传扬我们的名……。」 创11:4

Edward J. Smith是历史上其中一次最著名的海上旅程的船长;在过去几年,他的名声虽然受挫,但他这个新的航海任命必能保证能挽回他的名声。Smith决心要以最高的速度首次横过大西洋,好叫那些批评得一点都不留情的人也侧目。基于这个动机,他不理会当时的天气,而第一次下水的铁达尼号沉没的真正祸首,并非冰山,乃是Smith和他的雇主白星游轮公司的虚荣心。






Genesis 11:31-12:9  
Feburary - 6


"Go to the land I will show you." Genesis 12:1

It’s difficult to see why God sometimes doesn’t make things happen right where we’re planted. We might have our life worked out: a career on the fast-track, a new home, good schools for the kids. And then God changes the game plan.

Abram may well have wondered about God’s instructions to him. His father, Terah, had intended to move to Canaan but never made it that far. When he got to Haran, he settled there instead. Abram lived long enough in Haran to make himself at home. His business ventures had prospered, and he had become "very wealthy" (Genesis 13:2). Living the life of a desert sheik and already 75 years old, Abram wasn’t the most likely person to go looking for new adventures.

Abram and his wife, Sarai, were also childless. In spite of their prosperity, their future looked bleak with no descendants. Then God showed up and told Abram to go to the land God would show him.

Abram wasn’t being called to retire in a villa on the Mediterranean. He was called to a faith journey that was part of God’s plan to gather his people. Abram obeyed, and he was blessed in ways he never imagined.

God’s faith journey for you may lead in directions you think are impossible or unreasonable. But in your obedience God will also bless you and others around you.

Lord, just when we have life all figured out, you shake us up with something new. Overcome our hesitation. Help us trust in your wisdom on the journey you give us. Amen.

创世记   11:31-12:9
Feburary - 6


「往我所要指示你的地方。」 创12:1








Genesis 28:10-22  
Feburary - 7


"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go . . . ." Genesis 28:15

Jacob had messed up and was running for his life. It’s not surprising that he’d be exiled from his home. Jacob’s name means "deceiver," and he had lived up to it—swindling his brother and hoodwinking his father. Now he was on the run to Haran, where he would later learn to deal with the deceptions of his Uncle Laban.

Jacob spent the night in no-man’s land. Even God seemed to have forsaken this place. But here Jacob saw a vision of heaven’s gate. God showed him a ladder, or stairway, that reached from earth to heaven. Jacob also saw the Lord, who promised to give him this land and to bless all the world’s peoples through him. Out in the middle of nowhere Jacob was promised full life and a future with God. So he called the place Bethel—"house of God"—and, as we might expect, Jacob made a vow that sounded more like a deal than a promise. But that didn’t nullify God’s gracious promise to Jacob.

It’s disturbing the way God can catch us on the run—and keep on loving us. Some of us are on the lam from our past, even today. We’re in a tight place, trying to slip out from under some major mistakes. But at this moment God is showing us the way out. Did you know that Jesus describes himself as Jacob’s ladder, the gateway to heaven? (See John 1:51; 10:9; 14:6.) He is the bridge by which we can enter into the presence of God.

Lord, we thank you that no matter how badly we mess up, you keep coming to find us. Help us to trust ourselves to Jesus, knowing he can make all things right again. Amen.

创世记   28:10-22
Feburary - 7


「我也与你同在,你无论往那里去,我必保佑你……。」 创28:15


雅各在四野无人之地过了一夜,连神也似乎丢弃了这地方,然而雅各却在这里看到天门的异象。神让他看见一道梯子,从地面上达于天,他又看见耶和华,而耶和华更应许把这地赐给他,地上万族也要因他得福。在这个荒芜的地方,雅各蒙神的应许,会得到丰盛生命,并从此有神与他同在,所以他称这地为伯特利 —— 「神的殿」。而如我们所料,雅各许的愿,听来较像与神交易,多过对神的承诺,然而他的缺点并没有使神对雅各的恩典和应许落空。




Exodus 3:1-15  
Feburary - 8


Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh . . . ?" Exodus 3:11

Have you ever tried to fix something only to make it worse? Some of my forays into the world of plumbing have achieved that kind of result.

Moses understood that feeling. That’s why he was out in the wilderness tending sheep. His high-handed attempt at executing justice some 40 years earlier had forced him to beat a hasty retreat out to the desert (see Exodus 2:11-25; Acts 7:20-30). There Moses had plenty of time to think about the mistakes he’d made.

But in the wilderness Moses met the God who intended to turn him from a keeper of sheep to a shepherd of God’s people Israel. Moses didn’t like the plan, however. He had learned about his limitations. He wasn’t fit for the job—or so he thought.

Many of us have also discovered our limitations. We’ve lost our idealism in the school of hard knocks. We’ve grown pragmatic, even jaded, about life. No gran¬diose plans for us! Leave the tough jobs for the person sitting next to us in the pew. Why risk failure?

Why? Because Someone is beside us to catch us when we stumble. Remember that God said to Moses, "I will be with you." In the Hebrew text that promise is related to God’s name: I AM. That’s the same name Jesus claims for himself (see John 8:58; 10:30). And just as he has promised, he is with us always (Matthew 28:20).

Lord, you’ve found us hiding away from you, wallowing in self-pity. Shake us out of our stupor. Enfold us into your plans and empower us to go where you send us. Amen.

出埃及记   3:1-15
Feburary - 8


「摩西对神说:『我是甚么人,竟能去见法老……?』。」 出3:11





为甚么?因为我们失败时会有人在身旁扶持我们。记着,神曾对摩西说:「我必与你同在。」在希伯来文中,这个应许关乎神的名字:自有永有的,而耶稣也以同一名字自称 (参看约翰福音8:58;10:30)。就如祂所应许的,祂必常与我们同在 (马太福音28:20)。




"Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today." Exodus 14:13

In the eyes of Pharaoh, the Israelites were like sheep fit for slaughter. His former slaves wandered about "in confusion, hemmed in by the desert."

As Christians, we sometimes feel in a daze too. Financial pressures push from one side, health problems push from another, and relationship problems charge in from before and behind. Which way do we turn? A sense of panic grips us. In despair some reach for an overdose of sleeping pills to end the misery.

There’s another alternative, though, as we can see in this amazing promise: "The Lord will fight for you." Have we overlooked the Lord, who stands at our side? Have we forgotten God is ready to do battle for us?

And what is our task? "You need only to be still." This is no small matter! What a challenge it is to keep our focus and trust that God will rescue us!

Some of us may be in despair today. Sinful patterns of life may be pinning us down. Temptation easily crumbles our resolve. Problems stagger us. But God has gone on the offensive for our sake—ultimately on a hill called Calvary. God’s own Son engaged the armies of the devil and triumphed over them by giving his life for us.

Today we share in his victory, for he is still on the move for his people. Stand strong in the knowledge that the battle belongs to the Lord.

Lord, "greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world." By your grace, give us the victory today over the pressures that threaten us in our journey of faith. In Jesus, Amen.

出埃及记   14:1-14
Feburary - 9


「只管站住,看耶和华今天向你们所要施行的救恩。」 出14:13





我们当中有些人此刻可能正陷在灰心失望中;犯罪的劣根性或许控制了我们,我们的决心往往因引诱而瓦解,重重的困难接踵而来。殊不知神已为我们向前进攻 —— 而最后的阵线便是加略山,神的儿子在那里与魔鬼的军队争战,祂为我们牺牲性命,藉此战胜敌人。




Exodus 16:1-8  
Feburary - 10


"I will rain down bread from heaven for you." Exodus 16:4

I have friends who have ridden bikes across North America. How do they prepare for such an adventure? They bike 20 miles a day after work, and they take longer jaunts on weekends. But does that prepare them for the grueling demands of a daily hundred-mile grind? Not fully. Cyclists build stamina in their first days on the road. And stamina comes with time. You can’t give up as you build muscle tone.

The people of Israel learned that lesson while they traveled in the desert. They thought the worst part was getting out of Egypt. They discovered later that it took more stamina to stick with the program while scrambling through wilderness ravines.

Are you surprised? The daily grind of obedience often wears us down too. We begin to think that the "grass was greener" before we began journeying with God and before he made demands on our time, our finances, and our priorities.

In the desert God offered his bone-weary people extraordinary provisions. God fed his people on "bread from heaven." The gift of manna to ancient Israel was a sign of the sustaining gift of Christ Jesus to us. He is "the true bread from heaven" (John 6:32). Sustained by Jesus on the journey, we find that our spiritual muscles grow strong as our complaints shrink away.

Lord, we know that most of our discipleship is "on the job" training. Help us be your faith¬ful apprentices. Prepare our hearts for the lessons you want to teach us today. Amen.

出埃及记   16:1-8
Feburary - 10


「我要将粮食从天降给你们。」 出16:4







Psalm 135  
Feburary - 11


I know that . . . our Lord is greater than all gods. Psalm 135:5

Poet Wendell Berry has observed that when we are young, our lives are all time and little memory. As we grow older, we discover that our lives are almost entirely memory and very little time. That’s why, in visits with older family members or acquaintances, we often talk about the past and the roads they have traveled.

Conversations like that are not mere reminiscing about "good old days." They are crammed with evidence of God’s grace and faithfulness. Our memories of the past give us courage for the road ahead.

Israel practiced a similar faith dynamic. The psalmist in our reading for today offers memories of the Exodus. Why remember things that happened centuries earlier? Because such memories inspire hope for tomorrow.

Alistair MacGrath has compared the Christian to a trapeze artist who has let go of one bar and is soaring through the air to catch the other bar swinging toward him. There’s a moment when the trapeze artist is suspended in midair—caught in an act of faith.

That’s the nature of the Christian life. We journey by faith. Often the insecurity of the moment overwhelms us. That’s why we cultivate a spiritual memory. God’s grace is woven into our own personal stories.

Consider your own life. What stories might you share with family and friends about God’s goodness?

Lord, memories of your guidance inspire our confidence for the future. Help us remember the grace moments of life that assure us of your continued presence. In Jesus, Amen.

诗篇   135
Feburary - 11


「原来我知道…我们的主超乎万神之上。」 诗135:5









John 1:1-14  
Feburary - 12


The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. John 1:14

The greatest journey of all time cannot be measured in miles or kilometers. The magnitude of this journey leaps the gulf between the divine and the human. The eternal Word, the Second Person of the Trinity, "became flesh." God went on a camping expedition. Literally, he "pitched his tent" in Jesus Christ among people sunk deep in hopelessness.

Why did God do this? Author Garret Keizer tells a story about his father, a foreman for an electric company. On a miserably wet night, Garret’s father received a call about a power outage. He and young Garret drove out to the pit that housed the power equipment. His father’s men had already arrived, uncertain of what to do next. Garret’s father stripped off his overcoat, jumped down into the pit with his men, and set to work on the wires. Half an hour later, Garret’s father emerged from the pit wet and dirty—but with the power running. His father had turned on the lights.

For Keizer, that episode became a model of the incarnation. For centuries God had spoken through the prophets about what needed to be done in this dark world. But that wasn’t enough. God himself showed up on the scene and got down into the dirt. He did the work no one else was able to do. God turned the world from darkness to light.

Lord Jesus, shine the light of the gospel into the dark places of our lives. May we walk your paths with the certainty that comes from knowing you are always with us. Amen.

約翰福音   1:1-14
Feburary - 12


「道成肉身,住在我们中间。」 约1:14


神为甚么这样做?作家Garret Keizer描述他父亲任电力公司工头时的故事。在一个滂沱大雨的晚上,他父亲收到某地方电力中断的通知,便带着年轻的Garret Keizer开车到放置发电设施的地洞;他父亲的下属们早已到达,但却不知从何着手。Garret Keizer的父亲便脱掉外衣,与下属一起跳进地洞,开始修驳电线。半个小时后,Garret Keizer的父亲又湿又脏从地洞钻出来。电力供应回复正常了,他的父亲令那个地方重放光明。

对Garret Keizer来说,这件事与道成肉身极为相似。神在历代历世已藉先知说明这个黑暗的世界需要甚么,但这样做仍然不足够,神要亲自来到现场,投身在骯脏的泥泞中。祂所作的,没有人做得到,神把黑暗的世界变为光明。



Matthew 3:13-17  
Feburary - 13


He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. Matthew 3:16

Why could Jesus do what he did during his ministry? What gave him power to heal the sick and raise the dead? What gave his teaching such power that it went beyond anything other rabbis taught?

Well, first of all, we might say that as the Second Per¬son of the Trinity, Jesus could do anything. But we must remember that Jesus set aside the privileges of divine glory to fulfill his mission as our incarnate Savior (see Philippians 2:6-8).

So where did the power for his unique ministry come from? The Spirit of God made a special descent to equip Christ for his calling. As the Spirit hovered over the waters of creation, so the Spirit hovered over Jesus to prepare him for his work.

We shouldn’t minimize the cost of this spiritual anoint¬ing. The Father’s voice from heaven identifies Jesus, saying, "This is my Son, whom I love." These words recall prophecies from Isaiah about the Lord’s Servant who would fulfill God’s promise of salvation. God’s Son, honored at his baptism by both the Father’s voice and the Spirit’s presence, would be "led like a lamb to the slaughter" (Isaiah 53:7).

The Spirit’s anointing did not spare Jesus from a road of suffering. The Spirit’s anointing is for service. We who follow Jesus in this world do well to remember this.

Father, thank you for equipping us with the Spirit’s power. In our call to costly obedience, may we take courage from the Spirit who dwells in us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

马太福音   3:13-17
Feburary - 13


「他就看见神的灵,仿佛鸽子降下,落在他身上。」 太3:16








Luke 4:1-13  
Feburary - 14


Jesus answered, "It is written . . . ." Luke 4:8

A few years ago while visiting New York City, I made a trip up to the observation deck of the Empire State Building. It struck me that if Jesus were being tempted today, the devil could have brought him there.

The devil could have nodded toward Wall Street—a banking district that controls 21 percent of the world’s assets. He might have offered control of a communications center that houses four major TV networks. He could have pointed to the United Nations building, with its international ties that reach throughout the world.

That observation deck offers quite a view. It’s almost enough to make us believe the world’s kingdoms offer the real action.

It’s tough to resist the devil’s lies. Even if we’re offered mere tidbits of worldly power, our moral fiber can easily crumble. A lucrative but shady business deal suddenly doesn’t look so bad. Neither does a chance to cheat big-time on our taxes—or on our spouse. Temptations like these are enough to trip us up. And we can always come up with good reasons to justify what we do!

In turning down the devil’s offers, Jesus shows us how to maintain our ethical stamina. Jesus quotes God’s truth in the face of the devil’s lies. We need the truth of God’s Word to keep us strong when we journey out into the wilderness.

Lord, in the face of temptation we have a tendency to play games. But your Word keeps us honest with you and with ourselves. Mold our lives to your will. Amen.

路加福音   4:1-13
Feburary - 14


「耶稣说:『经上记着说…、』」 路4:8








Matthew 9:9-13  
Feburary - 15


"Follow me," he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. Matthew 9:9

In the ancient Roman world, tax collectors weren’t government officials. They were members of syndicates that financially devoured ordinary citizens. After they had prepaid taxes to Rome, the tax collectors were free to gouge their own people. Their take far outstripped their initial investment. So we can assume that Matthew was reaping a vast fortune as a tax collector. Only when we understand this can we imagine the cost of Jesus’ invitation to follow him.

Some of us may likewise have to face tough decisions about the cost of discipleship. Some of us are making money in ways that dishonor Jesus. We may be engaged in business practices that the world considers smart, but we know down deep that we are doing wrong. Our busi¬ness practices may even influence us to keep our dis¬tance from other believers.

Christ came into the world for people like us. He came to restore us to spiritual and moral health. Don’t be upset with the surgery he may need to perform in your life. And it may help to know that while Jesus calls us to sacrifice, he also offers an amazing investment policy: "Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life" (Matthew 19:29).

Lord, help us not to be put off by free grace that calls us to costly obedience. Heal our moral brokenness. Lead us to confess our sins and live faithfully for you. Amen.

马太福音   9:9-13
Feburary - 15


「就对他说:『你跟从我来!』他就起来跟从了耶稣。」 太9:9






Matthew 27:45-50  
Feburary - 16


"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46

Many of my memories from being in college some 30 years ago have become a blur. But I remember well a chapel talk once delivered by my sociology professor. He reminded us that whenever we pray "Lord, forgive my sins," we are really asking our Savior to "go to hell" for us.

Is grace cheap to God? One cynic on his deathbed has been quoted as saying, "I love to sin. God loves to forgive. Truly the world is admirably arranged." The hellish cry of our Savior on the cross, however, calls such arrogance to account. Only his journey through the agonies of hell makes our forgiveness possible. As Isaiah 53:6 reminds us, "We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all."

But Christ’s journey into the pit strengthens my resolve to follow him. I can no longer be careless about my disobedience when each cutting word and selfish deed cost Jesus so much. My petty anger and constant selfishness had staggering consequences for Christ.

For Jesus, the words "Lord, forgive me" meant a terrible journey. But because Jesus made that journey for me, I will not have to take that road. Regardless of how tough life gets, hell is not on my itinerary. My life is lived in my Lord’s embrace.

Lord, forgive me for overlooking how much it cost you to bring forgiveness. Your grace is not cheap. Inspire me to be thankful for all you have endured for me. Through Jesus, Amen.

马太福音   27:45-50
Feburary - 16


「我的神!我的神!为甚么离弃我?」 太27:46







John 20:1-18  
Feburary - 17


She turned around and saw Jesus standing there . . . . John 20:14

If you had been standing in the Jerusalem cemetery on Easter morning, you would have seen an odd sight. In a place where most people saunter quietly, on this morning folks were dashing about with perplexed looks on their faces. A woman raced down the road back to Jerusalem. Then two young men come sprinting down the same path to a tomb that stood strangely open.

One person standing in the garden that morning saw all these things. Christ Jesus had stepped out of his tomb. His quiet stroll through the garden to tell Mary the news of his resurrection is the most amazing garden walk ever taken.

Christ’s meeting with Mary turned her world upside down. It upends our world too. After all, this wasn’t just Christ’s personality or his spirit that was raised on Easter morning. And it wasn’t just hopes and aspirations. Christ rose bodily from the grave. Christ had defeated the powers of evil, and death lost its grip on him.

This is the good news of Jesus. Mary ran forth from the cemetery again, but this time not with news of a tampered grave. She ran with glad tidings: "I have seen the Lord!" And Jesus’ disciples have been running ever since to tell everyone that Christ Jesus is risen—he is risen indeed!

Lord, with Mary we have a message to tell. Our walk with Christ has assured us that he is risen. Fill us to witness boldly for you in our conversations with others. In your name, Amen.

約翰福音   20:1-18
Feburary - 17


「就转过身来,看见耶稣站在那里……。」 约20:14




这就是耶稣带给我们的好消息。马利亚再次从墓地跑出来,她所讲的不再是被人移动过的坟墓,她一边走,一边兴奋地宣告这个信息:「我已经看见了主!」自此之后,耶稣的门徒一直不断向人传扬基督耶稣已经复活 —— 祂真的复活了!



Acts 1:1-11  
Feburary - 18


Say among the nations, "The LORD reigns. . . ." Psalm 96:10

Whenever we see something unusual, we tend to stare. It’s not always polite, but it seems to be human nature to gawk. Necks crane at the scene of an accident or fire. People stop and stare when they notice a breathtaking panorama. So who could blame the disciples for "looking intently up into the sky" as Jesus ascended?

It took a couple of angels to shake them from their stupor. They reassured the disciples that although he had gone up into heaven, he would "come back in the same way" someday. In the meantime, as Jesus had taught them earlier, he would be ruling over all things at the Father’s right hand. Jesus’ kingdom reign had begun. In that reality Jesus’ followers still live today.

Preacher and author Fleming Rutledge notes that when South Africa was struggling against apartheid, there was something peculiar about the songs the black South Africans sang. The people sang as though their liberation from racism was already won. For example, they’d sing, "We have cleansed this land," as though the dirt of apartheid had already been washed away.

Some people might have called them naïve or even foolish for singing such songs. But perhaps they understood something about the kingdom of God that we sometimes fail to see: the Lord is establishing his kingdom of justice and peace, and its coming is unstoppable.

Lord, help us live each day knowing that "the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever." Amen.

使徒行传   1:1-11
Feburary - 18


「人在列邦中要说:『耶和华作王!』」 诗96:10



传道人兼作家 Fleming Rutledge 指出,当南非仍陷在种族隔离斗争中时,南非的黑人唱的歌十分特别;他们唱歌时,好像种族歧视已不再存在,例如其中一句诗歌说:「我们已洁净了这地。」好像种族隔离的污点已被清洗干净了。




Matthew 28:16-20  
Feburary - 19


"Go and make disciples of all nations . . . ." Matthew 28:19

Among the missionaries my church supports are missionaries to many different cultures. Why have these missionaries left behind family and friends and gone to work and witness where customs are so different and people often live in dire poverty? Because Jesus said, almost 2,000 years ago, "Go and make disciples of all nations . . . ."

Many of us believe the power of mission should be centripetal, drawing things powerfully toward a center, like a whirlpool. We often set up our evangelism efforts that way. The doors of our churches are always open, we say, and God will draw in the people he chooses. But while the church needs to be open and welcoming to all, we often fail to get out of our comfort zones and away from our pews to seek people who are lost.

Jesus’ command calls us to a mission that mainly operates with centrifugal force, spreading out to bring the good news of Jesus and establish new churches all over the world. That’s the power of Christ’s mission. Whether it means walking through our backyard to talk to a friend on the next street or traveling to a land on the other side of God’s world, the power of the gospel pushes us out to meet with people everywhere who need to hear and live by the good news.

That’s the mission Jesus calls us to.

Lord, forgive our spiritual cowardice. Help us move out on your behalf to let the world know you call disciples from every nation under heaven. In your name, Amen.

马太福音   28:16-20
Feburary - 19


「你们要去,使万民作我的门徒……。」 太28:19







John 5:16-30  
Feburary - 20


"He has crossed over from death to life." John 5:24

About 50 years before the birth of Christ, a Roman general stood with his army near a mountain stream in northern Italy. The Rubicon wasn’t one of the land’s great rivers. But at that moment no river was more important. The Rubicon divided Gaul from Italy, and the general, Julius Caesar, had orders to keep his armies stationed in Gaul. To defy Rome, cross the Rubicon, and march south would change his life forever.

Ever since Julius Caesar crossed over that stream, "crossing the Rubicon" has meant making a life-changing decision. Every person who hears the gospel of Christ faces such a decision. The good news declares that the Savior, Christ, is King and calls us to follow him. What will our response be?

Jesus says a commitment to him literally brings heaven to earth: "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life." Jesus tells us that when we place our trust in him, eternal life isn’t mere¬ly in the future; our new life in him begins here and now!

Some of us are standing beside our own Rubicon and are still toying with making a commitment to Christ. But why would we want to linger on death’s shore when we can cross over into new life in Christ today?

Father, we believe Christ has come to make all the difference in our lives. Kindle in us the desire to cross by faith into your eternal kingdom. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

約翰福音   5:16-30
Feburary - 20


「是已经出死入生了。」 约5:24







Luke 15:11-32  
Feburary - 21


"I will set out and go back to my father . . . ." Luke 15:18

G. K. Chesterton tells the story of an English sailor who miscalculated his course and thought he’d discovered a new land in the South Seas. Ready to plant the British flag and claim the land as New South Wales, he’d actually landed back in his homeland. In search of the new, he had discovered the old. And for the first time he saw what he had left behind.

Jesus tells a parable about a young man who made a similar discovery. He headed off to a "distant country" where he thought life would be great. Wine, women, and song looked more attractive than plowing his father’s fields. But one day the prodigal son came to his senses. He returned home to discover the amazing welcome of his forgiving Father. Prodigal means "lavish," and what we discover is that the love of our heavenly Father is more prodigal—more lavish—than our sin. God’s children come home to discover that life in the Father’s house is what they’ve craved all along.

Some of us are in a "distant country" today. We’ve wandered far from our spiritual home. We’ve sailed far from the land of grace, and it’s time to turn our ship around and head home. When we do, we’ll discover that our heavenly Father has been waiting and watching for our return. He has the lights on and is calling us to come home.

Father, we know you are watching and waiting for us. Forgive us for wandering so far away. Thank you for calling and receiving us back again into your family. In Jesus, Amen.

路加福音   15:11-32
Feburary - 21


「我要起来,到我父亲那里去…。」 路15:18

G. K. Chesterton 讲述一个英国水手的故事,该水手把他的航程算错了,所以他误以为自己在南面的海洋发现了新的土地;他准备把英国旗插在那里,以示这块土地属于英国,并且称这地为新南威尔斯,殊不知他只是回到了他的家园。他本想寻觅新的领土,但结果竟找回旧地,这时候他才第一次知道他的国家原来还有一块美好的土地。

在耶稣所讲的比喻中,有一个年青人也有近似的经历。他离家往「远方」去,准备在那里尽情享乐。比起耕种父亲的田地,酒色笙歌当然吸引得多。然而有一天,这位浪子(prodigal son)终于醒悟过来,他起来回家,发现父亲竟饶恕他,且隆重其事欢迎他回来。prodigal这个词是「不吝惜」的意思,我们知道天父毫不吝惜的爱,远超过我们所犯的罪。当神的儿女归家时,他们发现天父家里的生活,才是他们一直所向往的。




Acts 26:9-18  
Feburary - 22


"It is hard for you to kick against the goads." Acts 26:14

Saul was making a strange trip. He was heading away from Jerusalem, away from the temple, away from everything he loved. Why? He was on a search-and-destroy mission against the church of Christ.

Then Saul met the one he thought was still back in Jerusalem. God showed up on the road—or, to be more specific, Christ showed up! He reminded Saul that you can no more fight the ascended Savior than an ox can fight the will of the farmer who guides the plow. "It is hard for you to kick against the goads," Jesus said to him. If you do, you succeed only in hurting yourself.

We all face decisions about the direction our life should take. As a young man, I wrestled for years with whether to enter the ministry. My preference was to teach mathematics or explore the realm of physics. But God had other plans. Only when I stopped kicking against the goads and pursued the gospel ministry did I have peace.

Where is God leading you? Maybe you know, but you are fighting his plans. Maybe God’s intentions seem too hard, too difficult. But Jesus made a promise to Saul. And he makes that same promise to us. He reminds us that his burden is light (Matthew 11:29). Does that sound possible? You’ll learn the truth of those words as you hear his voice and obey.

Lord, how stubborn we are! Help us submit to your hand at the reins of our lives. Bless us with the knowledge that your Spirit bears the burden of discipleship with us. Amen.

使徒行传   26:9-18
Feburary - 22


「你用脚踢刺是难的。」 徒26:14







Acts 25:1-12  
Feburary - 23


"I appeal to Caesar!" . . . "To Caesar you will go!" Acts 25:11-12

Vermont television produced a popular video a few years ago. It was about an ordinary farmer named Fred Tuttle who went to Washington, D.C., to spread a little wisdom around the capital just as he’d been spreading a little manure over his fields for 50 years. The fictional story was so popular that in the next election, the actor who played Fred received write-in votes for senator!

There’s something attractive about ordinary people bringing wisdom to the great places of the world. But can that happen? It depends on the nature of the wisdom! Paul’s demand for an audience with Caesar was not motivated by a desire for personal justice. Later, those who held him captive said that if he had not appealed to Caesar, he could have been set free (Acts 26:32). But Paul appealed to Caesar because the gospel had business in Rome. Paul would speak the claims of Christ before the greatest power structures of his day!

Few of us may have the opportunity to speak the gospel in the world’s great halls of power. But it’s good for us to remember that the gospel speaks to the culture of every country and the government of every nation. Christians do not need be embarrassed to speak of Christ and his claim on society. After all, everyone in government receives authority ultimately from Christ himself.

Lord, forgive us when we think our faith is private and we forget that your rule extends everywhere. May the truth of the gospel give shape to a culture that honors you. Amen.

使徒行传   25:1-12
Feburary - 23


「『我要上告于该撒。』…『可以往该撒那里去。』」 徒25:11-12

数年前美国佛蒙特州电视制作了一个很受欢迎的节目,故事中有一个平凡的农夫,名叫 Fred Tuttle,他前往华盛顿首府,在那里传播智慧之言论,就像他在过去五十年把肥料散播在他的耕地上一样。这个虚构的故事非常受欢迎,以致在下一次选举中,扮演Fred Tuttle的演员竟然被人临时提名竞选议员!





Psalm 23  
Feburary - 24


Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil . . . . Psalm 23:4

Recently I visited an aged member of my congregation who was receiving hospice care. She was nearing the end of her life’s journey. Gathering with the family, we read Psalm 23, and while we read that psalm, the good Shepherd ushered that dying Christian into the presence of the Father. It was an awesome moment.

Psalm 23 is such a familiar psalm that we sometimes forget its richness. It’s a psalm that defines the shape of the Christian life.

The good Shepherd leads us throughout life. He strengthens and nourishes us in places where we can grow strong on his grace. He disciplines us when we need correction. And when shadows grow darker and lead into the territory of death, he leads the way beyond and into the presence of the Father.

Some of us are in the valley of shadow right now. Maybe we struggle with a serious illness that threatens to take our life. Maybe we feel the advance of years and find that just making it through the day is a chore. May¬be we experience an emptiness caused by the death of someone who was a big part of our lives.

Whatever it is that may be troubling you today, trust that the Shepherd who leads in sunshine also leads in shadow. His presence will sustain you. His care will never fail.

Lord, some of us are walking in sunshine today; others of us are in shadow. Care for us, provide for us, and teach us lessons to enrich our journey with you, we pray. Amen.

诗篇   23
Feburary - 24


「我虽然行过死荫的幽谷,也不怕遭害…。」 诗23:4








Revelation 3:1-6  
Feburary - 25


"I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you." Revelation 3:3

When I was a little boy and we were planning a family vacation, I would sometimes lie awake at night and wonder whether we’d get to go on our trip before Jesus returned. I wanted Jesus to come again, but I also wanted to see the Grand Canyon. So I thought it would be nice if he’d just hold off awhile so we could enjoy our vacation too.

Years later I discovered that we adults have similar notions.

We aren’t opposed to Jesus’ return. When we worship, we speak in hopeful terms that Jesus will come soon. Most of us tend to be quite certain that Jesus will return within our lifetime, or at least in this century.

But for the immediate future, many of us like things the way they are. We have some pretty good business deals in the works. We’d like to enjoy a few years of retirement. We’d certainly like to tidy up some loose ends to our discipleship before Jesus comes. No wonder it’s easy to put off preparations for the bridegroom’s coming until it’s too late (Matthew 25:1-13).

Jesus reminds us that the timing of his return doesn’t yield to our desires. Our responsibility is to prepare now for his return.

What would change for us if we heard Christ preparing to open the gates of heaven today?

Lord, we so easily lose track of time. With all the entries in our datebooks, we forget that your coming is near. Find us faithful stewards at your return, we pray. In your name, Amen.

啟示錄   3:1-6
Feburary - 25










