
[转载] 美国小学生家长遇到的麻烦


MY eight year old duaghter came home in tears today from school saying she got into trouble and to WATCH HER BACK!!!!!!!!!!! from another child  in her class, their is a personality clash but this girl is starting to effect my daughters learning, I have discussed this with the school and feel I am getting nowhere. This behaviour she is bringing home and starting to bully her brother. I need help.Does anyone have ideas. The other thing is I am a teacher and have to take the teacher hat off on this one and put my child first. I don't work at her school so I can't ensure she is not being bullied at lunchtime.

( 转载来源:美国家庭教育网).


Leave it to teachers or principal to deal with. Kids do need to be disciplined by educators. If they cannot do anything, then you have to change school. But bullies are everywhere in the school..


回复 2#不二周助 的帖子

Maybe,to change school is not so easy as you think..


回复 3#智慧之道 的帖子

It IS easy in most western countries. People get used to it.

[ 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2008-6-24 18:08 编辑 ].

