
[外语] 我们当时是这样复习3星口语的










三星设有8个项目:A看图说词   B朗读儿歌/短文   C情景对话   D听说相反    E听听做做   F快听快答   G看图说话   H看看说说。通过6个项目三星合格。






F快听快答:考生根据录音中的提问回答问题。约1.5分钟,录音中一共8个问题,答对6个即通过。特殊疑问句动作的要完整回答,其他特殊疑问句简答/一般疑问句半完整回答(如yes,it is/no,I can’t)


H看看说说:实物或实景进行描述,至少说5句话(其中一句复合句)。约1分钟表达较流畅,无重大语法错误,语音语调基本正确即通过。This is…/it’s…(大小)/ it’s…(颜色形状)/复合句(when\because用途)/I like it…\we can buy it…





    1. One morning, Grandpa took Tom to the kindergarten. Tom cried:" I want to go back home!"
    2. Teacher came out and smiled:"Let's go into the classroom."
    3. Tom saw many children singing and dancing in the classroom. He became happy.
    4. After a while, they went to the playground. They had a very good time there.
    5. At 4:15, Grandpa came to take Tom home.  Tom said happily:"See you tomorrow, Teacher!"

Set 2:
    1. One day, Jack and his parents went to climb the mountain.
    2. After a while, Jack said:" I am tired! Hold me, please. "
    3. His father had to hold him and went on climbing.
    4. Suddenly, Jack saw a little boy climbing by himself!
    5. Jack was ashamed and said:" I want to climb by myself too!"

Set 3:
    1. One day, Mum was cooking in the kitchen.
    2. Tom came in and began to play the kettle, the wok and the pan happily.  Mum could do nothing about it .
    3. Just then, the bell rang. Dad came in.
    4. Dad said:"I have a toy kettle, a toy wok and a toy pan for you, Tom!"
    5. Tom began to play with his toys happily.

Set 4:
    1. One day, Mr Li caught a bad cold.
    2. His students were worried about him.
    3. After class, the students discussed and decided to buy some medicine for him.
    4. After school, they went to the drugstore.
    5. Next morning, when Mr Li saw the medicine on the desk, he said excitedly:" Thank you very much."

Set 5:
    1. It was a rainy day.
    2. Lanlan went to school.
    3. Suddenly, the wind began to blow hard. Lanlan fell down on the ground.
    4. Just then,  Tom saw Lanlan and came up to help her.
    5. Lanlan said excitedly:"Thank you very much!"
Set 6:
    1. One day, a policeman was on the street.
    2. Suddenly, he saw an old man who was lost.
    3. The old man gave him a piece of paper. There is a telephone number on it.
    4. The police dialed the number.
    5. After a while, the old man's daughter came and said excitedly:" Thank you very much."

1. It was a sunny day.
2. Many people were in the park.
3. A young lady wanted to take a picture of picking flowers.
4. A little boy came over to stop her:"You can't pick the flowers in the park!"
5. The young lady was ashamed.

1. One day, Mr Li was walking his dog on the street.
2. He saw a dog holding a newspaper in the mouth.
3. He thought it was very interesting. So he bought a newspaper and asked his dog to hold it in the mouth too.
4. Then, they went home happily.
5. When Mr Li opened the newspaper at home, he found there was a big hole in the newspaper.

1. One day, Tom wanted to borrow some books from his grandpa.
2. He borrowed three thick books.
3. Grandpa was very happy to see Tom was interested in reading.
4. After a while, Grandpa went into the garden.
5. He was very surprised. Because Tom was standing on the books and picking the fruits!

1. One day, Mr Li was ironing his shirt.
2. His dog came and began to jump happily.
3. Mr Li was very interested in his dog's jumping and forgot what he was doing.
4. Suddenly, he smelt something burning.
5. He cried:"Oh, my new shirt!"

1. Mr Li was in hospitall. He liked to listen to the music on bed.
2. But his earphone didn't work.He became very sad.
3. The nurse went to the doctor for help.
4. The doctor played the violin for Mr Li.
5. Mr Li became happy at once.

1. People were watching a play.
2. Suddenly, a man came out and shot the actor.
3. The actor fell down. The actress was very afraid and shouted.
4. A nurse climbed onto the stage and listened to the actor's heart.
5. Then, she said happily:" It is OK. He is not dead!"
1,That's a small hospital.
2,The actress is wearing a new dress.
3,How dirty the kitchen is!
4,The farmer is coming here slowly.
5,What time does the metro finish every day?

1,When is the Mid-autumn Festival?
2,How many months are there in a season?
3,Which month comes after August?
4,What's your favorite newspaper?
5,When do you go to school every morning?
6,Is Australia hot in July and August?
7,Which is the second highest building in the world?

Are you ready?Now let's begin.
Open the box and count the cards,please.
Take out 2 cards from the box.
Place one card in the top right hand corner of the
And place the other in the bottom left hand corner.
Good.Now put these 2 cards back into the box.
Thank you.That's the end of the activity.

1,What can you see in the river?
2,Is there a fish in the picture?
3,What are the ducks doing?
4,What color are the grasses?
5,Are the duck's mouths big or small?


6,Look,that girl's hair is so short.
7,Don't open the window,please.
8,The grandma sells vegetable very early every moming.
9,Don't push.The little girl is getting on the bus.
10,He likes to get up early.

1,What do you usually do on Teacher's day?
2,Where does your best friend live?
3,Which Chinese singer do you like best?
4,How many hours are there in a day?
5,Can beetles fly?
6,What's the longest river in China?
7,Would you like to go swimming with us on Sunday?

Are you ready?Now let's begin.
Pick up a red chalk from the box.
Draw 2 different shapes on the board.
Pick up a green chalk from the box and color the
Then draw a line to connect the shapes with the green
Write your name at the right hand side of the picture.
Good.Now wipe away everything on the board.
Thank you.That's the end of the activity.

1,How many people are there in the picture?
2,Is the boy in green crying?
3,What color is slide?
4,What can you see on the ground?
5,Is there any toy horse in the picture?


1,The weather is very cold outside.
2,Chinese is our first class on Monday.
3,The ferry moves in the Huangpu river slowly.
4,This English dictionary is so heavy.
5,Do you have any question to ask?

1,When is Christmas Eye?
2,Who sings best in your school?
3,How many weeks are there in a year?
4,Is the Century Park near your home?
5,How does your father go to work?
6,Does your monther buy fish and meat?
7,Can you cook?

Are you ready?Now let's begin.
You can see some toys in the box.
Take a bear our of the box and put it on the desk.
Then take a dog and a cat out of the box.
Place the dog to the right of the bear.
Then place the cat to the left of dog.
Now put the magazine at the bottom of the dog.
Please put all the toys on the desk into the drawer.
Thank you.That's the end of the activity.

1,What is the boy doing?
2,Where is the toy panada?
3,Can you see a toy dog near the box?
4,Is the boy wearing sun glasses?
5,How many blocks are there in the boy's hand?


1,The young man works very hard.
2,That's a really poor country.
3,How can I turn on the camera?
4,He is unhealthy because he is too fat.
5,The quilt he's using is very thin.

1,Is it cold outside today?
2,What will you do for your winter vacation?
3,How smart the boy is?
4,Name two famous mountains in China.
5,Can flower live with the sun?
6,Where is the Great Wall?
7,What do you usually eat for your breakfast?

Are you ready?Now let's begin.
Take out a red pen from the box.
Draw a big triangle on the top of the paper.
Then draw a circle on the bottom of the paper.
Connect the triangle and the oblong with a line.
Now write your name in the triangle and your age in
the oblong.
Give the paper to the teacher and put the pen back
into the box.
Thank you.That's the end of the activity.

1,How many people are there in the picture?
2,What is the man in the truck doing?
3,How is the weather?
4,Who are the man and the boy on the road?
5,Is the boy carrying a schoolbag?


1,The baby is crying at the top of her voice.
2,The meeting will end at 11o'clock.
3,The highrise stands on the right side of the street.
4,This news is so bad for me.
5,You can find the books there.

1,What do you usually do on Teacher's day?
2,Where does your best friend live?
3,Which Chinese singer do you lide best?
4,How many hours are there in a day?
5,Can beefles fly?
6,What's the longest river in China?
7,Would you lide to go swimming with us on Sunday?

Are you ready?Now let's begin.
There are some toys on the table.
Count the toys please.
Take the fifth out and put it in the bottom right hand
corner of the table.
Pick up the last one and place it in the top left hand
Put the rest toys into the drawer.
Thand you .That's the end of the activity.

1,How many animals can you see in the picture?
2,What can you say about the cat's eyes?
3,What color is the bird?
4,Where is the cat?
5,Is there any tiger in the picture?

A.  情景对话
1.       You and your friend are talking about your favorite seasons. You prefer summer to winter.
2.       You and your friend are talking about your favorite seasons. You like autumn best.
Colors affect our moods. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active. It is a factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or dark grey.
C  .看图说词
D .听说相反  1.Everybody has his luck day.
  2. The bread is getting hard.
  3. Tom always forgets to bring his key.
  4 .It is the most expensive dress I have ever bought.
  5. Mom , the vinegar bottle is full.
E 听听做做
  道具:纸   绿色和蓝色笔各一支
Take a piece of paper out of the box on the top right-hand corner of the table.pick up a green pen from the box on the top left-hand corner of the table,now draw a big oval on the paper,then draw two squares in the oval,connect the two squares with a line,now draw a triangle under the line,put a question mark in the triangle.
F.  快听快答
  1.What do you do when you have a sore throat?
   2.  Where do people wait for buses?
   3.  HOWoften do you go to KFC?
   4.  In which season do leaves begin to become yellow?
   5.  Shall we go out for a walk?
   6.  Who always cooks meal in your family?
   7.  Name three big animals.
   8.  Do you save pocket money?
G.   看看说说

三   星  
三星设有8个项目,分别为:情景对话,朗读儿歌/故事, 看图说词, 听说相反, 听听做做, 快听快答, 看图说话, 看看说说.通过6个项目的考生可以获得三星合格证书。
类型        内容        时间        合格标准
情景对话        1.考生根据所设定的场景及活动要求与主考老师进行对话。2.两位考生为一组,考生根据所给图片上的情景进行对话。        约1.5分钟        内容切题,焦急流畅即通过
朗读儿歌/故事        考生先抽签,然后根据教材朗读        约0.5分钟        朗读流畅,语音语调基本正确即通过
看图说词        考生看图片说单词,共10幅。若图片右下角有提示,例如看到v. 那么考生就说出一个动词。        约1分钟        考生说对8个单词或词组即通过
听说相反        考生听录音说句子,考生在听到每句话后立即说出与其意思相反的句子,只能用反义词,而不能用“not”来表示与原句相反的意思。        约1分钟        5句中对3句即通过,用“not”不得分
听听做做        考场里设有场景,考生听录音并按指令逐个完成一系列动作。        约1分钟        活动中有7个指令,完成5个指令规定的动作即通过
快听快答        考生根据录音中的提问回答问题。        约1.5分钟        录音中一共8个问题,答对6个即通过
看图说话        考生根据一幅图或几幅连贯的图表达一段话。要求考生至少讲4-5句话。        约1分钟        内容切题,表达流畅,无重大语法错误,语音语调基本准确即通过
看看说说        1.考生抽签拿展示台上一个实物,进行描绘,并说出其用途。2.考生根据实景进行描述,考生至少说4句话。        约1分钟        表达较流畅,无重大语法错误,语音语调基本正确即通过
1.        情景对话:把握自己扮演的角色,要投入到扮演的角色中去。考试时一般是让两个小朋友组成一组,给一张小纸条,临时进行1分钟的准备。要说到4句以上有意义的话才能通过。
2.        朗读儿歌/故事:朗读要流畅,遇到不会的生词不要害怕,也不要停顿,按语音规则读就行了。
3.        看图说词:注意画面中有文字要求单词的词性,不要混淆。
4.        听说相反:切记一定不可以加“not”来表达相反的意思。熟记教材中的形容词和副词的分类,不要混淆。
5.        听听做做:认真听录音,一步一步完成指令,但不要有多余的动作,而且动作要尽量做的迅速。
6.        快听快答:要善于灵活回答问题,而且不要拖时间,不会的问题就让它过去,也不要请老师重复。用简单句回答,但不要简简单单用“yes/no”来回答,一定要具体完整。比如:Are you interested in outdoor sports? 回答应该是:Yes, I am (very interested in outdoor sports).
7.        看图说话:认真看图片,讲一个完整的故事(一般围绕时间,地点,人物,起因,结果),做到语句基本通顺,对语法要求不会特别高,但要保持故事前后时态的一致性。
8.        看看说说:一般都涉及到日常生活息息相关的物品,比如电话,电脑,字典等,最主要要说到这个东西的用途。
9.        考试虽然没有太大压力,但要注意一些技巧:给考官留下良好的第一印象。要有礼貌,一个鞠躬,一句“how do you do”就可以给自己加上一些印象分。可以把考官当作朋友,以消除紧张感。回答问题时间不要拖得太长。不会的问题不要再去想,专心做下一题就行了。因为很多题目有失败几率,即使不能全答对也能通过。和考官交流时声音大一点,语音语调要婉转。
1.           When did you start your school?                     When I was 7 years old.
2.           When do you usually go to your school in the morning?  At  7 o’clock.
3.           What kind of sport do you like best ?                 I  like running best.
4.           What are you going to do tomorrow morning?          I’m going to school tomorrow morning.
5.           What would you say if you didn’t finish your homework    I’m sorry.
6.           How long have you been studying English?            Three years.
7.           How often do you go to the theater?                  Once a month.
8.           Where did you go yesterday?                        I went to my grangma’shouse.
9.           What are you going to do tomorrow morning?         
10.        What were you doing this time yesterday?             I were studying English.
11.        What is the day before yesterday?
12.        What is the day after tomorrow?
13.        What would you do if you have a lot of time?          I would play computer.
14.        What is your favourite subject?                     English.
15.        What kind of food do you like best?
16.        Which book have you read recently?
17.        What do you want to do in this summer holiday?
18.        Which do you prefer, studying or watching TV?
19.        What kind of housework do you like to do?
20.        What would you do if it’s raining outside?
21.        How much pocket money do you have once a month?
22.        How do you usually spend spring festival?
23.        How much do you get if you times 2 to 3?
24.        How often do you go swimming in summer?
25.        You sing a song better than your classmate, don’t you?
26.        Which country is bigger, Canada or China?
27.        Which city is going to hold the Olympic Games in 2008?
28.        Which city did hold the Olympic Games in 2004?
29.        Which do you prefer, have a class or go to a travel?
30.        Who is your best friend?
31.        Where were you born?
32.        Do you want to travel around the world?
33.        Do you like to learn English?
34.        Would you go to the theater with me tonight?
35.        Would you mind if I close the door?
36.        Name three movies you liked?
37.        When is the summer holiday?
38.        When is your birthday?
39.        When do you usually go to bed?
40.        When do you usually do your homework?
41.        When did you go to your parents’ home last time?
42.        Would you mind if I turn down the radio?
43.        Do you like to eat vegetable?
44.        Count the books in front of you.
45.        Count the numbers from 1 to 10.
46.        Why do you learn English?
47.        Why were you late last time?
48.        Why do you like your English teacher?
49.        Why do you like spending holiday?
50.        Why do you wear uniform in school?
51.        Why do you help your mother do the housework?
52.        Why do you like watching TV news?
53.        Why didn’t you come last time?
54.        When did you go to the park last time?
55.        When is the mother’s day?
56.        Trains run faster than cars, don’t they?
57.        Yellow river isn’t the longest river in china, is it?
58.        Do you like raining?
1. Peter runs the fastest in the class. -- Peter runs the slowest in the class.
  (此题尤其要注意形容词的比较级和最高级的变化。比如书中第21个例句:This math problem is easier than I thought.就是以比较级形式为题目的。学生在平时复习时,不仅要熟练形容词/副词/动词的反义词,还要熟悉形容词和副词的比较级及最高级的用法。考题不仅限于书中例句,所以一定要多多练习。)
★        tall—taller—tallest                        short—shorter—shortest
good-better-best                           bad-worse-worst
many/much—more—most                   little—less—least
young—younger—youngest                 old—older/elder—older/eldest
big—bigger—biggest                       small—smaller—smallest
strong—stronger—strongest                  weak—weaker--weakest
hot—hotter—hottest                        cold—colder--coldest
heavy—heavier—heaviest                   light—lighter--lightest
early—earlier—earliest                      late—later—latest
clever—more clever—most clever             foolish—more foolish—most foolish
easy—easier—easiest                       difficult—more difficult—most difficult
cheap—cheaper—cheapest                   expensive—more expensive—most expensive
        interesting—more interesting—most interesting   boring—more boring—most boring
2.        He remembered to telephone Mary last night. – He forgot to telephone Mary last light.
(此句特别要注意动词的时态,为过去式。lose—lost, find—found, rise—rose, fall—fell, drop—dropped,
borrow—borrowed, lend—lent, pass—passed, fail—failed, leave—left, arrive--arrived)
1.        The classroom is clean. 这个教室很干净。
The classroom is dirty.这个教室很脏。
2.        He is kind to his classmates.他对他的同学很友善。
He is unkind to his classmates.他对他的同学很不友善。
3.        Her grandmother is healthy.她的祖母身体很健康。
Her grandmother is unhealthy.她的祖母身体不欠佳。
4.        I feel well this morning.今早我觉得(身体)挺好。
I feel ill/sick this morning.今早我觉得(身体)不舒服。
5.        Are you interested in outdoor sports?你喜欢户外运动吗?
Are you interested in indoor sports?你喜欢室内运动吗?
6.        That man is very rich. 那个男人很有钱。
That man is very poor.那个男人很穷。
7.        These clothes are dry. 这些衣服是干的。
These clothes are wet.这些衣服是湿的。
8.        This is a public place. 这里是公共场所。
This is a private place.这里是私人场所。
9.        They made a true report. 他们发表了正确的报告。
They made a false report.他们发表了错误的报告。
10.        The two brothers are like. 这两兄弟长得很像。
The two brothers are unlike.这两兄弟长得不像。
11.        Today is the first day in this month. 今天是本月的第一天。
Today is the last day in this month.今天是本月的最后一天。
12.        Please put the box on the right-hand side of the bag.请把盒子放在书包的右边。
Please put the box on the left-hand side of the bag.请把盒子放在书包的左边.
13.        I have much money with me. 我身边有许多钱。
I have little money with me.我身边的钱不多。
14.        This answer is important to us. 这个答案对我们很重要。
This answer is unimportant to us.这个答案对我们不重要。
15.        It is necessary for you to buy a new book. 你有必要去买一本新的书。
It’s unnecessary for you to by a new book.你没有必要去买一本新的书。
16.        Tom is stronger than Mike. 汤姆比迈克强壮。
Tom is weaker than Mike. 汤姆比迈克虚弱。
17.        This is the best movie I have ever seen. 这是我看过最棒的一部电影。
This is the worst movie I have ever seen.这是我看过最差的一部电影。
18.        Mark likes quiet music. 马克喜欢轻柔的音乐。
Mark likes noisy music.马克喜欢吵闹的音乐。
19.        My house is in a convenient place, near the station. 我的家靠近车站,是一个方便的地方。
My house is in an inconvenient place, far from the station.我的家离车站远,是一个不方便的地方。
20.        This orange is juicy. 这只橙子多汁。
This orange is dry.这只橙子干巴巴的。
21.        John is a lazy boy. 约翰是一个懒惰的男孩。
John is a hardworking boy.约翰是一个勤快的男孩。
22.        Is the box full? 这只盒子是满的吗?
Is the box empty?这只盒子是空的吗?
1.        此物是什么。  This is      / These are a kind of      
2.        介绍其颜色,大小,形状等。  I can see it’s            .
3.        介绍其用途(最好说2句话)
4.        总结性语句,比如:It’s very convenient/useful. / It gives me a lot of fun.等等.
★        所涉及的实物一般与生活息息相关的用品为主,比如: 生活用品、学习用品、食物(蔬果,调味料等)、体育项目、玩具。
1.Pocket P.C.  
This is a kind of computer.           I can see it’s black and very thick.
This kind of computer is very important in our work and study.
It is also very convenient because it is very small.
Maybe in the future every one will have it.        Life with PC is very convenient.
“听听做做” 补充练习
听录音并按指令完成一系列动作,共有7个指令,完成5个即通过。特别要着重“介词”、“方位词”、 “动词”的熟练运用。
主要的介词有:in ; on ; above ; under ; between, from, to等
above the box (在盒子的上面) on the box ; above 方位词的表达:  表面:on
         in front of the box (在盒子的前面);        前面: in front of  
                后面:  behind the box(在盒子的后面);behind
                左面: left / left-hand side  put the pen on the left-hand side of the pencil-box(把钢笔放在铅笔盒的左面);
                右面: right / right-hand side;
                两侧: on the two sides of
under the box (在盒子的下方)                   下面: under
                在…右上角: in the top right-hand corner of
                在…左上角: in the top left-hand corner of
                在…上方: at the top of
                在…下方: at the bottom of
                在右下角: in the bottom right-hand corner
                在左下角: in the bottom left-hand corner
主要的动词有: open打开, close关上, draw画, count数, write(down)写, pick up拿起, put down放下,
put(in/into, on, back )放入/放到…上面/放回, take out拿出, give (to)把…给…, go(to)去…,
turn to转变, give out分发,use使用, color给…添色, erase抹去, wipe out擦去, link连接
例句: 1. Count the cards and give them to the teacher. 数卡片然后把它们交给老师.
     2. Now please write down a telephone number on the paper. 请在纸上写下电话号码.
     3. Pick up a exercise book on the desk. 拿起书桌上的练习本.
     4. Please put down this red pen on the table. 请把这支红笔放在桌上.
     5. Now put the piece of paper into the book. 现在把纸条放进书本内.
     6. Take an eraser out of the pencil-box. 把橡皮从铅笔盒里拿出来.
     7. Please turn to page 17. 请把书翻到17页.
     8. Now give out these cards. 分发这些卡片.
     9. Use this blue pen to draw a circle at the top of the paper. 用这支蓝笔在纸的上方画个圈.
     10. Now color the picture with your pen. 现在用这支笔把这个图片涂色.
     11. Please erase all the pictures on the whiteboard. 请把白板上的图片全部擦掉.
     12. Please wipe out the triangle in the bottom left-hand corner of the whiteboard.
     13. Now link these two shapes together with two lines. 用两条线把这两个图形连接起
Examples:    一张纸,一个信封,一个铅笔盒
[Are you ready? Now let's begin.]
Please open the pencil-box, and take out a short pencil.
Then write down your English name in the bottom left-hand corner of the paper.
Now please do a math problem: 13 + 26
Then write down the answer onto the paper.
Speak out the answer to the teacher.
Now please put this paper into the evenlope.
Then give the evenlope to the teacher.
[Ok. That’s the end of the activity.]

1.        考试形式有两种:
2.        考试时,有场景提示和要求,考生必须认真领会,对话时必须紧扣中心思想,不要偏题.
◆        介绍和开场白Introduction and Opening Conversations:
A: Mary, this is Joe’s brother David.
B: I’m very glad to meet you.
C: It’s a pleasure to meet you.
B: What's your impression of Shanghai?
C: Oh, Shanghai is so nice, and the people is very kind.
◆        求助 Asking for help
A: Would you mind if I borrowed your type-writer?
B: For how long?
A: Until the end of this week.
B: Ok, I guess that would be all right.
◆        道歉Apologizing
A: I’m really sorry that I’ve just broken your vase.
B: It’s nothing to get upset about.
A: I don’t know what to say. I’d like to replace it.
B: No. It’s out of the question.
: 1. 场景: 人民广场周边
        形式: 一个学生扮演刚到上海的外国友人,另一个学生扮演路人.
        To A: You are a foreigner who has stayed at Shanghai only for four days, and you are now missing your way.
        To B: You are walking along the street, and are asked the way by the foreigner.
     2. 场景: 饭店内
        形式: 一个学生扮演客人,另外一个学生扮演服务员.
        To A: You decide to order dishes, but you don’t know which food is the best in this restaurant, so you ask the waiter.
        To B: You are a waiter; you tell the customer the most famous food in your restaurant.
1.        看图说词(10过8)
2.        听说相反(5过3)
1.        Today is hotter than yesterday.  – Today is colder than yesterday.
2.        Jack is the strongest boy in my class.  – Jack is the weakest boy in my class.
3.        I feel worse today.  – I feel better today.
4.        This is the easiest problem in this math exam.
-- This is the most difficult problem in this math exam.
               5.  I have much money with me.  – I have little money with me.
               6.  I lost my calculator the day before yesterday.  – I found my calculator the before yesterday.
               7.  The price of computer is rising.  – The price of computer is falling.
               8.  Jerry failed algebra exam twice.  – Jerry passed algebra exam twice.
               9.  When will the train arrive?  -- When will the train leave?
               10. The post office is behind the bank.  – Then post office is in front of the bank.
3.        快听快答(8过6)
1.        Which film do you like best? – I like <Spider Man>.
2.        How long have you been learning piano? – I’ve been learning piano for 4 years.
3.        Do you usually help your parents to do some housework? – Yes, I do.
4.        Do you usually go to the supermarket with your family? – Yes, I do.
5.        Do your grandparents live with you?  -- Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
6.        What would you do if someone stole your money? – I would call the policeman.
7.        What would you do if you had a bad cold? – I would go to see the doctor.
8.        Which animal is smaller, dolphin or squirrel? – Squirrel.
9.        Who works in the police office? – Policemen and policewomen.
10.        Where do you buy newspaper? – Newsstand.
11.        Have you ever been to gallery? – Yes, I have.
12.        Where do you place your books? – In the bookcase.
13.        Where do dears live? – They live in the forest.
14.        Where do camels live? – They live in the desert.
15.        What do tourist guides do? – They show the people around the scenic spot.
16.        Please name three instruments. – Piano, cello, drum…
17.        一个篮球,一个足球,一个排球
[Are you ready? Now let’s begin.]
Pick up a basketball on the desk.
Put it to the right-hand corner of the classroom.
Then pick up a football on the desk.
Put it to the middle of the classroom.
Pick up a volleyball on the desk and put it into the basket.
Give the basket to the teacher
[Ok. That’s the end of the activity.]
Calculator (计算器)
This is a calculator.
We can see its oblong and it has a lot of bottoms.
We can use it to do some math problems.
We can buy it in the shop.
Life with calculator is very convenient.
Tom almost didn’t get to work this morning. As he was leaving his apartment building, he was hit on the head by a flowerpot that had just fallen from a windowsill. As he was walking to the bus stop, he was bitten by a dog, and splashed by a car that had just driven through a puddle. And while he was waiting for the bus, he was almost run over by a bicyclist who was riding on the sidewalk.
    1. 场景: 图书馆
        形式: 一个学生扮演图书管理员,另一个学生扮演想借书的同学
        To A: You want to borrow some books from the library. But you have’t library card.
        To B: You are librarian, you help the student to handle with a library card..







真是太太太感谢了 .








原帖由 jimmy66妈妈 于 2008-8-1 08:43 发表 \"\"


Jimmy 妈妈,看了你些文章,感觉你很用心地管儿子,有个问题想请教,儿子二升三,程度不好,所以目前三星复习还是前途不明,哈哈.
1) 因为据说三星朗读是课外的多数,一般在家二本书朗读读到何种程度?是很熟的那种还是读下来就可以了. 因为很熟要花很多时间,而我们也没太多时间了.
2) 听说相反,快听快答对我们很难,你们当时是要复习到一听就可以回答的程度吗?因为那些时态,比较级等对他还是难的.
3)看图说话就放弃算了,别化太多时间,时态你儿子懂吗?如果开头是ONE DAY的要用一般过去时,个人觉得ONE DAY开头的比较好,不用在一般现在和进行时里串,我的帖子上有其他家长整理的浓缩版,可以背出来,主要是熟悉过去时和训练语感,,考试时,怎么也要说几句,瞎说也行,有时考官会睁一只眼闭一只眼的..


我们1\2星时小不懂,3星的时候破天荒那天自己主动对者镜子仔细刷牙,湿洗脸,用水对着翘起的头发喷啊喷(以前是胡乱刷牙\干洗脸\不梳头),我都觉得奇怪,他说要 给考官留下好印象,那天穿戴整齐,人摸人样的出去了.




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请问三星口语 看图说话是几幅图片的?谢谢!.


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回复 2#jimmy66妈妈 的帖子

太谢谢了, 正好派上用场。 给你献花8朵.




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原帖由 jimmy66妈妈 于 2008-8-1 11:01 发表 \"\"
我们1\2星时小不懂,3星的时候破天荒那天自己主动对者镜子仔细刷牙,湿洗脸,用水对着翘起的头发喷啊喷(以前是胡乱 ...











