对于喜欢动物的小朋友, 我会先推荐读( Going On Safari ) , 他/她肯定会从中学到不少的动物名称和知识. 你也为可以为将来去南非旅游和参观野生动物园做好准备(
), 当然这是可能发生的.
1) Where can you go on safari ?
2) Are there tigers in Africa ?
3) What are the BIG five ?
4) What is the only thing you can shoot on safari ?
5) Why are there white markings around some antelope's talis ?
6) Are hippos as dangerous as lions ?
7) How fast can a cheetah run ?
Please read this book and find the answers to those and other questions, Imagine YOU are going to on safari. You'll love it !
说实在, 我也喜欢读这本书,而且是一口气读完. 喔, 太棒了!
Safaris are tours, People take safari tours in Africa to see wild animals.
The animals are not in cages. They are free and live just like they have lived for thousands of years . They find their own food and go where they like . If they their own food and go where they like . If they get sick or hurt , they can die , Nobody takes them to a vet !
People on safari tours see real nature far away from cities . It's like going back in time !
On safari , people drive around in cars and try to find animals. The animals
move around a lot in a very big area so sometimes they are difficult to find . When people see an animal , they keep very quite and watch . It is very interesting watching what the animals do .
( The word safari comes from an African language . It means a long journey )
National parks
Many people go on safari in national parks in Africa. National parks are not zoos ! They are natural . All the animals in national parks are born there .......
除了学校学过一些动物的名称, 其中也再添了如 buffalo , leopard, rhino, antelope ,cheetah , wildebeest . 请小朋友能记下这些单词并最好默写在回家默写本上. 你们老师也会有动力了! 呵呵.......
我给这本书配上科技馆里的照片. 很逼真的!
本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-4-28 21:54 编辑 ].