原帖由 混凝土 于 2011-1-26 15:36 发表 
我的电脑不能解压文档,可否短我kindergarten那一篇? 我试试翻译
1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development
Students know about letters, words, and sounds. They apply this knowledge to read
simple sentences.
Concepts About Print
1.1 Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
1.2 Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on the printed page.
1.3 Understand that printed materials provide information.
1.4 Recognize that sentences in print are made up of separate words.
1.5 Distinguish letters from words.
1.6 Recognize and name all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Phonemic Awareness
1.7 Track (move sequentially from sound to sound) and represent the number, sameness/
difference, and order of two and three isolated phonemes (e.g., /f, s, th/, /j, d, j/).
1.8 Track (move sequentially from sound to sound) and represent changes in simple syl
lables and words with two and three sounds as one sound is added, substituted, omitted,
shifted, or repeated (e.g., vowel-consonant, consonant-vowel, or consonant-vowel-
1.9 Blend vowel-consonant sounds orally to make words or syllables.
1.10 Identify and produce rhyming words in response to an oral prompt.
1.11 Distinguish orally stated one-syllable words and separate into beginning or ending
1.12 Track auditorily each word in a sentence and each syllable in a word.
1.13 Count the number of sounds in syllables and syllables in words.
Decoding and Word Recognition
1.14 Match all consonant and short-vowel sounds to appropriate letters.
1.15 Read simple one-syllable and high-frequency words (i.e., sight words).
1.16 Understand that as letters of words change, so do the sounds (i.e., the alphabetic
Vocabulary and Concept Development
1.17 Identify and sort common words in basic categories (e.g., colors, shapes, foods).
1.18 Describe common objects and events in both general and specific language.
California Department of Education Reposted June 9, 2009
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2.0 Reading Comprehension
Students identify the basic facts and ideas in what they have read, heard, or viewed.
They use comprehension strategies (e.g., generating and responding to questions, com-
paring new information to what is already known). The selections in Recommended
Literature, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (California Department of Education, 2002)
illustrate the quality and complexity of the materials to be read by students.
Structural Features of Informational Materials
2.1 Locate the title, table of contents, name of author, and name of illustrator.
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
2.2 Use pictures and context to make predictions about story content.
2.3 Connect to life experiences the information and events in texts.
2.4 Retell familiar stories.
2.5 Ask and answer questions about essential elements of a text.
3.0 Literary Response and Analysis
Students listen and respond to stories based on well-known characters, themes, plots,
and settings. The selections in Recommended Literature, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve
illustrate the quality and complexity of the materials to be read by students.
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
3.1 Distinguish fantasy from realistic text.
3.2 Identify types of everyday print materials (e.g., storybooks, poems, newspapers,
signs, labels).
3.3 Identify characters, settings, and important events.
California Department of Education Reposted June 9, 2009
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1.0 Writing Strategies
Students write words and brief sentences that are legible.
Organization and Focus
1.1 Use letters and phonetically spelled words to write about experiences, stories, people,
objects, or events.
1.2 Write consonant-vowel-consonant words (i.e., demonstrate the alphabetic principle).
1.3 Write by moving from left to right and from top to bottom.
1.4 Write uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet independently, attending to the
form and proper spacing of the letters.
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KINDERGARTEN Written and Oral English Language Conventions
The standards for written and oral English language conventions have been placed
between those for writing and for listening and speaking because these conventions are
essential to both sets of skills.
1.0 Written and Oral English Language Conventions
Students write and speak with a command of standard English conventions.
Sentence Structure
1.1 Recognize and use complete, coherent sentences when speaking.
Spe ing
1.2 Spell independently by using pre-phonetic knowledge, sounds of the alphabet,
and knowledge of letter names.
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Listening and Speaking KINDERGARTEN
1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies
Students listen and respond to oral communication. They speak in clear and coherent
1.1 Understand and follow one- and two-step oral directions.
1.2 Share information and ideas, speaking audibly in complete, coherent sentences.
2.0 Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics)
Students deliver brief recitations and oral presentations about familiar experiences or
interests, demonstrating command of the organization and delivery strategies outlined
in Listening and Speaking Standard 1.0.
Using the listening and speaking strategies of kindergarten outlined in Listening and
Speaking Standard 1.0, students:
2.1 Describe people, places, things (e.g., size, color, shape), locations, and actions.
2.2 Recite short poems, rhymes, and songs.
2.3 Relate an experience or creative story in a logical sequence.
California Department of Education Reposted June 9, 2009
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