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[基督徒] 每日箴言TODAY

Mark 8:31-9:1  
March - 9

The path satan cannot walk

"get behind me, satan! . . . You do not have in mind the things of God . . . " Mark 8:33

it's natural for us to want to protect the people we love. I remember losing track of one of our young daughters in a crowd one day—an intense feeling of panic rose within me. We'll do anything for the people we love most.

Sometimes, though, we can stand in the way when we're trying to help the ones we love. That's what Peter does when he reacts to Jesus' talk about the suffering and death that lies before him. Peter is intensely upset, and he rebukes Jesus for talking this way.

To our surprise (and Peter's, i'm sure!), Jesus responds with a rebuke of his own. Even worse, Jesus doesn't just admonish Peter; he speaks directly to satan, whose ideas Peter is voicing. Peter doesn't yet have enough faith to see that the way of Jesus involves the laying down of our lives. And satan takes advantage of Peter's emotional meltdown to try to sidetrack Jesus' mission. Satan tries to get Jesus to avoid the path of pain and to seek glory instead.

But Jesus won't be budged. As Paul says in 2 corinthians 8:9, "you know the grace of our lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich."

Hallelujah! What a savior!

Lord Jesus, thank you for your faithful obedience in going to the cross for us. Help us to withstand the devil's temptations and follow you with faith and obedience. Amen.

马可福音   8:31-9:1
March - 9


「撒但,退我后边去吧!因为你不体贴神的意思……」 可8:33








Mark 9:2-8  
March - 10

The splendid prince

There he was transfigured before them. Mark 9:2

søren kierkegaard, a danish theologian, tells the story of a prince who falls in love with a beautiful peasant girl who lives in the poor part of his city. The prince wants to marry her, but he wants the girl to marry him for love and not just because he's a rich prince. How can he do that?

As a prince, he could order her to marry him. But even a prince wants his bride to marry him because she wants to. As a wealthy young man, he could impress her with his wealth and power. But then he couldn't be sure whether she married him for love or for money.

So the prince came up with another idea. He decided to give up his position for a while. He moved into the girl's village and lived among the people, wearing the same kind of clothing they wore. In time, the girl grew to love the prince for who he was and because he had first loved her.

Kierkegaard says that this illustration teaches us something of the ministry of Jesus. When the curtain gets pulled back on the mount of transfiguration, we see the lord as he really is, in all his splendor. But he does not force us to love him. Nor does he try to overwhelm us with his power. He simply invites us to respond to the invitation of his father: "this is my son, whom I love. Listen to him!"

Lord Jesus, I worship you as the king of kings and lord of lords. Thank you for loving this world enough to come and live among us to bring us salvation. Amen.

马可福音   9:2-8
March - 10


「〔耶稣〕就在他们面前变了形象。」 可9:2







Mark 9:9-13  
March - 11

The days of elijah

Jesus replied, "to be sure, elijah does come first, and restores all things" Mark 9:12

on their way down from the mountain where they'd seen the glory of Jesus, and where they had seen moses and Elijah, the disciples had some questions about Elijah. They had been taught since they were young that Elijah would come back in a dramatic way to prepare for the coming of the messiah (malachi 4:5-6). On the mountain, they saw clearly that Jesus was the messiah. But where had Elijah been?

In response, Jesus said Elijah had come, and he was referring here to John the baptist (see Matthew 17:13). But what did it mean that Elijah (or John, in the spirit of Elijah) would restore all things?

Elijah, along with moses, was one of the great prophets in the history of God's people, israel. Elijah's calling was to challenge people to give up false faith and religion and turn back (be restored) to God. Before he went up to heaven, Elijah passed along his mantle, or cloak, to elisha, who would carry on this work in God's name (2 kings 2). In the spirit of Elijah, John the baptist brought the same message, calling people to repent and turn back to God (Luke 1:17).

In the spirit of Elijah, we also call men and women to prepare for Christ's coming into their lives. And we have more good news: Jesus has come, and all who believe in him as savior can be restored to God.

Lord, we know that the fields are ripe for your harvest. Please help us to live out our calling to share the good news of Jesus with all who are around us. In Jesus' name, amen.

马可福音   9:9-13
March - 11


「耶稣说:『以利亚固然先来复兴万事。』」 可9:12







Mark 9:14-32  
March - 12

Simple dependence

[Jesus] replied, "this kind can come out only by prayer" Mark 9:29

when Jesus and three of his disciples came down from their incredible experience on the mountain, they walked right into a mess. The disciples who had stayed behind were struggling to heal a young boy from an evil spirit. All of them had done this before (Mark 6:7-13), but now they were unable to help.

So they asked Jesus, "why couldn't we drive it out?" he answered with an important lesson: "this kind can come out only by prayer."

What is Jesus saying? He is saying something about the strength of this particular demon. This is a tough one. He is also saying something about how to confront evil. It requires prayer.

Mainly, though, Jesus is reprimanding his disciples here. In trying to help this father and his son, the disciples had neglected to lean on God for help. That's why they were in a mess.

To help the boy, they didn't need some magic formula. All that was required was simple dependence on God. But they hadn't bothered to ask for God's help.

There are times when we can be overwhelmed by situations in our lives. No matter what we face, God's help is available. "this is our father's world: o let us not forget that though the wrong is great and strong, God is the ruler yet."

Lord, I confess there are times when I neglect to lean on you. Please protect me from evil and bring me to the place of simple dependence on you. In Jesus' name, amen.

马可福音   9:14-32
March - 12


「耶稣说:『以利亚固然先来复兴万事。』」 可9:12









Mark 9:33-37  
March - 13

A new status

"whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me" Mark 9:37

our world is obsessed by status, and that causes a lot of hurt. In our world, people are measured by the color of their skin, the way they dress, how much money they have, and more. In Jesus' day, people were defined by whether they were Jew or gentile, male or female, religiously clean or unclean, rich or poor, and on and on.

It was this kind of thinking that moved the disciples to argue about whom Jesus loved most. And as soon as Jesus asked what they were talking about, they were embarrassed.

But Jesus didn't get angry. Instead he turned the occasion into a teaching moment. He said, "if anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." then he took up a child in his arms and said, "whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me."

With this beautiful image, Jesus tells us that when we accept him as savior, we are no longer defined by how we measure up against other people. What defines us is where we stand in relation to Jesus. In Jesus, we are part of a new social structure centered around Jesus. We are like that child, embraced by him. And Jesus' embrace frees us to love and serve all people, no matter what status they have in the world.

Lord Jesus, thank you for welcoming me into your embrace. Help me to love others as unconditionally as you love me, and help me to serve all people in your name. Amen.

马可福音   9:33-37
March - 13


「凡为我名接待一个像这小孩子的,就是接待我。」 可9:37







Mark 9:38-41  
March - 14

Targeting the wrong enemy

"whoever is not against us is for us." Mark 9:40

The disciples had come across a man doing ministry in Jesus' name, but he wasn't one of them. So they decided to put a stop to this "unauthorized" ministry to protect Jesus' reputation.

Afterward they told Jesus about it and probably expected him to say something like "well done, my friends. You put this ‘lone ranger' out of business. The kingdom is safer now. Thank you." but that's not what Jesus said. Instead, he said, "do not stop him."

The disciples were stunned by Jesus' response. Then Jesus added, "whoever is not against us is for us."

If we're honest, sometimes we Christians can be overly protective of our own territory. We see others ministering or worshiping Jesus in a different style than we use, and it makes us uncomfortable. But Jesus cautions us to be careful in how we speak about one another.

We live in a time when the gospel of Jesus is increasingly under attack. We need our fellow believers, and we have to admit that there is often more that binds us together than what separates us. When Christians pray and work together, it honors God and creates a powerful witness. Jesus prayed for us at the end of his ministry with these words: "father . . . May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them" (John 17:23).

Father, forgive me for the times I have been disrespectful of christians of other traditions. Bless your church around the world, that the world may see your love in us. Amen.

马可福音   9:38-41
March - 14


「不敌挡我们的,就是帮助我们的。」 可9:40








Mark 9:42-50  
March - 15

Our gracious coach

"have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other" Mark 9:50

The disciples had had some tough experiences and were in a spiritual slump. They couldn't cast out a demon because they had forgotten to pray. They had gotten into a petty argument about who was greatest. And they had tried to stop a man who was actually doing good. They had three strikes against them.

But Jesus was a gracious coach. He used their failures to teach them to be better disciples.

But he minced no words. First, Jesus talked about the seriousness of causing someone to sin. Whether it's a child or new believer, our words and actions can build others up or tear them down. Second, Jesus talked about the power of sin in our own lives. If sin is left unchecked, it will destroy us. Today, instead of talking about hands and eyes, Jesus might call us to cut out the internet or throw out our cellphone if it leads us to sin. Third, Jesus brought up the subject of hell and described it in graphic detail. He wanted his followers to see that their actions would have eternal consequences.

But notice the hopeful message Jesus adds at the end: "have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other." in other words, stay in community with fellow believers; help each other stay faithful; don't walk alone. None of us is invulnerable to sin and failure. How are you protecting yourself and the people around you?

Lord, thank you that you do not give up on us in seasons of failure. Please help us to do all we can to watch our words and guard against sin and temptation. In Jesus, amen.

马可福音   9:42-50
March - 15


「你们里头应当有盐,彼此和睦。」 可9:50







Mark 10:1-12  
March - 16

A most amazing miracle

"for this reason a man will . . . Be united to his wife, and the two will become one

The painful reality of divorce is a challenge for the church today. But this was also true in Jesus' day. To test him and try to get him into trouble with legal experts, some religious leaders wanted to debate with him on this subject. But notice that he turned the tables to explain the impact of marriage.

Jesus reminds us that marriage is not based on feelings. Marriage is the amazing and mysterious miracle in which two persons, a man and a woman with different backgrounds and families, become one unit. According to God, when two people come together in marriage, they create a new living thing: they become one flesh. So when I promised, "i do," to my wife, life was no longer just about me; it was about us.

To hold this beautiful vision of marriage is tough in a world that is so focused on the individual. Messages bombard us from all sides to try to convince us that the self is most important—it's all about what I feel, what I want, what I need.

For those of us who are married, Jesus invites us to die to that selfish spirit and work to build up and bless our spouse.

And for those of us who know the pain of a broken marriage, God invites us to experience the forgiveness, grace, and healing that give renewed peace and joy.

Lord, please bless those of us who are married and the marriages of the people around us. Please also give healing and grace for all who suffer from broken relationships.

马可福音   10:1-12
March - 16


「因此,人要离开父母,与妻子连合,二人成为一体。既然如此,夫妻不再是两个人,乃是一体的了。」 可10:7-8



在一个极度注重个人主义的世界,要维持这幅美丽的婚姻景象,并不容易。从四方八面蜂涌而至的资讯,在试图驱使我们相信,自我才是最重要的 —— 我的感受,我的欲望,我的需要,才是最重要的。




[ 本帖最后由 懿怡妈妈 于 2009-3-18 01:15 编辑 ].


Mark 10:13-16  
March - 17

It's good to be needy

"let the little children come to me . . . For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these" Mark 10:14

a little boy asked his mom, "what's the highest number you have ever counted to?" she didn't know, but then she asked him about his highest number. He said it was 5,372. "oh," she asked, "why did you stop there?" he answered, "church was over."

Churches often struggle with the tension of creating an environment that nurtures children as well as adults in worship and community. This was certainly the tension the disciples felt as they saw a group of little kids invade Jesus' space. The disciples didn't like it. But Jesus rebuked them for wanting to send the children away. He pointed out that children have something to teach us about faith: "anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

Notice that Jesus focuses not on the character of children but on their nature. It's not the sweetness or innocence of children that shows us faith—it's their neediness and dependence. They depend on others to meet all their needs, and they do this willingly. This shows us what it takes to enter the kingdom of God.

Trying to be self-sufficient can blind us to what God wants to do in our lives. Our savior invites us to come like a child before God; we need to be open, vulnerable, and needy. And just as Jesus received those little children, he receives us with open arms.

Lord Jesus, please break down our spirit of independence. Help each of us to come to you like a child today, fully aware of our needs and dependence on your grace. Amen.

马可福音   10:13-16
March - 17


「让小孩子到我这里来,不要禁止他们;因为在神国的,正是这样的人。」 可10:14







Mark 10:17-31  
March - 18

Unwavering love

Jesus looked at him and loved him. Mark 10:21

I like the story about a boy who wanted his dad to buy him a set of weights to build his muscles. Pleading with his father in the sporting-goods section, he said, "oh, please, dad—i promise i'll use them every day." the father answered, "i don't know, michael. It's really a commitment on your part." "please, dad? I'll use them; I promise. You'll see." finally the dad relented. He paid for the equipment and headed for the door. But after a few steps, he heard his son behind him say, "what! You mean I have to carry them to the car?"

Wanting to be fit and healthy is one thing; doing what it takes to get there is quite another. This is true for developing spiritually as well as physically. Knowing that God loves you is one thing, but being open to his love and leading each day is something else entirely.

In our reading for today we have the story of a young man who isn't sure if he loves God enough to give up everything for him. But even if he isn't certain about loving God, God is certain about loving him. As Mark puts it, "Jesus looked at him and loved him."

Whatever decision this young man made, there was nothing he could do to make Jesus love him more, and nothing he could do to make Jesus love him less. But was he willing to do what it would take to enter the lord's love?

Father, you know our hearts. Please bring us to deep love and commitment to you. Above all, help us see how much you love us in the gift of your son, Jesus. Amen.

马可福音   10:17-31
March - 18


「耶稣看着他,就爱他。」 可10:21







Mark 10:32-45  
March - 19

The pathway to success

"whoever wants to be first must be slave of all" Mark 10:44

as the disciples learned more and more about Jesus, it was slowly dawning on them that they were in the presence of a king. So a couple of them decided to make a bold request. They quietly approached Jesus to ask if they could serve as prime ministers in his kingdom.

When the other disciples got wind of this, they were totally put off—probably because they wished they had asked first. We can almost hear them squabbling, "why should James and John get a higher position than us? Who do they think they are?"

Notice that Jesus doesn't seem nearly as bothered by what they ask for. He corrects James and John by saying, in effect, "your request is not something for me to answer. The father decides who sits in the places of honor." then Jesus adds, "whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all."

Jesus would love to give every one of us a seat of honor in his kingdom. He wants success for us all. We learn that it isn't wrong for us to want to succeed. But success in God's eyes is far different from the world's ideas of success. It means living like the one who "did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Father, help me to have the attitude of Jesus, who "humbled himself and became obedient to death —even death on a cross!" lead me to serve so that others may know you. In Jesus, amen.

马可福音   10:32-45
March - 19


「你们中间,谁愿为首,就必做众人的仆人。」 可10:44





父啊,求祢帮助我效法耶稣的态度,祂「自己卑微,存心顺服,以至于死,且死在十字架上。」 求祢带领我服侍人,好叫别人认识祢。奉耶稣之名,阿们。.


Mark 10:46-52  
March - 20

Letting go of our blankets

Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus. Mark 10:50

i've often been with our youth group when they've gone to bring food to homeless people in the city of toronto, near where we live. Before we go, we are reminded to respect the property of the people we are serving. They may not have much, and what they do have might not look like much—but we are told, "don't walk on anyone's cardboard mat or step on their blanket." when a blanket is all you have, it's important to you.

In our reading for today, we meet Bartimaeus, a blind man who begged on the streets. His cloak was probably very important to him. But when he cried out to Jesus for mercy and Jesus called him to come over, Bartimaeus threw his cloak aside, jumped to his feet, and hurried over to ask Jesus for the gift of sight.

Bartimaeus didn't have much, but he was willing to drop it all in order to throw himself into the arms of Jesus. Jesus gave a name to this radical action: faith. And he said to Bartimaeus, "your faith has healed you."

In order to open our hands to Jesus, there may be "blankets" that we need to let go of. It might be our dependence on financial security or a valued possession or a relationship. Are we so desperate for Jesus that we are willing to cast aside our treasured things to take hold of his mercy?

Lord, you know the "blankets" we are clinging to. Help us to release our grip on the things of this world in order to take hold of you with our whole being. In your name, amen.

马可福音   10:46-52
March - 20


「瞎子就丢下衣服,跳起来,走到耶稣那里。」 可10:50







Mark 11:1-11  
March - 21

The unassuming king

"blessed is the coming kingdom of our father david!" Mark 11:10

Jesus is heading into the final week of his life on earth. And this most important week in history begins with a radical statement. Jesus is a king, but this king will not come with horses, chariots, and armies. This king comes riding a colt—a child's animal.

As Jesus enters Jersualem on a colt, the crowds cry out, "blessed is the coming kingdom of our father david!" these words bring us back to the message Jesus proclaimed when he began his ministry. "‘the time has come,' he said. ‘the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!'" (Mark 1:15).

The crowds don't understand all of what they're saying; they think Jesus will rescue them from their Roman oppressors. But they are stating a truth far deeper than any of them can imagine at this time: the kingdom of God is near; it's in the shape of this person, sitting unimpressively on a child's colt, entering the holy city of david.

What the people don't know is that this king has the power to conquer an enemy far more dangerous than the Roman empire. But he will do it in a way the enemy cannot understand; he'll do it through love and sacrifice.

This king, who is lord over all things, is willing to give his life as a ransom for the whole world.

Lord Jesus, we celebrate with the crowds who welcomed you into Jersualem: "hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord!" lord, be our king! Amen.

马可福音   11:1-11
March - 21


「那将要来的我祖大卫之国是应当称颂的!」 可11:10








Mark 11:12-14, 20-25  
March - 22

The disappointing fig tree

Peter . . . Said . . . "rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!" Mark 11:21

as Jesus and his disciples walked along toward Jersualem, they came across an unexpected surprise: a fig tree in full leaf. This was a surprise because it was too early in the year for figs. But where there was a fig tree in leaf, you could expect figs. So Jesus and the disciples went over to the tree to see if it had any fruit. It had none. What seemed at first to be a remarkable tree turned out to be a disappointment. So Jesus said to the tree: "may no one ever eat fruit from you again." and he walked away.

The next day, as they left Jersualem and passed by the same tree, the disciples were astonished to find the tree totally withered.

When Peter expressed his surprise about the tree, Jesus used the opportunity to teach two lessons. The first lesson was about failure. The empty tree serves as a warning that we cannot pretend to be spiritually alive, for we won't bear any fruit.

The second lesson is about faith. Jesus says, "have faith in God." we are to trust in him for all the life and strength we need in order to serve him. When we are rooted in Jesus through sincere prayer, our faith will bear fruit. Our faith in Christ will be strong enough to help move people to believe in Jesus and enter his kingdom. Through his strength in us, we'll show he's alive!

Lord, help us to have strong faith in you. Fill our lives with the kind of fruit that brings honor to you and blesses the people around us. In your name we pray. Amen.

马可福音   11:12-14, 2
March - 22


「彼得…说:『拉比,请看!你所咒诅的无花果树,已经枯干了。』」 可11:21







Mark 11:15-19  
March - 23

Cluttered temple, cluttered lives

"is it not written: ‘my house will be called a house of prayer . . .'?" Mark 11:17

The temple was beautiful, built with the finest architectural skills of the day. It was also huge and took up a significant part of the old city of Jersualem. Built by king herod for the people, it was the center for the Jewish community.

When Jesus walked into this place on the day after his triumphal entry, he became angry. One reason for this was that the temple of the lord was meant to be a house of prayer, but it had been reduced to a market thruway. Because the temple was so large, people coming into Jersualem from the north side of the city found it more convenient to walk through the temple area than around it. As they came in, they also needed to have their money exchanged into temple currency and to buy animals for ritual sacrifices. So money changers and merchants set up their shops in the temple to cater to these people.

What upset Jesus was that with all this buying and selling, the temple was no longer a place of worship and prayer. It had become a place of convenience, a busy marketplace, and worship had been sidelined.

The same can happen easily in our own lives. Think about the busyness in your life. Are you staying focused on the God who loves you? Have you built a habit of prayer and worship to remain centered on God?

Lord, sometimes my life can feel more like a thruway than a place of worship and prayer. Please help me to stay centered on you as the lord of my life. In Jesus, amen.

马可福音   11:15-19
March - 23


「经上不是记着说『我的殿必称为……祷告的殿吗?』」 可11:17







Mark 11:15-19  
March - 24

A forgotten mission

"is it not written: ‘my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations'?" Mark 11:17

Another thing that made Jesus upset was that this place of worship was supposed to be "for all nations," but it was not serving the nations well at all. The section that had become a marketplace was known as the court of gentiles, the only place in the temple where people of non-Jewish descent were permitted to come and worship God. But with all the busyness of a major marketplace, how could anyone worship there? The temple authorities who allowed this traffick were showing little concern for gentile believers who came to Jersualem to worship God.

Jesus grieved the fact that these people whom the father loved couldn't worship here free of distractions. For Jesus, the temple symbolized the father's passion to connect with the nations of the world. But that wasn't happening. That mission had been forgotten.

Now that Jesus has died for us and risen from the dead, we who are Christians have become the temple of God, with the Holy Spirit living in us (1 cor. 3:16). So let's remember that we are now made holy and that God calls us to connect with the nations—for Jesus' sake.

Lord, rekindle in my heart a love for those who do not know you. I pray for friends, family, and neighbors who need to know the savior who gave his life for them. Amen.

马可福音   11:15-19
March - 24


「经上不是记着说『我的殿必称为万国祷告的殿吗?』」 可11:17







Mark 11:27-33  
March - 25

The credentials of Jesus

"by what authority are you doing these things?" they asked. Mark 11:28

The religious leaders began a string of attacks against Jesus. And they started by questioning his credentials. "by what authority are you doing these things?" the leaders asked. In other words, they were saying, "Jesus, who do you think you are?"

The truth is, Jesus had no official human credentials. He had little formal religious training and he had not been approved by an official religious authority.

Most religious traditions have a system of credentials to authorize leaders who are called into ministry to preach, give counsel, perform weddings, and so on. This was true in Jesus' day also.

In fact, if Jesus came on the scene today and began his ministry and gathered a huge crowd of followers, we'd probably raise the issue about his credentials as well.

But of course Jesus did have credentials. By asking the religious leaders what they thought of John's baptism, he was forcing them to acknowledge that John's ministry was from God. And it was John who commissioned Jesus when he baptized him. So Jesus' response showed the religious leaders that his credentials came from the highest authority—God—but they didn't want to admit it.

What do you think of Jesus' authority and credentials? Do you accept Jesus as the son of God, sent into the world by the father as our savior?

Lord, there are still many who question your authority today. Help us to live under your leadership and serve as faithful ambassadors of your truth, grace, and love. Amen.

马可福音   11:27-33
March - 25


〔他们〕问他说:「你仗着甚么权柄做这些事?」 可11:28





耶稣当然有祂的资历,当祂问那些宗教领袖如何看待约翰的洗礼时,其实是要迫他们承认,约翰的传道事工是来自神的呼召,而约翰为耶稣施洗时,亦是约翰把传道的使命交托给耶稣的。所以,耶稣的反应是要向那些宗教领袖表明,祂的资历是来自最高的权柄 —— 神,但他们却不想承认这个事实。




Mark 12:1-12  
March - 26

Persistent Love

"He had one left to send, a son, whom he loved" Mark 12:6

One of the most painful experiences in pastoral ministry is to walk with parents through the tragedy of losing a child. I have done that several times as a pastor, and each time my own faith and trust in God has been both challenged and deepened.

In our story today, Jesus gave a glimpse of what his own father would soon experience. It's a powerful, shocking story of depravity. And the religious leaders know Jesus is talking about them, because this story is about a vineyard, a picture often used to describe the nation of israel. As messenger after messenger in the story is rejected, they know Jesus is talking about prophets whom the israelites rejected throughout the years of their history. And when Jesus delivers the punch line about the owner's own son getting killed, the leaders also know Jesus is aware of their plans to kill him.

Despite the sadness of this story, it's really a message of God's persistent love. The father willingly goes through the pain of loss in order to bring life and hope into the world and our lives. Though his son is rejected, the end result is that "it is marvelous in our eyes."

You and I live because the father willingly sacrificed his own son. In a world that has in so many ways not acknowledged who Jesus is, we are called to be bearers of hope and life—no matter what the cost.

Father, thank you for loving the world so much that you gave us your one and only son, that we might not perish but have everlasting life. In Jesus' nameAmen.

马可福音   12:1-12
March - 26


「园主还有一位是他的爱子,末后又打发他去。」 可12:6







Mark 12:13-17  
March - 27

What Is God's?

"Give . . . To God what is God's" Mark 12:17

Two groups of enemies, the Pharisees and the Herodians, put aside their differences to focus an attack on Jesus. They both wanted Jesus dead, so they tried to stir up trouble by asking him a question about taxes: "is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?"

If Jesus said yes, they knew he would disappoint his own people, who thought he had come to free them from Roman oppression. And for that they might turn against him. If Jesus said no, he would be defying the Roman rulers. The religious leaders could then turn him over to the authorities to be punished.

"But Jesus knew their hypocrisy." so he asked for a Roman coin and said, "give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's."

What, then, was he saying belonged to Caesar? In that day, the tax for each person was a day's wages. And what belonged to God?

The answer to that is simple: everything!

Jesus acknowledged the authority of the Roman government, and he pointed out that God's authority was far higher. With this brilliant illustration, Jesus called the people to surrender their whole lives to God.

For us this means recognizing that our money, possessions, time, gifts, relationships—all things—belong to God and that we are to honor God in the way we use them.

Father, help me to honor those who are placed in authority over me. And, most of all, help me to honor you with the use of my time, talents, and treasures. In Jesus, amen.

马可福音   12:13-17
March - 27


「神的物当归给神。」 可12:17

两班敌人 —— 法利赛人和希律党的人,都暂且放下他们的分歧,集中火力对付耶稣。他们都想把耶稣置诸死地,于是便试图挑起争端,问耶稣一条有关纳税的问题:「纳税给凯撒可以不可以?」






对我们来说,意思就是要承认我们的金钱、财物、时间、恩赐和关系 —— 所有一切 —— 都是属神的,我们要抱着尊敬神的态度来运用这一切。



Mark 12:18-27  
March - 28

The Spirit Of The Sadducees

"Are you not in error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God?" Mark 12:24

The religious leaders kept mounting their assault against Jesus. This time the attack came from the Sadducees. They were a wealthy, influential group who took care of the temple. One of their characteristics was that they did not believe in a resurrection from death.

They presented Jesus with a made-up story about a woman who loses husband after husband. And the question they tried to stump Jesus with was this: whose wife will she be when they all rise at the resurrection?

Jesus answered with a simple but direct question of his own: "are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God?"

Jesus explained that people will not be involved with marriage after the resurrection, and then he quoted from scripture to show that resurrection is real. But the more serious issue was that these leaders had set up a box around God, figuring there were some things he couldn't do. They tried to limit God by means of their own limited thinking.

In our world today the spirit of the Sadducees is still alive and well. All kinds of things are said about Christianity that are blatantly untrue. Thankfully, God has given us his word and his spirit to guide us. The living God of the Scriptures proved his love and his power for us when he raised his own son from the dead.

Lord, thank you for giving us all we need to withstand attacks to our faith today. Root us deeply in your word and spirit so that we may be your faithful witnesses. Amen.

马可福音   12:18-27
March - 28


「你们所以错了,岂不是因为不明白圣经,不晓得神的大能吗?」 可12:24








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