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标题: [外语] 新世纪少儿英语第三册(look!3) [打印本页]

作者: junhuayang2005    时间: 2009-8-16 08:08     标题: 新世纪少儿英语第三册(look!3)

LESSON 1   Do you have some  ?
LESSON 2   He has alot of buttons!
LESSON 3   I need a piece of chalk
LESSON 4   They usually go to bed early
LESSON 5   On Monday
LESSON 6   He often forgets things
LESSON 7   She usually reads a book.
LESSON 8   Today  they're watching TV.
LESSON 9   Today she's walking.
LESSON 10  What's the weather like today?
LESSON 11  It's very cloudy!
LESSON 12  What are we going to do?
LESSON 13  I'm going to take it ...

[ 本帖最后由 junhuayang2005 于 2009-8-18 06:10 编辑 ].
作者: junhuayang2005    时间: 2009-8-16 08:31

LESSON 1  Do you have some ...?
(1)Mom,we want to make paper hats.
(2)Do you have some glue and paper?
I have some paper,but I don't have any glue.
(3)You can make some glue with flour and water.
(4)Do you have a bowl,Mom?
Yes,I do. Here you are.
(5)Stir the flour and water,Dan.
(6)What wre you doing,Dan?
I'm eating it 's delicious!
Look and say:
Do you have some jam and honey:
I have some jam ,but  I don't have any honey.
(oranges /lemons)        (meat/fruit)  (butter/cheese)   (potatoes/tomatoes).
作者: junhuayang2005    时间: 2009-8-16 21:58

Lesson 2    He has alot of buttons!
1    Dan   wants to buy some candies,but he doesn't have much money.
2  He has a lot of money in his money-box.
3  Listen. Give it to him,katie.
4 Here ypu are ,Dan.
5  How much money does he have,Katie?
6  He doesn't have much money,but he has a lot of buttons!
Look and say:
How much glue does he have?
He doesn't have much glue,but he has a lot of paper.
How many bikes does he have?
He doesn't have a lot of cars.
glue/paper          bikes/cars         tea /coffe     beans /carrots
rice/flour               sandwiches /chocolates.
作者: junhuayang2005    时间: 2009-8-16 22:24

Lesson 3  I need a piece of chalk
1 Hi,Katie.I'm putting up a picture.  
I'll help ,Dad.
2 Thanks,Katie. I need a piece of chalk.
3  Now I need a hammer and some nails.
4  Be careful,Dad.
5   Ow!I My finger!
6  Is Dad OK,Katie?
Yes,but he needs a bandage.
Look and say:
What do you need?
I need three pieces of paper.
I need three pieces of paper/I need two bags of flour.
He needs two glasses of water/He needs two bars of soap.
She needs two tubes of toothpaste./two pitchers of water.
They need two boxes of tea./They need three bars of chocolate..
作者: junhuayang2005    时间: 2009-8-18 06:26

Lesson 4   They usually go to bed early.
1  The Clarks  usually get up early in  the morning.
2  Dan and Katie go to school.
    Dad goes to work.
3  Dan and Katie always have lunch at school.
4  They usually come home at four o'clock in the afternoon.
5  They always do their homework in the evening.
6   They usually go to bed early,but they don't always go to sleep.
Point and say:
They usually get up early in  the morning.
They always brush their teeth in the morning.

in the morning    usually /get up early    always/brush their teeth

at noon             usually /  play soccer  always/ have lunch at school

in the afternoon    come home at four o'clock      do the dishes

in  the evening      watch TV                do their homework.
作者: junhuayang2005    时间: 2009-8-18 06:45

Lesson 5   On Monday...
1   On Monday, Dad usually gets up late.
2  On  Tuesday, Dan always has history class.
3  On Wednesday,Dan and Katie always do sports.
4  On Thursday,Katie usually has a piano lesson.
5 On  Friday, Dan usually has a piano lesson.
6 On  Saturday,the Clarks usually relax at home!
Look and say:
What does Katie usually do on Monday?
On Monday,Katie usually rides her horse.

Monday   /rides her horse     Tuesday /goes shopping
Wednesday /plays soccer     Wednesday /plays basketball
Thursday /has a piano lesson   Friday  /has a piano lesson
Saturday/go to the movies          Sunday   /washes the car.
作者: junhuayang2005    时间: 2009-8-18 06:48     标题: 英语星期的由来

现在世界各国通用一星期七天的制度。这个制度最早由君士坦丁大帝(Constantine the Great)制定。他在公元321年3月7日正式宣布7天为一周,这个制度一直沿用至今。一周七天的英文名称是Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday。


古巴比伦人创立的星期制,首先传到古希腊、古罗马等地。古罗马人用他们自己信仰的神的名字来命名1周7天:Sun\'s-day(太阳神日),Moon\'s-day(月亮神日),Mars\'s-day(火星神日),Mercury\'s-day(水星神日),Jupiter\'s-day(木星神日),Venus\'-day(金星神日),Saturn\'s-day(土星神日)。这其个名称传到不列颠后,盎格鲁-撒克逊人又用他们自己的信仰的神的名字改造了其中4个名称,以Tuesday 、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday 分别取代Mars\'s-day 、Mercury\'s-day 、Jupiter\'s-day 、Venus\'-day。 Tuesday来源于Tiu,是盎格鲁-撒克逊人的战神;Wednesday来源于Woden,是最高的神,也称主神;Thursday来源于Thor,是雷神;Friday来源于Frigg,是爱情女神。这样就形成了今天英语中的1周7天的名称:Sunday(太阳神日),Monday(月亮神日),Tuesday(战神日),Wednesday(主神日),Thursday(雷神日),Friday(爱神日),Saturday(土神日)。

Sunday 星期日:

Sunday在古英文中的意思是sun's day(属于太阳的日子)。 对基督徒而言, 星期日是「安息日」, 因为耶稣复活的日子是在星期日。约在公元三百年左右, 欧洲教会和政府当局开始明订星期日为休息的日子, 直到今日, 世界上大多数的国家都以Sunday为星期例假日。
Monday 星期一 :

根据西方传说, Monday的意思是moon day(属于月亮的日子), 因为西方人把这一天献给月之女神。古时候西方人相信, 月的盈亏会影响农作物的生长, 也会影响医疗。此外, 尚有所谓的Blue Monday。 Blue是「忧郁」的意思。星期一是一周工作的开始, 没得玩了, 所以心情不好, 不少国家将星期一当作 family washday(家庭洗濯日), 那是由来已久的习俗。

Tuesday 星期二:

Tuesday 是由古英文字Tiw演变来的。Tiw是北欧神话里的战神, 正如同罗马神话里的战神Mars一样。在北欧神话中不叫Tiw而叫Tyr。相传在他的那个时代, 有一狼精经常出来扰乱世界, 为了制服狼精, Tyr的一只手也被咬断了。

Wednesday 星期三 :

Wednesday在古英文中的意思是Woden's day。Woden是北欧诸神之父。为制服狼精而牺牲自己一只手的Tyr, 就是他的儿子。Woden领导神族跟巨人族作战, 他曾牺牲自己锐利的右眼, 跟巨人族换取「智能」的甘泉。他也曾深入地层, 从巨人族那里偷取「诗」的美酒。西方人为了追念这位主神, 就根据他的名字创造了Wednesday这个字。

Thursday 星期四:

Thursday在古英文中意思是Thor's day。Thor是北欧神话中的雷神, 经常带着一把大铁锤。相传有一次, 他的大铁锤被一位叫Thrym的巨人偷走了。Thrym 扬言, 除非神族答应把美丽的爱神Freya嫁给他做为交换。然而Freya抵死不从, 于是神族想了一个办法, 由Thor男扮女装穿Freya的衣服, 假装嫁给他, Thrym不疑有诈, 把铁锤交给新娘。于是Thor抢回了自己的武器, 也立即把Thrym 给杀了。

Friday 星期五:

Friday在古英文中意思是Frigg's day。Frigg是北欧神话中主司婚姻和生育的女神, 也是Woden的妻子。相传她平日身披闪耀白长袍, 住在水晶宫中, 和侍女们一起编织五颜六色的彩云。 对于北欧人而言, 星期五是幸运的日子。然而对基督徒来说却是相反的, 因为耶稣受难日正好是星期五。

Saturday 星期六:

Saturday在古英文中的意思是Saturn's day。Saturn是罗马神话中的农神, 掌管五谷, 就像中国神话中的神农大帝一样。

English(英文) Saxon(撒克逊语) 中文

Sunday Sun's day 太阳之日

Monday Moon's day 月亮之日

Tuesday Tiw's day

Wednesday Woden's day

Thursday Thor's day 雷神之日

Friday Frigg's day.
作者: junhuayang2005    时间: 2009-8-18 17:32

lesson 6   He often forgets things
1 Professor Boffin lives across from the clarks.
2 He's very smart,but he often forgets things.
3 He usually leaves home at eight o'clock.
4 He often forgets his umbrella...
5 ...but Mrs. Boffin always remembers it.
6 It sometimes rains,but Professor ?Boffin never notices!
Point and say:
He never goes to bed late.
never  goes to bed late /plays basketball
sometimes   comes home early/gets up late
often watch TV /go shopping
usually  go to bed early  /has lunch at twelve o'clock
always brushes his teeth/washes her face

[ 本帖最后由 junhuayang2005 于 2009-8-18 17:34 编辑 ].
作者: junhuayang2005    时间: 2009-8-18 17:54

Lesson 7 She usually reads a book
1  Mrs Jones lives next ddor to the clarks.
2 She usually reads a book in the morning.
3 But today she's looking out of the window.
4 She can see Professor Boffin.
5  He's holding his bag and his umbrella...
6  ...but he's still wearing his pajamas!
point and say:
Dad usually  goes  to work by train,but today he's going by bus...

usually                                         today  
goes to work by train                going  by bus
walks to school                         riding his bike
eats a bone                               eating some biscuits
watch TV in the evening          listening to the radio.
作者: junhuayang2005    时间: 2009-10-23 14:24

Lesson 8 Today they're watching Tv
1.Dan and Katie usually get up at seven o'clock,but today's a holiday.
作者: junhuayang2005    时间: 2009-11-13 14:10

Lesson 9   Today she's walking
1.Miss Parker usually goes to school by car.
2.But today her car has a flat tire.
3.So today she's walking to school.
4.She usually arrives at school at ten past eight.
5.But today she's late.
6.It's twenty to nine.
Look and say:
What time is it ? It's ten past three.

ten past three/twenty past three /twenty to four /ten to four
Point and sayan usually drinks a galass of milk in  thre morning,but today he's drinking a cu;p of tea.
drinks a glass of milk in the morning            
drinking a cup of tea
plays hopscotch in  the afternoon
playing a game

watch the news at ten past six
reading the newspaper.

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