
[基督徒] 如何教你的孩子从圣经的角度看待IS


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2015-11-17 Raymond 恩道书房


Christian parents are called to help their children to think about, interact with, and evaluate current issues from a biblical perspective. Cultivating a Christian worldview is one of the main components of child training.

Over the last couple of years, as ISIS has been increasingly in the news, we have had anumber discussions as a family about what has been happening. Our 6 children range from 4 to 20, so there needs to be thoughtful care given to the details of our discussion. However, it is quite near impossible to tame down the atrocities of ISIS to a general audience.

Our children became quite concerned—and with good reason. The barbaric beheadings speak of ancient tribal savagery rather than modern military battles. Most of the conflicts they have heard of have involved airplanes, ships, and soldiers. Now these guys come along with a fearlessness that is only matched by their thirst for blood. Of course our kids are concerned—we are concerned.

In talking with one of my children who admitted her concern, even fear about them taking overAmerica and the world, I gave her the following advice.

1.    ISIS is a group ofvery evil and bad people. They don’t love God or want to honor him. This is why they are doing these things (Col. 1:21; Titus 3:3). Remember that this is what comes out of an unbelieving heart. All of us have sinful hearts and need to turn to and trust Jesus (Eph. 2:1-3). Not all of us do the same wicked things as ISIS but we all need a Savior, we are all suffering from the same problem:sin.
1. IS是一群极其邪恶的坏人。他们不爱上帝,也不想荣耀他。这就是他们如此行事的原因(西1:21;多3:3)。要记住,这些事来自一个不信的心。我们的心都是有罪的,都需要回转向耶稣、相信他(弗2:1-3)。我们当中没有人和IS一样做那些邪恶的事,但我们都需要一位救主。我们都有同样的问题:罪。

2.    The world has a lot of bad guys in it who love to do sinful things for the same reason (John 3:19-20).Even in America, there are horrible, unspeakable things happening every day(murder, abortion, abuse, etc.). This is because we live in a fallen, brokenworld (Rom. 1:18-25, cf. #1).
2. 这个世界上有许多坏人,他们也出于以上原因而爱犯罪(约3:19-20)。即使是在美国(当然也有中国——小编注),每天也都会发生恐怖难言的事情(谋杀、堕胎、虐待等等)。这是因为我们生活在一个堕落破碎的世界(罗1:18-25,参上述第一点)。

3.    This type of thing has been going on throughout history, and even throughout your young life. There have been lots of bad guys and terrorists doing evil things since even before you were a baby.
3. 这类事情充斥着人类历史,哪怕在你年轻的生命中也会泛滥不绝。甚至是在你出生之前,坏人和恐怖分子也一直行恶。

4.    Our security does not ultimately come from America or even our ability to protect ourselves, but from God (Ps. 20:7, Ps. 121:2).
4. 我们的最终的安全感不是来自于美国,甚至也不是来自于我们保护自己的能力,而是来自于神(诗20:7, 诗121:2)。

5.    God has given you a Daddy to protect you and I will do it with all of my strength and resolve.
5. 上帝赐给你一位爸爸来保护你,所以爸爸会尽我一切能力和决心来保护你。

6.    The Bible tells us to pray for our leaders and all of those given charge over us that we may lead quiet peaceable lives (1 Tim. 2:1-4). Let’s pray for our president and military commanders and thank God that we have those who serve in this way.
6. 圣经告诉我们,要为我们的领导者祷告,为所有管理我们的人祷告,好使我们平安无事地度日(提前2:1-4)。让我们为我们的国家元首和军队领导祷告,并为了他们对国家的服务而感谢神。

7.    Pray that God would save some members of this terrorist group. Remember the Apostle Paul, he was basically a terrorist, like ISIS, who killed Christians. God saved him and used him very powerfully for the gospel.
7. 要祷告神,求他在这个恐怖集团中拯救一些人。记得使徒保罗吗?他以前基本上算是个恐怖分子——就像IS一样——杀害基督徒。但神拯救了他,并为了福音的缘故而大大使用他。

8.    Pray for the Christians being persecuted. Pray that they would be comforted by the Holy Spirit and that they would be faithful, even if it means unto death.
8. 为那些在受逼迫的基督徒们祷告。祷告他们能被圣灵安慰,能对基督忠心,哪怕要付上生命的代价。

9.    Remember that Jesus is coming back again. He will punish all evil and set up his kingdom and reign forever. He will make all things new and there will be no more tears, suffering or death. There will be no more bad guys there (Rev. 21:1-5).
9. 要记住,耶稣有一天会再来。他会惩罚一切罪恶,建立他的国度,作王到永远。他会更新一切,不再有眼泪,痛苦或死亡。在他的国中,不再有这些坏人(启21:1-5)。

10.Jesus told us to pray that God’s name would be honored, his kingdom would come, his will would bedone (Mt. 6:9-13). Let’s pray for this with confidence and anticipation becausewe know this day is coming. Maybe even soon!
10. 耶稣教导我们,要祷告人们都荣耀神的名,愿他的国度降临,他的旨意成就(太6:9-13)。让我们以信心和盼望来为这事祷告,因为我们知道那日正在临近。愿主快来!

来源:The Gospel Coalition
http://blogs.thegospelcoalition. ... ur-kids-about-isis/

