
[美容] How To Look Beautiful Without Makeup

How To Look Beautiful Without Makeup

How To Look Beautiful Without Makeup


Makeup is a wonder, but sometimes you get tired of all the applying/removing makeup routine. Enhancing natural beauty can really save you some money on expensive cosmetics and makeup products. So if you wondered how to look beautiful without makeup
read our tips.


First and foremost thing that can help you look beautiful without makeup is a good sleep. Eight hours of sound, uninterrupted sleep will eliminate any dark circles or puffiness under your eyes.


Cool water,  cooled moisturizer or simply a cool compress can really help in getting rid of dark circles and puffiness as well. Besides if you want to wake up in the morning or refresh during the day a splash of cool water can be a good way of doing it.


Skin care. Exfoliate and moisturize. In order to look beautiful without makeup your skin should glow and radiate. For that exfoliate your skin once a week and always use cleanser before applying moisturizer. Otherwise you may end up having clogged pores and dull skin.

If you do wear makeup do not sleep without removing it. Your skin will become dull and unhealthy.


Drink water to keep your skin moisturized and smooth. Not only celebrities think water can keep your young and beautiful but experts also recommend to drink clean water every day to remove toxins from the organism and it’s sure a good thing. Here also comes a healthy diet, which has a direct impact on your skin.


Sunscreen should be worn everyday in summer and winter, with or without makeup. Harsh environmental impact, especially from the sun on our skin makes it old. It is also a good idea to wear sunglasses in summer and winter to avoid tiny wrinkles around your eyes.


To look beautiful without makeup your facial features should be well cared for. Well-shaped eyebrows should be always groomed, if you don’t like the color or intensity of your eyebrows you may dye them with a special dye in the salon. Also using curler just to give shape to your eyelashes is not a crime.


Beautiful hair and stylish ‘do can also help in looking beautiful withoutany makeup. Your lips should be smooth and healthy-looking and your will not need any gloss or lipstick, just a hygienic lip balm.
As you know bad habits have a bad impact on your health and your skin, so getting rid of those is a huge step to looking beautiful without makeup.


