
[基督徒] 不是所有的人都有机会听闻福音,这公平吗?


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2016-10-31 诚之 译 圣约眀道
作者:William Edgar

诚之摘译自:Faith Comes by Hearing: A Response to Inclusivism, edited by By Christopher W. Morgan, Robert A. Peterson, pp. 95-96。

William Edgar 给的其中一个理由是:

Who are God’s people? Not random respondents, but his carefully, lovingly chosen ones. God, from all eternity, has elected many to be the objects of his love. His providence is only the means to carry out his electing love. Thus, the fact that not everyone has the opportunity to hear the gospel is not an indication of unfairness, but the way the Lord carries out the realization of his sovereign, loving choice made in eternity. Reformed theology has always recognized God’s plan to save some but not all according to his free and wise plan. True, there has been an important debate between those who believe he decreed to elect his people before his decision to create and permit the fall (supra-lapsarianism), and those who believe he decreed to elect his people after his decision to create and permit the fall (infra-lapsarianism). But for our purpose the ultimate decision, and then its realization in history, is what is crucial. The reason, in any scenario, is not fate, nor chance, but electing love.

Again, his providence is a means of carrying out his purpose of choosing some but not all. To put it positively, he knows his sheep by name and will make arrangements for them to hear and respond. Negatively, he has determined to pass others by and leave them in the place we all deserve to be. The fact that some do no hear the gospel is one of the providential means of his passing them by. This may by a hard saying, emotionally, but it only follows from the fact that all deserve death, yet many are saved.


但是,事实是:每个人都偏离了真理,都是罪人,都要面临死的结局(罗马书3:23         因为世人都犯了罪,亏缺了 神的荣耀;6:23  因为罪的工价乃是死)。

[ 本帖最后由 奶牛豆豆 于 2016-10-31 16:08 编辑 ]

