发表于 2009-6-30 16:03
回复 7#泽泽妈 的帖子
Thank you very much, truthly, They look down on us,although they don't talk this to Chinese directly. I want to use this glossary before.
European colleagues are not same position as me, they usually up to me, just because they are European. We are foreign venture, so European believe European.
Before each discussing, I did prepare, but the talk rangement is wide, not fixed in one , and Europen master English is better than me and more quickly action than me.some time I thought I jumped them trap. if my English is better than them, I can argue with them.
Yes, not all European speak English fluently, so if I mistake his meaning, it's my problem, not theirs. Europen always right even they are wrong.
Yes, practise can improm my English, Improve my English can improve my confidence.
Thank you all of you. It's better now..