
[外语] 奥巴马关于美国教育改革的演讲




原地址:http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/i ... rm_Speech_FINAL.pdf


Fact_Sheet_Education_Reform_Speech_FINAL.pdf (43.7 KB)

2008-11-16 06:34, 下载次数: 159



Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that our kids and our country can’t afford four more years of neglect and
indifference. At this defining moment in our history, America faces few more urgent challenges than preparing
our children to compete in a global economy. The decisions our leaders make about education in the coming
years will shape our future for generations to come. Barack Obama and Joe Biden are committed to meeting
this challenge with the leadership and judgment that has been sorely lacking for the last eight years. Their
vision for a 21st century education begins with demanding more reform and accountability, coupled with the
resources needed to carry out that reform; asking parents to take responsibility for their children’s success; and
recruiting, retaining, and rewarding an army of new teachers to fill new successful schools that prepare our
children for success in college and the workforce. The Obama-Biden plan will restore the promise of America’s
public education, and ensure that American children again lead the world in achievement, creativity and



shape the future for ...

demanding more reform ...
demand如果翻译为要求,则紧接着的asking parents不容易翻译。因为作为总统,要求改革是在行使权力,是上对下的姿态,要求父母配合则是一种平等的姿态。如果两个词都翻译为要求则容易混淆,不妥。如果翻译为召唤又有矫情嫌疑,意思也不合。最后还是翻译为要求,把asking翻译为祈求。


[ 本帖最后由 太平洋 于 2008-11-15 20:16 编辑 ].



Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that public education in America should foster innovation and provide
students with varied, high-quality learning opportunities. The Obama-Biden education plan will focus federal
funding on the most effective programs with a proven record of success, and work to expand successful school
choices for parents and students within public education.

奥巴马和拜登相信美国公立教育应该孕育创新,给学生提供多样化、高质量的学习机会。 奥巴马——拜登教育计划将把联邦资金集中到那些最有效率且功成可鉴的纲要,并努力为父母和孩子在公立教育之内扩展可供选择的成功学校。.


Create an Innovative Schools Fund: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will create an Innovative Schools Fund to
provide funds to states and school districts to implement plans to create a “portfolio” of successful public school
types, including charters, nonprofit schools, Montessori schools, career academies and theme-focused schools.
Such approaches have been adopted by a number of districts across the nation, including Chicago, which has
expanded not only charter schools, but also schools like the Austin Polytechnical Academy – a public high
school that partners with 37 companies to support hands-on student learning in engineering and advanced
manufacturing. In Thornton, Colorado, the school district and teachers worked together to close down a large,
low-performing high school and open 6 new small schools to let parents and students choose between schools
that focus on the arts or on technology, offer an International Baccalaureate (IB) program, or focus on
workplace internships or world languages. And in Ohio, the Knowledge Works Foundation has partnered with
urban districts across the state to create Early College High Schools that have seen dramatic gains in student
achievement and graduation rates. The Innovation Schools Fund will supplement state, local and private
funding for these efforts to broaden the numbers of public school choices available to students, and seek to
ensure that supported efforts are appropriately tailored to ensure the educational and economic success of
underperforming students in the district. Innovation Schools Fund monies will be focused on not only late-
stage planning and transition costs, but also can be used for supporting limited capital costs for the schools.

创建一个创新学校基金: 奥巴马和拜登将创建一个创新学校基金,为州和学区提供资金,以便展开创建“一揽子”成功公立学校的计划,包括特许学校、非营利学校、蒙特梭利学校、职业学院和主题学校。这些方法已经被遍及全国的一些学区所采纳。其中包括芝加哥;它不仅扩展了特许学校,还扩展了诸如奥斯汀工艺学院一类的学校——奥斯汀工艺学院是一所公立高中,和三十七家公司结成合作伙伴关系,方便学生学习工程和高级制造技术。在科罗拉多州的桑顿,学区(管理层)和教师们一起努力,关闭了一所大而低效的高中,代之以六所小的新学校,令家长和学生可以在多种学校之间作出选择:偏艺术或者偏技术的、提供国际文凭或者偏向于实地实习的,或者偏向于世界语言的。在俄亥俄州,智力工作基金会和各城区通力合作,创建了大预高中学校,并在学生成绩和毕业率方面得到了戏剧性的获益。创新学校基金将补充州、地方和私人资金,用于拓宽学生的公立学校选择,并争取保证这些被资助的项目是经过适当剪裁的,以确保学区里那些表现低下的学生在教育和经济上的成功。创新学校基金的资金不仅致力于后期规划和过渡费用,也可以用于资助财政有限的学校。

特许学校 Charter School

大预高中 Early College High School

supported efforts

supporting limited capital costs for the schools

[ 本帖最后由 太平洋 于 2008-11-15 20:16 编辑 ].


Support High-Quality Schools and Close Low-Performing Charter Schools: Barack Obama and Joe Biden
will double funding for the Federal Charter School Program to support the creation of more successful charter
schools, particularly in high-needs school districts where students continue to be trapped in underperforming
schools. An Obama-Biden administration will provide this expanded charter school funding only to states that
improve accountability for charter schools, allow for interventions in struggling charter schools and have a clear
process for closing down chronically underperforming charter schools. An Obama-Biden administration will
also prioritize supporting states that help the most successful charter schools to expand to serve more students.

支持高质量学校,关闭低效特许学校: 奥巴马和拜登质疑向联邦特许学校计划提供资金以创建更多的成功特许学校(的做法),特别是在学生们持续沦落到欠佳学校中去的那些高需求学区。奥巴马——拜登政府将仅向那些改进了特许学校可依靠性、允许干预挣扎中的特许学校并有一个清晰的流程来关闭年复一年表现欠佳的特许学校——的州提供这个扩展了的特许学校资助。奥巴马——拜登政府也将优先支持那些帮助最成功特许学校扩张以服务更多学生的州。

be trapped in underperforming schools





The U.S. used to rank first in the world in the number of young people with a postsecondary degree; now we
have fallen to seventh. This is not because our young people do not try, but because too many do not graduate.
To combat this problem, we need to both require more transparency on how many students graduate from high
school and attend college, and prepare our high school students to take college level classes. Today, only a
fraction of our students come to college fully prepared in key subject areas. We need to refocus on preparing
our students to enter college ready to succeed, and Barack Obama and Joe Biden will make college readiness
the central component of their high school reform efforts by launching a national “Make College A Reality”



Support Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment, and College Credit Initiatives: A critical component of
college student readiness is access to college-level classes in high school. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will
create a national “Make College A Reality” initiative, based on the successful efforts underway in many states
to increase the percentage of students taking rigorous courses and assessments, such as Advanced Placement
(AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, and to improve achievement. The “Make College A Reality”
initiative will contain a bold goal to increase students taking AP or college-level classes nationwide 50 percent
by 2016, and will build on Obama’s bipartisan proposal in the U.S. Senate to provide grants for students
seeking college level credit at community colleges if their school does not provide those resources. Obama and
Biden will also support efforts to allow students to take advantage of virtual learning opportunities for college-
credit, particularly in rural areas.

支持AP,双重注册和高校学分倡议: 高校学生就绪程度的一个至关重要的部分是(能否)在高中就接触到大学程度的课程。奥巴马和拜登将发起一个全国性的“令高校变为现实”倡议,它基于在许多州业已成功的,旨在增加修学严格课程和评估(例如AP或者IB课程)的学生之比例,以及提高成绩的种种努力。“令高校变为现实”倡议将包含一个大胆的目标,要到2016年的时候把修学AP或者大学程度课程的学生在全国范围内提高五十个百分点;(倡议)建立在奥巴马在参议院提出的跨党派议案,为那些由于自己的学校不能提供大学程度课程而去社区学院争取学分的学生提供补助。奥巴马和拜登也支持创造条件让学生利用虚拟化学习机会以获得大学学分,特别是在农村地区。



Increase College Awareness and Access: Barack Obama and Joe Biden have proposed to create a new $4,000
American Opportunity Tax Credit and eliminate the confusing federal financial aid application process to make
college affordable and accessible for all Americans. The American Opportunity Tax Credit requires that all
recipients complete 100 hours of community service each year, either during the school year or summer months.
As part of their competitiveness agenda, Obama and Biden will allow the students to complete their community
service component by participating in proven college retention programs that engage college students in
preparing high school students for college, similar to the National College Advising Corps (NCAC) which
places college students as mentors and advisers in low-income high schools and community colleges.

增进对高校的认识和接触机会: 奥巴马和拜登已经提议创建一个新的四千美元的美国机会税务抵免计划,并清除那些令人困惑的联邦财政资助申请流程,以使高校能被所有美国人承受得起、有机会去上。美国机会税务抵免计划要求所有受资助者每年完成100小时的社区服务,可以在上学期间或者暑假完成。作为他们的竞争力议程的一部分,奥巴马和拜登允许学生通过参与有据可查的高校保持计划来完成社区服务。(高校保持计划)让大学生参与帮助高中生为高校(学习)做好准备,类似于国家高校顾问团把大学生投放到低收入高中和社区学院去做辅导老师和顾问。

preparing high school students for college



We cannot ensure we’re ready for the economic challenges of the 21st century if our schools and learning
systems are firmly planted in the 20th century. Today, the information economy is revolutionizing every area of
our lives, but too many schools do not have access to these critical resources. Barack Obama and Joe Biden
believe we must integrate technology and its range of applications into all our nation’s schools so that we go
beyond the conception that educational technology just means specialization in technology. An Obama-Biden
administration will ensure that all students are trained to use technology to research, analyze and communicate
in any discipline – the 21st century economy demands no less.


[ 本帖最后由 太平洋 于 2008-11-16 06:18 编辑 ].


Technology Investment Fund: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will build on existing federal education
technology programs and create a $500 million matching fund to ensure technology is fully integrated
throughout schools. This fund will:
    •  Integrate technology throughout the classroom so innovative learning technologies such as simulations,
       interactive games, and intelligent tutors can assist in improving the quality of learning and instruction.
    •  Develop better student assessments that allow teachers and parents to identify and focus on individual
       needs and talents throughout the school year. Technology can help get information about student.
       performance to teachers and parents in real time, and support ongoing efforts to improve student
       performance in an area of weakness and support student success in areas where the student shows
       particular interest or aptitude. Barack Obama will encourage states to use technology to provide regular
  reports to parents on student performance.
• Create new technology-based curriculum with leaders in the technology industry so schools can create
  courses around developing high-demand technology skills and working on authentic projects, as is done
  at High Tech High School or the New Tech High Schools.
• Use technology to allow teachers to work collaboratively with their peers across the country to share
  best practices and support teachers to provide more individualized assistance to students so that teachers
  are no longer the primary source of facts and information, but instead the coaches on how to best
  analyze and apply information.

技术投资基金: 奥巴马和拜登将基于既有联邦教育技术规划,创建一个五亿美元的匹配基金来确保技术手段完全整合进学校中去。这个基金将:
    •  把技术手段整合进教室,使得诸如模拟技术、交互游戏和智能教具等新颖的教学技术能够协助提高教与学的质量。
    •  开发更好的学生评估手段,使教师和家长能够全程发现并优先满足个体的需求和天赋。技术手段能够帮助教师和家长实时了解学生表现,并且协助他们不间断地改进学生的弱项和强化他们特别感兴趣或者有天分的方面。奥巴马鼓励各州政府使用技术手段向家长提供学生表现的常规报告。
    •  和科技行业领头羊合作,建立新颖的基于技术手段的课程,这样学校就可以借重开发高难度技术和真实项目来创建课程,正如高科技高中和新技术高中所做的那样。
    •  使用技术手段,以便教师们可以和遍布全国的同行通力合作,交流最佳实践并协助教师向学生提供更具个性化的帮助,使得教师不再是主要的事实和信息来源,而变成关于如何最佳地分析和应用信息的教练。.


这些计划和改革似乎和我们国家的空洞计划形成了鲜明的对比! .



In November 2007, Barack Obama announced a comprehensive education agenda that places an emphasis on
recruiting, preparing, retaining, and rewarding America’s teachers. The Obama-Biden education plan will
attract tens of thousands of new, highly-qualified teachers by creating Teaching Service Scholarships that
completely cover training costs in undergraduate or graduate school of education programs for those who are
willing to teach in a high-need field or location for at least four years.
The Obama-Biden education plan will prepare and reward our teachers by creating a Career Ladder Initiative
that will offer federal dollars to states and districts that design innovative recruitment and compensation systems
that align with the following principles:
    •    More pay for expert veteran teachers who serve as mentors and coaches.
    •    More incentives and opportunities for teachers to improve knowledge and skills.
    •    More pay for excellent classroom teaching that supports student learning and achievement.
    •    More pay for highly-qualified teachers who teach in underserved schools and underserved subjects like
         math, science and special education.
The Obama-Biden Career Ladder Initiative will also provide mentoring for beginning teachers as part of an
induction program that supports and evaluates performance before any tenure consideration. Participating
districts will also be required to put forward a clear plan – developed with parents and teachers in the districts –
to identify ineffective and struggling teachers, provide them with individual help and support, and remove them
from the classroom in a quick and fair way if they still underperform.

    •    给予(给别的教师)担当导师或者教练角色的、经验丰富的专家级教师更多的报酬。
    •    给予教师更多的甜头和机会以掌握更多知识、改进教学技能。
    •    给予在学生学习和成绩方面有出色表现的课堂教学(者)更多的报酬。
    •    给予在条件欠佳学校任教、以及教授诸如数学、科学和特殊教育等欠发达学科的教师更多的报酬。


原帖由 牙医叔叔 于 2008-11-19 17:44 发表



In his November 2007 education reform speech, Barack Obama highlighted the critical need for parents to
meaningfully engage in their children’s education and the importance of Washington reforming federal
education spending to maximize accountability and success. Barack Obama and Joe Biden support building on
those core principles with tools that ensure that all elements of American society are accountable for the success
of our children.



Create a Parent Report Card to Support Individual Learning Plans: An Obama-Biden Administration will
work with state leaders to create a meaningful parent report card that gives parents the concrete information
they need to help improve their child’s performance each year and plan for post-high school education – a
feature that currently does not exist in NCLB reports. States would be required to submit their plans for
individual learning report cards in their state accountability plans to the Department of Education. These
quarterly report cards will have the following common features:
    •   Where their child is expected to perform at their grade level to be ready for high school graduation and
        post-high school education
    •   Information about local afterschool, summer learning, tutoring, and/or mentoring programs that might
        provide additional assistance to students who have fallen behind and provide additional hands-on
        learning opportunities for students who excel in certain subject areas.
• Information about alternative public schooling options in the area that the student may be able to attend,
  and how those schools’ students are performing.
• Expected amount of savings a family should have for future college tuition and information about
  eligibility for federal and state tax credits, grants, and other financial assistance.

建立家长报告卡以支持个体学习计划: 奥巴马——拜登政府将和州领导合作,建立一个有意义的家长报告卡,给家长提供改进孩子每年表现以及规划后高中教育(即高等教育,译注)所需要的具体信息。这在NCLB报告中是没有的。我们要求各州在提交给教育部的州责任计划中列明它们的个体学习报告卡计划。这些季度报告卡将提供如下信息:
    •   根据当前年级的表现,他们的孩子何时可以高中毕业,入读高校。
    •   关于当地的课外活动、暑期学习、辅导以及导师计划的信息。这些计划可以给落后学生提供额外帮助,给在某些学科成绩优异的学生提供便利的学习机会。
    •   关于当地可供入学的其它公立学校的信息,以及这些学校的学生表现情况。
    •   一个家庭为(孩子)未来上大学所预期需要的储蓄额,以及关于联邦税和州税抵免、基金、财政资助申请资格的信息。

[ 本帖最后由 太平洋 于 2008-11-21 19:56 编辑 ].


原帖由 太平洋 于 2008-11-20 21:50 发表



Increase Parental Responsibility: Barack Obama believes that parents have responsibility to ensure that their
children are on time and ready to learn every day, and that at night, their children are continuing their studies.
As announced by Barack Obama in November 2007, the following principles will be implemented in an
Obama-Biden administration:
    •  Clear and High Expectations for Student Behavior: Every school receiving funding under this plan
       is required to lay out clear and high expectations for student behavior and shared values, agreed on by
       the school’s educators and parents. This plan will support summer planning time for teachers to design
       behavioral expectations or receive training in models driving positive student behavior school wide.
    •  School-family Contracts: The Obama-Biden plan will encourage schools and parents to work together
       to establish a school-family contract laying out expectations for student attendance, behavior, and
       homework. These contracts would be provided to families in their native language when possible and
       would include information on tutoring, academic support, and public school choice options for students.
    •  Parental and Family Responsibility: Barack Obama will call on parents to turn off the TV and video
       games, make sure their children are getting their homework done and work to take a greater stake in
       their child’s education both in and outside of school.
    •  Service: All students in grant recipient districts will be expected to engage in community service.

强化家长责任: 奥巴马相信家长有责任保证孩子按时上学、心无旁骛,晚上在家也好好学习。正如奥巴马于2007年11月宣布的那样,奥巴马政府将贯彻如下原则:
    •  对学生行为规范的清晰而高企的要求:每个接受这个计划资助的学校都要给学生的行为规范和价值观念设立一个清晰而高企的要求,并得到学校教育督导人员和家长们的首肯。这个计划将资助暑期规划以便教师们设计行为规范,或者为在全校范围内引导积极正面的学生行为规范而接受楷模训练。
    •  家校合约:奥巴马——拜登计划鼓励学校和家长通力合作,制定关于学生出勤、行为规范和家庭作业方面要求的合约。这些合约将尽可能以母语的形式提供给各个家庭,也会包含诸如辅导和学业支持、公立学校选择等信息。
    •  父母和家庭的责任:奥巴马呼吁家长们关闭电视机和视频游戏,督促孩子们完成家庭作业,并更多参与孩子的课内外教育。
    •  服务:所有在受基金资助学区的学生都要参与社区服务。.


Accountability from Washington: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will make federal education programs more
performance-based and report results to the public and Congress at least once a year. They will promote the use
of performance metrics – including student achievement, college and high school graduation rates and school
report cards – to evaluate discretionary federal education spending programs. Independent performance teams
will be tasked with analyzing and reforming underperforming federal programs, and will have the authority to
demand improvement reviews within 30 days, make necessary reforms, fire bad managers and replace them
with high-performing managers from other agencies, or shift the program’s budget to other programs if
necessary. And successful programs will have their funding expanded, in partnership with Congress.



“Invest in What Works” Initiative: An Obama-Biden administration will implement a federal "Invest in
What Works" Initiative to put into action a recommendation of our country's innovation leaders, mayors and
teachers. While we spend roughly $400 billion annually in this country on public education, we spend less than
seven tenths of one percent of that – $260 million – figuring out what actually works. By comparison, the
Department of Defense spends roughly ten percent of its annual budget on research and development (R&D).
Barack Obama and Joe Biden will double our investment in educational R&D by the end of their first term.
Part of this investment will be devoted to commissioning a blue-ribbon private sector panel of premier business
leaders, educators, researchers, and others to make recommendations to the Secretary of Education on
successful programs and innovations across the country that should be scaled. The panel will also be charged
with making those successful practices and lessons learned universally available.

“投资在有用的地方”倡议 奥巴马——拜登政府要实行一项“投资在有用的地方”倡议,以把我们国家的创新领袖、市长、教师的建议付诸行动。尽管我们国家每年在公共教育方面花费大约四千亿美元,我们却花了不到零点七个百分点,也就是两亿六千万美元,用于搞明白哪些东西是真正有用的。作为对比,国防部把大约百分之十的年度预算用于研发。奥巴马和拜登将在第一个任期结束的时候把教育研发经费翻倍。这里一部分投资将专门用于设立一个由杰出商界领袖、教育家、研究人员及其他人员组成的蓝绶带民间委员会,向教育部长推荐那些应该被推广的成功计划和创新。这个委员会也会负责推广那些成功的实践和经验教训。.


A Commitment to Fiscal Responsibility: The new proposals announced today build on Barack Obama’s
comprehensive education plan announced in November 2007. The additional proposals in today’s plan will cost
about $1 billion per year when fully phased in. Obama will fully pay for this new commitment without
increasing the deficit by dedicating a small portion of the savings from his comprehensive effort to cut
government spending, including reforming federal contracting, reducing the number of federal earmarks,
improving federal procurement processes, and ending wasteful and unnecessary federal programs.

财政责任承诺: 今天公布的新提案是基于奥巴马于2007年11月提出的全面的教育计划。今天的计划中附加的提案将在完全展开的时候花费大约每年十亿美元。奥巴马将把通过全面削减政府开支,包括改革联邦合同、减少联邦专项拨款、改进联邦采购流程、终结浪费和不必要的联邦计划等所节省下来的资金专门拨出一小部分用于实现这个承诺,并且不会因此扩大财政赤字。.



很多地方很难翻译,特别是涉及到美国政府和社会的一些词汇。力求忠实原文但是水平有限。 不过翻译这个东西主要不是为了展示自己的英语水平,而是想给大家提供更多的信息,看看人家的教育怎么搞的。我以后还会有相关的帖子开出来,希望大家觉得有用。为了孩子,为了明天,大家一起加油!.


回复 22#太平洋 的帖子

白天请一位同事(非英语专业)看5楼的一段话,并指出要求翻译“be trapped in underperforming schools”一句,翻译的结果是:“处于就读在表现不佳的学校这一困境的(学生)”。这个翻译方法远不如“沦落到欠佳学校”顺。让他看了你的翻译,他很佩服的说。.


LZ 辛苦了



