
[求助] 询问step by step 英语听力入门:学生用书(1)的内容

询问step by step 英语听力入门:学生用书(1)的内容


UNIT1 INTRODUCTION Lesson 1 PartⅠ Warming-up Exercises

Lesson 1

PartⅠ Warming-up Exercises  

A.Sentence Structure

Directions: Listen carefully. Draw a circle around the letter beside the sentence you hear

1. a.Sheila is a secretary.      b.She is a secretary.

        c.He is a secretary.

2. a.Is this your friend Jane?                   b.Is this your friend John?

        c.Is this your friend James?

3. a.She is from Finland.                     b.She is from England.

        c.She is from Greenland.

4. a.John studies in London.                     b.John stays in London.

        c. John is still in London.

5. a.Is this the box?                                b.Is this the boss?

        c.Is this  the  bus?

6.a. The glass is small.                          b. The class is small.

        c.The classroom is small.

7.a.There are some books on the table.

        b.Their books are on the table.

        c.There are some boxes on the table.

8.a.That's a hall.                                    b.That's the hall.

        c.That's all.


B.Difficult Sentences

Directions: You are going to hear some sentences chosen from the comprehension material in this lesson. Listen carefully and repeat.

1.---- What is your address?

       ---- 12 Princess Street.

2.See that man near the door? He's our boss.

3.---- What's that,  Robert?

       ---- This? Oh, it's an aspirin.  I've got a headache.

4.---- And where are you from?

       ---- Sydney, Australia

5.---- Are you here on holiday?

       ---- Yes, I am.

Lesson 1 PartⅡ What Is Your Name?

PartⅡ   What Is Your Name?


Ⅰ. Choose the correct answer to each question you hear on the tape.

1.a.Robert Fox.                      b.Albert Fox.

2.a.London.                           b.Edinburgh.

3.a.4907.                               b.4709.

4.a.35.                                  b.45.

5.a.No.                                  b.Yes.

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the words you hear on the tape.

Hello! My name is Alice. I'm a ____. This is my ____. And this is Jane.

She is a ____too. Listen. That's her ____ See that man near the ____ ?

He's our boss.  He's the ____. His name's Mr. James. Well, it's one

o'clock. Lunch time. Goodbye.

Lesson 1 Part Ⅲ Where Are You From?

Part Ⅲ  Where Are You From?


Ⅰ. Decide whether the statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false.

1.____ Robert is a journalist.

2.____ Lulu is a secretary.

3.____ She is  American.

4.____ Robert has got a headache.

5.____ Robert and Lulu go to the pub for lunch.

Ⅱ.Listen to the dialogue and write the answer to each question in the space given.

A: What's your name, please?                      A: Are you here on holi-

B:_____________________                         day?

A: And where  are you from?                     B:__________________

B:_____________________                         A:Thank you, Miss Mar-

A:What's your job?                                     tin.








