


因为我们的孩子在"卓越英语”学习,据称他们的外教Anthony(Tony)每周四、日也在卢湾一中心上课,是个美国人,用的也是卓越的教材,刚来似乎1个月吧, 想了解一下是否确实,课上得怎么样?有知道帮忙回复一下

[ 本帖最后由 天天妈咪 于 2006-11-24 09:32 编辑 ].


My son is in 2nd grade of Yi Zhong Xin, and learns from Tony at Zhuo Yue. I had a chance to chat with Tony. He is from the States, so I have no worry about his accent. He is also teaching adults in other evening schools. He may not be very experienced in teaching small kids.

Definitely native speakers have some advantages in teaching English, especially oral English. However the other side of the coin is that they may not have much experiences, not well-trained in teaching, ect.  I have been to several part-time English schools, and found no real foreign English teachers by training.

Do you know any places in Shanghai like English corner where kids can speak English with each other? ?When kids find that they can use what they've learned, they will be more interested, and be motivated to learn..




回复 #2 sxie 的帖子

Your English is so good that your child can talk to you in English every day. It's the good way to practise English, I think.
If you wish your child can talk to other children in English, it lies on the child's character. If he is diffidence, maybe it's not a good way..


Shall we arrange a time during weekends so that our kids can play together? My kid is in 2nd grade. How about yours? When I was a kid, I spent much time playing with my friends, and that was the happiest time I had. Todays kids are so burdened with their various kinds of learnings. I do want to give my kid some more time to play with friends.

Besides, do you know any English corners for kids in Shanghai?.


回复 #5 sxie 的帖子




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