

看原版外国电影和听英文歌能加强英文听说能力吗?: http://ww123.net/baby/viewthread ... p;page=1&extra=

[ 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-30 19:40 编辑 ].

原帖由 tracy2006 于 2009-8-18 16:18 发表

我是比较反对她看这类书籍的 ...谢谢你的推荐!
最近,女儿在看(EVA IBBOTSON)...被深深地吸引


我也推荐两本,THE AGASSI STORY (阿加西的故事)和 LIFE OF PI.

[ 本帖最后由 lenovour 于 2009-8-19 21:53 编辑 ].

能 介绍下EVA IBBOTSON的哪些书好看吗。.

英籍奥地利女言情小说作家 Eva Ibbotson
About Eva Ibbotson
Eva Ibbotson is the author of books published to wide acclaim in Great Britain and the U.S. She has a daughter and three sons, who showed her that children like to read about ghosts, wizards, and witches "because they are just like people but madder and more interesting."

The Great Ghost Rescue (1975)
Which Witch? (1979)
A Countess Below Stairs (1981)
     aka The Secret Countess
Magic Flutes (1982)
The Worm and the Toffee-nosed Princess (1983)
A Company of Swans (1985)
The Haunting of Hiram C. Hopgood (1987)
Madensky Square (1988)
Not Just a Witch (1989)
The Morning Gift (1993)
The Secret of Platform 13 (1994)
Dial-a-Ghost (1996)
A Song for Summer (1997)
Monster Mission (1999)
Island of the Aunts (2000)
Journey to the River Sea (2001)
The Haunting of Granite Falls (2004)
The Star of Kazan (2004)
Beasts of Clawstone Castle (2005).

分类:童书 少年小说13-16岁

[ 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-20 14:03 编辑 ].

艾娃.易勃森(Eva Ibbotson) 简介
  艾娃.易勃森(Eva Ibbotson)出生於奧地利的维也納。二次世界大战時,她的家庭为了逃避纳粹的迫害而搬到英国,易勃森也进入當地的寄宿学校就读。目前她定居於英国北部,育有三个儿子及一个女儿。四个孩子的成长让她了解,儿童都喜爱关于鬼怪、巫师和女巫的故事,因为“他们看似与平常人无异,却更疯狂、更有趣”。
  结婚后,易勃森著手写了一些短篇故事。等到最小的儿子也进入学校读书,她才开始创作长篇儿童小说;现在,她不但写給儿童,也写給成人。易勃森除了《蝴蝶‧天堂‧探险记》之外,还著有《Island of the Aunts》、《Dial-a-Ghost》、《The Secret of Platform 13》、《Which Witch?》等作品。
  她的作品曾获Nominated for the 2001 Children's Whitbread Award 2001英国史马提斯童书奖金牌奖;The runner-up in the 2001 Guardian Children's Fiction Prize 好书大家读奖 .

艾娃.易勃森(Eva Ibbotson)的作品
《A Song for Summer》
《Dial A Ghost》
《Monster Mission》
《Not Just a Witch》
《Star of Kazan》
《The Beasts of Clawstone Castle》

[ 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-20 14:42 编辑 ].

艾娃.易勃森(Eva Ibbotson)的作品
《The Great Ghost Rescue》  
《The Haunting of Hiram》  
《The Morning Gift》  
《The Secret Countess》  
《The Secret Of Platform》  
《Which Witch?》

[ 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-20 14:41 编辑 ].


回复 106#apple313 的帖子
曾看过艾娃.易勃森的《蝴蝶.天堂.探险记》中文版 ,小女生喜欢.

请尽快下载《Bedtime Reading》.I 文本文件
《床头灯3000.I.》文本下载地址:http://g.zhubajie.com/urllink.php?id=5757030ju040drs9ibi68wc 猪八戒网盘

[ 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-20 16:15 编辑 ].

原帖由 NAUGHTY 于 2009-8-20 15:13 发表 曾看过艾娃.易勃森的《蝴蝶.天堂.探险记》中文版 ,小女生喜欢
谢谢推介 是这本吗?

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回复 114#tracy2006 的帖子
看过《The Chronicles of Narnia》1-3,画面如《指环王》般美轮美奂 。感觉女生喜欢《The Chronicles of Narnia》男生更喜欢《Harry.Potter》.

回复 115#apple313 的帖子
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原帖由 lenovour 于 2009-8-19 21:51 发表 我也推荐两本,THE AGASSI STORY (阿加西的故事)和 LIFE OF PI.桌面\n58648
谢谢推荐  能更仔细些吗?.

回复 #108 APPLE313的帖子
苹果小姐,你怎么什么都知道呀,真棒! 给你送花。.

回复 118#BLG52 的帖子
谢谢  不过不是苹果小姐 是苹果大妈   

这些书是您和不二周助、Sally妈妈、tracy2006、哈里老妈、JANE-LEE、lenovour 等热心推荐的 ,偶只是帮忙查找资料共大家参考  要送花就送给热心推荐书籍妈妈们吧 .

原帖由 Sally妈妈 于 2009-8-19 16:11 发表 http://www.navrang.com/
谢谢Sally妈妈爱心链接 想办法团购.

回复 119#apple313 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-20 20:06 编辑 ].

回复 121#H爸 的帖子
侬......H老大  I 服了 YOU.

下载地址 http://g.zhubajie.com/urllink.php?id=5759031w0elv7sj9poem33k.

回复 117#apple313 的帖子

"It’s a trail-of-tears saga worthy of Hollywood." -- Inside Tennis --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Driven by his love of tennis, Mike Agassi decided to teach his children how to play the game. It was his son Andre’s talent that shone through the brightest, and Andre became dominant in the world of men’s tennis.

The Agassi Story begins on the streets of Iran, where Mike Agassi was born. Learning to defend himself at an early age, Mike developed a punch that quickly got noticed by the boxing community. After participating in two Olympic Games and getting a taste for a better quality of life, Mike set his eyes on America. It was in Chicago that he decided to focus on tennis, and he moved to Las Vegas so he could play year–round. Knowing that it was too late for him to pursue a tennis career, he made sure to develop his children into great players, and fulfill his dream that way. But his teachings came with a high price, and tensions between Mike and his children threatened to pull the family apart.

The Agassi Story is a heartwarming look at one family’s turbulent relationship, and their ultimate reconciliation.

<Life of Pi> 位于很多美国中学的READING LIST。
Yann Martel's imaginative and unforgettable Life of Pi is a magical reading experience, an endless blue expanse of storytelling about adventure, survival, and ultimately, faith. The precocious son of a zookeeper, 16-year-old Pi Patel is raised in Pondicherry, India, where he tries on various faiths for size, attracting "religions the way a dog attracts fleas." Planning a move to Canada, his father packs up the family and their menagerie and they hitch a ride on an enormous freighter. After a harrowing shipwreck, Pi finds himself adrift in the Pacific Ocean, trapped on a 26-foot lifeboat with a wounded zebra, a spotted hyena, a seasick orangutan, and a 450-pound Bengal tiger named Richard Parker ("His head was the size and color of the lifebuoy, with teeth"). It sounds like a colorful setup, but these wild beasts don't burst into song as if co-starring in an anthropomorphized Disney feature. After much gore and infighting, Pi and Richard Parker remain the boat's sole passengers, drifting for 227 days through shark-infested waters while fighting hunger, the elements, and an overactive imagination. In rich, hallucinatory passages, Pi recounts the harrowing journey as the days blur together, elegantly cataloging the endless passage of time and his struggles to survive: "It is pointless to say that this or that night was the worst of my life. I have so many bad nights to choose from that I've made none the champion."

An award winner in Canada, Life of Pi, Yann Martel's second novel, should prove to be a breakout book in the U.S. At one point in his journey, Pi recounts, "My greatest wish--other than salvation--was to have a book. A long book with a never-ending story. One that I could read again and again, with new eyes and fresh understanding each time." It's safe to say that the fabulous, fablelike Life of Pi is such a book. --Brad Thomas Parsons --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

[ 本帖最后由 lenovour 于 2009-8-20 22:36 编辑 ].

回复 108#apple313 的帖子
Eva Ibbotson的链接太好了。这个适合英语比较好的5-7年级小朋友看。Eva 最有名的一本应该还是Journey to the river sea..

昨天看国外读者选的Top 100 中第一名Harry Potter第一本,第二名Twilight,第三名就是《傲慢与偏见》了,《呼啸山庄》也在前30名内,经典的书还是有市场的。


[ 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-21 02:07 编辑 ].

我来补充  http://www.verycd.com/topics/204055/    一楼的MP3的地址,大家看看还能下吗

[ 本帖最后由 青青小白杨 于 2009-8-21 08:56 编辑 ].

原帖由 不二周助 于 2009-8-21 01:36 发表
Eva Ibbotson的链接太好了。这个适合英语比较好的5-7年级小朋友看。Eva 最有名的一本应该还是Journey to the river sea.
谢谢不二喜欢Eva bbotson《Journey to the river sea》,所以这本书放在106楼首推.


《床头灯3000》文本文件下载 http://www.verycd.com/topics/213832/


[ 本帖最后由 apple313 于 2009-8-21 11:17 编辑 ].

回复 128#青青小白杨 的帖子

回复 131#apple313 的帖子

回复 128#青青小白杨 的帖子 回复 130#apple313 的帖子
下载了 谢谢LZ和青青小白杨爱心奉献 送花了.

请尽快下载《Bedtime Reading》.床头灯.III. 文本文件


Hey guys
Some really nice stuff ur puttin' up there.
I got some books of my own that i'd like to share  with y'all
So listen up.

First of all the Wolf Brothers series,
It's a series written by Michelle Pavor which takes us back to the ancient times, when dark magic and soul eaters existed.

I'd like everyone to take a look at The Alchemist by Paul Coelho (blahh, hard to pronounce)
It's an inspiring story which tells the adventures of a young boy trying to fulfill his destiny, but learns the ways of the world, the natural laws, and even how to communicate with everything around him, including the hand that made it all. Very good book. Must read classic.

The Giver
It is an interesting tale of the future. It's protagonist is a boy named Jonas. The story is about him and his adventure after he was entitled the receiver of memory. This is a very short book but you can read it over and over again as you get older, and it would become more meaningful after each time

That's it for today
Goodnight folks

[ 本帖最后由 PATTISON 于 2009-8-21 20:23 编辑 ].

回复 136#PATTISON 的帖子
Thanks for sharing!.

回复 135#Eva2009 的帖子

回复 136#PATTISON 的帖子
Thanks a lot! Paulo Coelho is my favorite writer..




回复 142#vivianda 的帖子
When we rejoice in our fullness, then we can part with our fruits with joy..

Paulo Coelho
《The Alchemis.》 《THE Devil AND Miss Prym》


回复 136#PATTISON 的帖子
谢谢推荐。看过The Giver。Paul Coelho考虑买本看看。

[ 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2009-8-22 15:15 编辑 ].

回复 144#apple313 的帖子
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是我儿子推荐的。 他说的这几本是国外小学5年级看的,老师告诉他们这几本书随着他们年龄的增长,每次看每次都会有不同的感受, 确实是这样的。 他前一阵又看了
The ALchemist,  我们去书城找过中文版的炼金术士,  听书城工作人员说前几年作者来书城签售过书, 可惜书城已经没有那本书了, 后来在网上买到的中文版。.

回复 144#apple313 的帖子
花花送到手酸 .


女孩子看英语漫画,NANCY DREW(Graphic Novel)

这么多好看的书呀 谢谢各位妈妈推荐.
