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[外语] 学习降世神通日记

回复 43楼jjjnet 的帖子



Jun 24th
zhao:That's quite a bit (of) damage.
zuco: Yes, you wouldn't believe what happened.Uncle, tell Commander Zhao what happened.
Aron:Yes, I will do that. It wasing incredible.
zhao:What...did we crash or something?
zuco:Uh,Yes, Ride in two (right into) an earth kingdom ship.
zhao:Really?You must regel(regale) me with all the swelling(thrilling) detells(details).
Join me for a drink?
zuco:Sorry, but we have to go.
Prince Zuko, show Commander Zhao your respect.We would be owner(honored) to join you.
Do you have any ginseng tea?It's my favourite.
soca:Hey,stomach, be quiet, all right. I'm trying to find (us) some food.
Hey, who ate all my buberd(blubbered) seal turkey(jerky).
Ann:Oh, that was food? I used it to start the campfire last night. Sorry.
soca:You what? Awww,No wonder the flames smelled so good.
Ann: It is behind(The Batola) moutain bridge(range).
Katara:Aang? before we get to the temples, I want to talk to you about the airbenders.
Ann:What about them?
Katara:Well,I just want you (to be) prepared for what you might see.
The fire nation is lufless(ruthless), they killed my mother, they could have done the same to your people.
Ann:Just because no one has seen an airbender doesn't mean the fire nation killed them all.They probelly(probably) escaped.
Katara:I know it's hard to except(accept).
Ann:You don't understand, Katara. The only way to get to an airbender temple is
on a flying bison.
And I down(doubt) the fire nation has any flying bison. Right, Appa?Yip,Yip.
here it is, the southern air temple.
Katara:Aang, it's amazing.
Ann:We're home, buddy, we're home



incredible 难以置信的
regale 款待
thrill 惊吓
detail 细节
mountain range , not mountain bridge 山脉
ruthless 残忍的
probably 可能
doubt 怀疑.




Jun 25th

ZHao:And by year's end ,the Earth Kindom's capital will be under ourt rule. The fire loud(lord) well finally clame(claim) vitory in this war.
Zuco: If my father thinks the rest of the world will follow him well(willingly), then his a full(fool).
Zhao: Two year succeed(at sea) have done a little (to)temper your tougon(tougue. So, how si your surch(search) for the avitar going.
Aron: My fault, intirely(entirely).
Zuco:We haven't find him yet.
Zhao: Did you really expect to? The avartar dies(died) a hundred years ago along of(with) the rest of the Air benders. Unless you found some avedents(envidence) that show the avatar alived(alive).
Zuco: No, nothing.
Zhao: Prince Zuco, the avartar is the only one who can stip the fire nation win(from winning) the war. If you have some aunts(aunce) of loyalty left, you'll tell me what you('ve) found.
Zuco: I haven't found anything. And  like you said the avartar probelly(probably) die along time ago. Come on uncle, we are going.
Two guard: Commander Zhao, we interiget(interrogated) the crew with(as) your constractive(instructed). They confirmed Prince Zuco have(had) the avartar and custody. But let him escape.
Zhao: Now ,remind me. How exactly ws your ship dammaged?
Soca: So we must get something to eat.
Karara: You are lucky enough to be the first outsieder to ever visit an air bender temple. And all you can think about is food.
Soca: I'm jsut a simple guy with simple need.
Ann: So that's where my freinds and I played airball. And over there is(would be) where the bison will sleep, and ...
Katar:What's wrong?
Ann: This place used to be full of monks and lemors and bison. Now there is just a bunch of weeds. I can't believe how much things were(have) changed.
Soca: So, ahh....This air ball game, hwo do you play?
Ann: Haaaa! Ann sever, Soca zero.
Soca: Making he feel better but putting me into a world of hurt.
Katara: Check this out! ....firenation.
Soca: We should tell him..


lord, claim, fool, succeed, tougue, search,  entirely, along with,  aunce, probably,
interrogate, instruct



很厉害,真心向你们多多学习!主要还是家长厉害,能陪伴孩子一直坚持下去 .




Jun 26th

Katara: Ann, here are something you need to see.
Ann:OK, what is it?
Katara: Ahh, just a new waterbending move  I learned.
Ann: Nice one! But enough pratising. I have a whole temple to see.
Soca: You know you can't protect him forever! Katara, fire benders were here. You can't pretend they weren't.
Katara: I can't for Ann think(for Ann's sake). If he finds the fire nation invates(invaded) him home. He'll be deverstaded(devastated).
Ann: Hey, guys! I want you to meet some body(somebody, 不要分开写).
Soca:Who's that?
Ann: Monk Kiaso( Gyatso), the greatest air bender in the world. He taught me everything I know.
Gyatso: But the truth secret is in the gooey center.
Ann: mm......
Gyatso: My agenest(ancient) cake making, tikneke(technique) isn't the only thing on your mind. Is it, Ann?
Ann: These all avartar things. Maybe the monks made  a mistake.
Gyatso: The only mistake the made is (was) telling it before you turned to sixteen. But we can't curson(concern) ourselves with what was, we must act on what is!
Ann: But Gyastso, how do I nkow I am ready for this?
Gyatso: Your question will be solved when you are old enough to open the air temple centruary(sanctuary). Inside, you will meet someone who will guide you on you jurney(journey)!
Ann: Who is it?
Gyatso: When you are ready, he will review(reveal) himself to you!
Gyatso: Now ,are you going to help me with these cakes or not?
Ann: All right.
Ann: your ave(aim) has improved greatlly, my young pupil.
Katara: You must miss him!
Katara: WHere was he going?
Ann: The air temple sanctuary. There is some one ready to meet me..


for some's sake
devastate破坏;毁灭, technique, conern, sanctuary 避难所;庇护所;圣所;庇护 , jouney, reveal, aim.


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