
[外语] 《爱丽丝梦游奇境》,你读了吗?(18楼附《爱丽丝镜中奇遇记》电子书)

爱丽丝梦游仙境 是名著,就像你学英语要看简爱,要看莎士比亚一样,这本书和它们是一样的重要。.



她的全名是 Alice Pleasance Liddell,看一下Lewis的这首诗的首字母,就是全名。配套的翻译被誉为翻译中的绝唱。

A boat, beneath a sunny sky 斜阳照著小划船
Lingering onward dreamily 慢慢 漂著慢慢贤鎈r
In an evening of July--- 显谝桓銎咴峦戆胩飒  
Children three that nestle near,小孩先个靠著枕
Eager eye and willing ear,眼睛愿意耳朵肯
Pleased a simple tale to hear---  想听故事想得很  
Long has paled that sunny sky;那年晚霞早已散
Echoes fade and memories die;声儿模糊影儿乱
Autumn frosts have slain July.  秋风到了景况换  
Still she haunts me, phantomwise,但在另外一个天
Alice moving under skies 阿丽丝这小孩
Never seen by waking eyes.  仙老像还在我心边  蟎r
Children yet, the tale to hear,还有小孩 也会想
Eager eye and willing ear,眼睛愿意耳朵痒
Lovingly shall nestle near.  也该挤著听人讲  
In a Wonderland they lie,本来都是梦里游
Dreaming as the days go by,梦里开心梦里愁
Dreaming as the summers die:  梦里岁月梦里流  
Ever drifting down the stream--- 顺著流水跟著过
Lingering in the golden gleam---恋著斜阳看著落
Life, what is it but a dream? 人生如梦是不错

[ 本帖最后由 不二周助 于 2010-1-16 05:49 编辑 ].

