
[外语] 为孩子灌录的三星笔试词组、短语、同近意词音频资料



A.  情景对话

1.       You and your friend are talking about your favorite seasons. You prefer summer to winter.

2.       You and your friend are talking about your favorite seasons. You like autumn best.


Colors affect our moods. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active. It is a factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or dark grey.

C  .看图说词

D .听说相反

  1.Everybody has his luck day.

  2. The bread is getting hard.

  3. Tom always forgets to bring his key.

  4 .It is the most expensive dress I have ever bought.

  5. Mom , the vinegar bottle is full.

E 听听做做

  道具:纸   绿色和蓝色笔各一支

Take a piece of paper out of the box on the top right-hand corner of the table.pick up a green pen from the box on the top left-hand corner of the table,now draw a big oval on the paper,then draw two squares in the oval,connect the two squares with a line,now draw a triangle under the line,put a question mark in the triangle.

F.  快听快答

   1.What do you do when you have a sore throat?

   2.  Where do people wait for buses?

   3.  HOWoften do you go to KFC?

   4.  In which season do leaves begin to become yellow?

   5.  Shall we go out for a walk?

   6.  Who always cooks meal in your family?

   7.  Name three big animals.

   8.  Do you save pocket money?

G.   看看说说


