
[外语] 母语式教学还是中英文上课?

回复 #120 watermelon 的帖子


Your husband is a native English speaker and you are a native Chinese speaker, that's why your kid is bi-lingual, which has nothing to do with "methodology". Even if you don't teach your kid English---in fact many bilingual families never do---, he is bi-lingual, exceptions being that the kids have passed their puberty before the family becomes bi-lingual when only one of the parents' native languages becomes the kids' native tongue.
On the other hand, in mono-lingual families, it is virtually impossible to breed a "bilingual kid". The best result of any methods, teaching a language in the native way or with the help of translation, will be that the kid becomes fluent in a foreign language. And this "foreign language", technically speaking, can never be identical with his native language. It will, ultimately, become an "interlanguage"..


回复 #165 watermelon 的帖子

I have no intention to undermine your achievment in language teaching, and i admire your real experience with real kids. The only difference between you and me is our definition of "fluency" and "native proficiency". I know several foreigners who speak Chinese much better than "DA SHAN", but we can still detect that their speech is not native Chinese. Anyhow it doesn't matter if, by common standard, we consider them having "native proficiency" in Chinese language.
I see you are a good language instructor, partly because of your family environment, and mostly because of your zeal and endeavor. My first response to your post is purely out of respect. i suppose you won't feel offended.
As a matter of fact, there are lots of people in the linguistic circle who firmly believe that language is, to a large extent, genetic. That is controversial of course, I am not going to argue any more. Finally, i suggest you read something about linguistic study, especially works by Noam Chomsky in Second Language Acquisition, you probably will see my understanding about "bi-lingualness", "native proficiency", etc.

[ 本帖最后由 Cherrydaddy 于 2007-7-26 07:21 编辑 ].


Let's put an end to the arguing

原帖由 watermelon 于 2007-7-26 12:38 发表
I know many people who would refer to "Da Shan's" ability as "native proficiency." In fact, he is commonly described as having "better than native ability" by Chinese and Westerners alike. The ab ...
I appreciate your honest reponse. And let's put an end to this. I agree that there are lots of people who are enthusiastic and quite efficient in teaching English, and I am only too willing to learn from them. As I said before, I have no intention to undermine your effort and your achievement, neither do i want to challenge your method. NOT AT ALL. Thanks!.


原帖由 和你在一起 于 2007-7-27 01:19 发表
反方:中介语教学——不排除借助学习者母语进行说明、释 ...

我介入这个讨论的出发点是: 在中国目前的情况下全英语教学并非广大家长的最好的选择.
中国目前的情况是,许多英语培训机构鼓吹"让孩子说一口流利的美语","让孩子说一口地道的英语",这本身就是一种误导.英语本是一种语言,语言是用来交流的,能否达到"母语"水平其实无关紧要.即使我们的英语有很浓厚的中国口音,只要在交流的时候没有障碍,就是good English.
第二,关于英语思维的问题也有许多误区.比如有很多人提到的中国人把开电视说成open the TV,这并非思维问题,因为中国人也不会在看电视的时候把它给open了,只是一种说法而已,或者说词语搭配问题.同样的事情有不同的词语来表达,我们喝汤的时候,英语国家的人eat some soup.并非他们就是用叉子叉起来往嘴巴里送!这些中式错误只是因为中国的语言学习者不知道地道的英文说法,即使一个老师用中文来教英语,如果他告诉学生这些差别,学生当然不会再去open the computer,也不会drink some soup.这与思维无关.

[ 本帖最后由 Cherrydaddy 于 2007-7-27 14:02 编辑 ].

