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[外语] 科普英语拓展阅读 -- 阅读有益

科普英语拓展阅读 -- 阅读有益

有些科普知识献给小朋友们, 可能将来用的上.
<< A  Whale Is Not A Fish and Other Animal Mix-ups >> By Melvin Berger

A Whale Is Not a Fish
An Ape Is Not a Monkey
A Toad is Not a Frog
An Alligator Is not a Crocodile
A Bat is Not a Bird
A Moth Is Not a Butterfly
A Hare Is Not a Rabbit
A Spider Is Not An Insect
A Donkey Is Not a Mule
A Hedgehog Is Not A Porcupine
A Porpoise Is Not a Dolphin


[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2010-6-4 09:59 编辑 ].


回复 2#成长的天空 的帖子

Hares and rabbits are small furry animals with long ears and short, fluffy tails. They scamper through gardens, fields, and woods. But -
Most hares are big....The biggest are 27 inches long. They weigh over eight pounds. Some of the biggest hares are called jackrabbits -even though they really are hares. the samller sonwshoe rabbits are also hares.
Hares escape enemies by hopping away......
When a hare senses danger , it leaps away on its powerful hind legs. Some hares reach speeds of up to 50 miles an hour !
是的. 有二处打错了.

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2007-10-22 20:56 编辑 ].


请问二,三年级学生一般有什么英语读物可以推荐的?  三年级资深家长有经验吗? 大家交流一下心得.
最近找科普读物起因(也是瞎找),专门找了几本系列读本( By Ken BEATTY ).  我开列了张单子(其中一些) :
1. A  Week in Space( 40pages ) 第三级 3 , for 初一.  词汇量要求: 800-1000
2. A Day at the Zoo  ( 43 pages )   同上.
3. A Year on the Farm  (43pages)   同上.
4. PREDATORS (42 pages ) 同上
5. The Human Body  (43pages ) 同上
由于自己也是很喜欢科普读物(大学才开始的), 所以决定开始让孩子读读上面5本. 作为对Scholastic 出版物的互补.  真是趣味性很大.
如果你们也有单册简易读物可以推荐,请上来聊聊. 我们可以互相学习的.

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-3-15 14:27 编辑 ].


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回复 9#PETER-MM 的帖子

我也是上外的朋友帮我淘到的.  但还是配不齐.  目前三级别的共12本, 要看一段时间了.  不过好像和你推荐的有点类同的.  我们这套没有中文对照.  孩子如果感兴趣的话, 就一定要逼迫看英语版了.

回: JXY.
关于难度上, 先让小孩看看1-2本才知道, 包括发音和阅读速度及理解力. 读国外原版读物也是要帮助孩子建立语感, 有了词汇方面的基础才可以去参加其它应试东西.   目前是以积累为主. 看看一年后效果如何?

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2007-10-31 17:43 编辑 ].



这段时间可数和不可数名词给部份二年级学生和家长带来一点点困惑. 实际上还是需要放在文章中和句中能更好好去把握的应用. 刚好读到一篇短文可以帮助学生理解.
Are they predators ?

This is a cheetah. It is a predator because it eats other animals on land like deer and rabbits.  ( 这里的 deer 不加 "S")

This is a polar bear. It is also a predator because it eats seals and fish in the sea.  ( 这里的 fish 也不加"S")

What about this bat ?  Is it a predator ? Well , to a frog it is !

This is a gorilla . It is big and it looks scary . Is it a predator ?
The answer is no , because a gorilla only eats plants.

This animal is called a hippo . It has .......

Read this book and find the answer to these and other questions. Learn about the lives of predators. They're amazing !

二年级的同学,你有兴趣了吗?  ( 对QFL的三年级来说肯定简单了)

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-3-15 14:10 编辑 ].


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回复 14#jxy 的帖子

.   一定会好好读..


在上海科普试卷(2006)中有一句子. 要你根据实际知识打 ( V )或 ( X )
Some flowers open at night  (     ) .  
有没有学校的老师和家长帮着看看,有什么问题?  .


回复 20#Jennierunrun 的帖子

老师, 还不是老清楚的.  你能不能就以上一句再举例说明一下.   
我们学校的卷子也会有吗?  你也找找看.........


Christmas 马上来临,最近找到一本关于节日的书籍和孩子一起读.我这里贴上来,你有空也可以和孩子一起读读,了解这个节日的由来等趣事. 上二周学校也讲了许多这方面的内容.
Read-About Holiday
Twinkling lights, warm gingerbread cookies, and gifts wrapped in bright paper are some of the things that make Christmas a magical holiday.
The first Christmas was celebrated about 1,700 years ago. Christian people in Rome , Italy , chose December 25 to honor the birthday of Jesus Christ . Christmas means “ festival of Christ “.
People ate , sang , and danced at early Christmas festivals. They also stood under mistletoe.
Mistletoe is a plant with white berries. Kissing someone under the mistletoe is thought to give you  a  long , healthy life.
People in North America started giving each other Christmas gifts in the 1800s. Children got simple presents such as fruit and candy.
Candy canes were white, straight sticks back then, Colored stripes and the hooked shape came later.
Children hung their stockings by the fireplace for Santa Claus to fill on Christmas Eve.  This tradition continues today.
In Germany, Santa Claus is known as Saint  Nicholas. In Britain , children call him Father Christmas .
America borrowed many Christmas traditions from other countries.
Sending Christmas cards began in England. Red poinsettia plants from Mexico are now a symbol of holiday cheer . Christmas tress got their start in Germany.
At first , people decorated Christmas trees with paper chains, tin angels, and popcorn strings. They dyed the popcorn bright colors.
People also hung candles on trees. Strings of electric lights soon replaced the dangerous candles.
       Ways to celebrate
Christmas customs are different around the world . Children break open piñatas in Mexico. People in Finland visit the graves of their loved ones on Christmas . In many countries, people display a model of Christ’s birth , called a nativity scene .
Many people in North America like to decorate a Christmas tree. Some families drive to a tree farm to cut their own tree. Others buy a living tree to plant in their yard when the holiday is over .  Many people choose a fake tree .
Decorating the tree is a special event . Children in some families receive a new ornament to hang on the tree every Christmas.
Others make bread-dough ornaments. They cut them into the shapes of snowmen , angels , and  wreaths.
Christmas is also a time to bake goodies . You can build a gingerbread house or fill baskets with homemade cookies and bread to take to friends.
Many peoples attend church services on Christmas Eve. They listen to the story of Christ’s birth or see it acted out as a play. Religious leaders speak about spreading peace and love. Some churches hold a candlelight service at midnight.
Some families go caroling door-to-door on Christmas Eve . They sing popular holiday songs . Others watch their favorite holiday movie. Before children go to bed , they set out cookies and mild for Santa and carrots for his reindeer.
People open their gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning . Families get up early and greet each other with “ Merry Christmas !”
Children rush to see what Santa left for them.

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-2-21 21:35 编辑 ].


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Would you like to try ?
Fill in the blanks with different colors ?
1. You can find my telephone number in the _______ pages .
2. Some people think _______ cats to be unlucky.
3. I feel ______ today . (I am not happy today )
4. it is only a _____ lie . (一个善意的谎言)
5. I'd like some ______ sugar (红糖)

1. yellow
2. black
3. blue
4. white
5. brown

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-3-17 14:10 编辑 ].


回复 22#GH 的帖子

我总算找到配套的图片了.   贡献给大家!.


1.Oliver   Twist
2.The  Wizard  of  Oz
3.Sherlock  Holmes
4.Alice in  Wonderland
5.Huckleberry   Fin
6.Peter     Pan
7.litttle  prince
8.Secret  Garden
9.Chicken  Soup   of  Heart
10.Beauty  and  the  Beast
11.The  Adventures  of  Tom  Sawyer


回复 26#铭铭妈 的帖子

那就到4-5年级暑假里看看吧.  (现在不要看) 我是推荐给马上要进4年级的孩子.
因为西南位育,世外中学,上外付中几位BBMM在上次FB讨论时开出的清单. 我先拿来贡献给我们高年级的.  我是后辈,在那里就是记笔记的份. .


回复 28#Jennierunrun 的帖子

你上传一张书的图片看看, 介绍给大家.   一共有几本?  词汇量多大?.


回复 30#Jennierunrun 的帖子

你这个贴讲的一些东西是很重要的要素, 看各位家长的理解力和背景才可以真正的消化.
有幸看到我在其它版块贴的阅读书目并得到你的认同, 使我觉得劳动没有浪费.  我们现在七外家长不想谈这些也没有反映, 这是我的无奈. 有一个在唱戏的感觉.   非常感谢你来给大家分享你的宝贵的经验.
听说协和三年级转来5-6个不错的学生, 这对QFL来说是件不同意义的事情.
协和和七外在理念上有些不同地方, 这些好的学生转来是为了什么希冀?
这可能也是他们家长思路一种转变.   大家最近可以看看日新和明强的论坛(在区统考后), 日新最高峰一天超过百帖, 家长们开始质疑了, 争论了.   其实在我看来他们也没说错.  要看家长当时的目标是什么? 是否是明确和清晰? 现在5年级了, 家长肯定也是要看成绩了.  接着后面的议论就出来了.  我想如果我们一些家长将来不在国内做应试考的话, 你就不必太在意.  让孩子和家庭多点愉悦, 自己给孩子把把方向,当好指南针.  今天话多了.   请大家见谅.

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-2-25 19:53 编辑 ].



楼上的话, 听上起是专业级的, 总结性的! 有空的话, 多发发帖..


回复 34#小甜甜 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-2-26 13:17 编辑 ].


回复 36#jxy 的帖子

上次好像是校长说的吧,  不知道上宝的英语如何?  派些QFL的老师过去.     
再看看NARNIA 英文版吧.  我们家长自己搞个英文阅读兴趣班.  互相交流经验. .


回复 38#Jennierunrun 的帖子

你看, 兴趣班人数够了, 三人你就可以开班了.  我来找地方.   第一次,第一课是
" 阳光下的TEA BREAK " .   版权所有: JENN'S CLUB .


上次传错了. 再补上.

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2010-3-23 16:20 编辑 ].


有些书目前还是要大人带着读的,有些是大人带着读.  如附件中红色书有我们大人读,要控制好语速, 音调,还要做必要的解说(不用中文解说). 当然家长的正确发音也是比较重要的, 建议家长谨慎从事.
兰色书也是一本泛读书,它专门讲一个话题, 我们建议孩子自己读, 尽管速度慢, 但一次一次在进步,里面出现频率高的"词语"就会在脑袋里留下痕迹了. 以后就是来一遍类似的文章,至少还可以混读下去的.
另外, 家长最好参与帮孩子选阅读材料, 最好和当前主流和学校的课题能挂上. 如奥运的历史和2008北京奥运. 农庄趣事(讲一年四季的FARM 故事),它和一,二年级的课文中四季学习有联系. 这些词汇可以让孩子拓展阅读量, 循序渐进. 今天这里涉及到一点英语阅读起步和如何选材问题. 但真正让孩子们喜欢英语阅读和将来的掌握阅读还有很长的路要走, 我们大家都是在学习和摸索中成长,也谈不上经验.
大家在这里交流交流, 你们有好的经验也请上来聊聊. 尤其那些在年级25位前的家长们,欢迎你们和大家分享你们的成功经验.

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2009-3-17 11:53 编辑 ].


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一年级从基础抓起, "自然拼音法"很重要, 我们二年级学生还在学习和复习. 以后拼写和阅读也靠这个"武器".   Jennierunrun 提醒得很好.  我们深有体会的..


大家共同学习,共同进步!   将来实用的才是真实的 !.


大家热身好了,  1,2,3年级家长互动了.  .


又找到三套分级读物(共5本/套), 希望下周拿到书的2,3年级家长可以按计划阅读, 我会定期关心的.
隔月还要组织你们几位孩子谈阅读提高和交流感受. (MARCH是阅读月的开始).

( 今天来了四套,还余一)

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-3-4 12:37 编辑 ].


回复 62#RF158 的帖子

我是感觉有点不够的,最好是通过阅读和书写(将来)来复习巩固. .


回复 64#RF158 的帖子

书上的一点远不够的.  要在阅读中举一反三就好了.  但还是会犯错的..


一本叫< 灿烂鱼世界>的好书

你可以带着孩子一起读.(来自" FISH"一书,三级). QFL二年级学生应当已经没有问题了.
My dad has a special baot . The bottom of the boat is made of glass. My dad gives rides to tourists on his boat . The tourists see fish and other sea life.  这周的magic box 中谈到ride , 这里还有另一个用法. 
还有外教也要学生写写了解的 My sea world . 多点阅读可能会帮到他们笔上生辉.我尽量能多打点,有时也力不从心. 大家可以从网上找找这本书.上海外语教育出版社的.(朗文中学英语分级阅读)
Sometimes, on school holiday ,  I help my dad .
Come with me on my dad's boat .  I will show you some interesting fish.   
Hainan Island is a good place to learn about fish. The sea is warm and clean .
There are many fish here.
My island is in a tropical area . In this area, coral grows at bottom of the sea . Many animals need coral to live.
In some tropical places , the coral is dying. Sometimes , this is because people make the water dirty. We should save our coral and save the wonderful fish.
What things in the sea are not fish ?
Dolphins look like fish . Whales look like giant fish . They are both beautiful and interesting . They live in water . But they are not fish. This is because dolphins and whales cannot breathe under water . They have to come out to the water to breathe air .
Fish need oxygen . They can get oxygen from water . They have gills(鱼鳃) to help them get oxygen.
What is a fish ?
All fish live in or very close to water.  They can get oxygen from water. Fish use fins to help them swim . All fish are vertebrates(脊椎动物). Many of them have scales(鳞).
How about tedpoles ? They live and breathe in water . They look like little fish. Are they fish ?
No , They aren't . Tadpoles are baby frogs. They get bigger and then grow arms and legs . Fish have fins to help them in water , they don't grow arms and legs.
Octopuses are interesting.  They live in water , but they are not fish either.
They do not have backbones. Animals with backbones are called vertebrates . Fish are vertebrates.
Also , Octopuses have soft skin. Many fish have scales . Scales protect the fish.
what is a fish ?
All fish live in or very close to water . They can get oxygen from water. Fish use fins to help them swim. All fish are vertebrates . Many of them have scales.
以后章节cover :
Pretty fish , Strange fish, Scary fish ,  The Scariest and the Biggest fish.

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-3-13 22:12 编辑 ].


回复 66#GH 的帖子

楼上有了补充了. .


1. A week in Space ( 太空漫游一星期 )
2. A Day at the Zoo (动物总动员 )
3. A Year on the Farm ( 田园寻趣 )
4. A Day with Birds ( 观鸟一日记)
5. FISH ( 绚烂鱼世界 )
6. Fire Fighter ( 火场英雄 )
目前已经拿到书并开始读的小朋友请每天读2-4页, 我已经开始考虑安排下阶段(合适的时间)的阅读交流活动. 欢迎有兴趣的小朋友一起参与拓展阅读和交流. (肯定比课本更有趣味性)
1.适合读者初一年级(800-1000 词汇量),但我们QFL的二,三年级学生的水平可以应付了.
4.反复强调和运用已学的发音方法来读, 这就是巩固和拓展学习.

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-3-12 09:05 编辑 ].


回复 69#goldwater 的帖子

建议先读第三,第五本. 这样可以和学生去年和今年所学结合.

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-3-12 15:21 编辑 ].


回复 72#铭铭妈 的帖子

我已经老了.  干活不利索了. 主要是被我儿子折腾的. 但你的事情可以想办法解决的.  请给我一点时间.  .


回复 70#Jennierunrun 的帖子

有空做点点,  就可以汇成大海.   也希望能得到学校老师的支持!  


回复 80#妙鲜包 的帖子

是的.  后面也不错的.  
我们看了8#, 9#,10#昨天开始11#.  注意: 是泛读, 不要考他单词或默写喔.  
也可以重复看一次的.  很有意思.  我也看的,  建议你也看看.  我先考你! .


回复 83#巧慧 的帖子

看80楼帖.   另外可以到上外文书店或福州路其它外文书店看看.

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-3-15 14:05 编辑 ].


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回复 85#RF158 的帖子

有空的话, 每学期我都上点内容, 最好能结合所学内容.  也希望家长多发言和互动起来.  另外 我们学校骨干英文老师平时也上来看的, 但我希望她也能上来给我们指导指导. 比如这学期重点掌握那些, 注意哪些问题, 孩子们的经常性错误问题等等.  
上次开过了家委会, 如何慢慢提高孩子们的开口能力和表达能力的建议, 校长给于了肯定和方向性的指导意见.  校教研组会研究研究应用于平时的教学中. 这又可以使孩子们增加了应用技能.  非常感谢老师们的不断创新的劳作. 这学期的学校安排课外阅读还会继续,分段开展.  孩子们又要大显身手了.  这里栏目作为家校配合阅读的补充也是不错的..


回复 80#妙鲜包 的帖子

我已经和我班的家长说了, A6 , B25 , B34 和你短信联系.  你等一等下单.
你的潜力很大啊,  小范围的FB 太不够意思了.  再发展大点.  .


回复 91#RF158 的帖子

1. 其实孩子们目前的水平都差不多的.  一天看一页不会没有时间的.  还有周末时间, 挤一下总会有的, 日积月累就会有进步的!
2.  我们目标就是让他们掌握应用技能,  而不是应试. 但应试确实很害人, 我们家长尽量做到心静确是一件不容易的事.   呵呵,需要我们的毅力..


大家对QFL英语教学还是肯定的, 看看以前统计表就了解一二了.  真有可能一不小心, 七宝镇有一,二个同学进国家外交部门的.  吴校长真要开心极了!

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-3-15 12:40 编辑 ].


回复 96#RF158 的帖子

我班一位家长一次购买了14本(目前就出到14本), 孩子周六晚一口气看了15页, 看来QFL二年级已经可以在父母的引领下有能力阅读了. 这学期后, 目前的外教阅读单册对他们来说已经简单了.   可以拉20位同学出来上阅读提高班了. 呵呵,  一个全民活动 !
另外昨天聚会的家长们也提到外教课也分A,B 班, 可以让孩子们多点机会和外教互动起来 . 听听大家的想法..


楼23FL.  上次忘了放上答案.  补上了..


对于喜欢动物的小朋友, 我会先推荐读( Going On Safari ) , 他/她肯定会从中学到不少的动物名称和知识.  你也为可以为将来去南非旅游和参观野生动物园做好准备( ), 当然这是可能发生的.  
1) Where can you go on safari ?
2) Are there tigers in Africa ?
3) What are the BIG five ?
4) What is the only thing you can shoot on safari ?
5) Why are there white markings around some antelope's talis ?
6) Are hippos as dangerous as lions ?
7) How fast can a cheetah run ?
Please read this book and find the answers to those and other questions, Imagine YOU are going to on safari.  You'll love it !
说实在, 我也喜欢读这本书,而且是一口气读完. 喔, 太棒了!
Safaris are tours, People take safari tours in Africa to see wild animals.
The animals are not in cages.  They are free and live just like they have lived for thousands of years . They find their own food and go where they like . If they their own food and go where they like .  If they get sick or hurt , they can die , Nobody takes them to a vet !
People on safari tours see real nature far away from cities . It's like going back in time !
On safari , people drive around in cars and try to find animals. The animals
move around a lot in a very big area so sometimes they are difficult to find . When people see an animal , they keep very quite and watch . It is very interesting watching what the animals do .
( The word safari comes from an African language . It means a long journey )
National parks
Many people go on safari in national parks in Africa.  National parks are not zoos ! They are natural . All the animals in national parks are born there .......
除了学校学过一些动物的名称, 其中也再添了如 buffalo , leopard, rhino, antelope ,cheetah , wildebeest .   请小朋友能记下这些单词并最好默写在回家默写本上.  你们老师也会有动力了!  呵呵.......  
我给这本书配上科技馆里的照片.   很逼真的!

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-4-28 21:54 编辑 ].


非洲大草原.jpg (74.87 KB)

2008-4-28 21:52


万物生灵的世界.jpg (99.94 KB)

2008-4-28 21:52




[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-4-19 20:56 编辑 ].


摘抄一个小小的幽默. ( 课余时间)
                               When Do People Talk Least ?
Student A :  When do people talk least ?
Student B : In February .
Student A :  Why ?
Student B : Because February is the shortest month of a year .

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-4-20 12:21 编辑 ].


学校老师也说建议看看 ICS 频道, 有人看DOCU VIEW , TRAVEL FRONT 节目吗? (这节目真是丰富多彩)
我们全家也看了很久了, 建议给大家.  以前介绍的西班牙和意大利也是百看不厌. 每周几乎是我们的固定要看的节目.

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-4-27 22:01 编辑 ].


回家给我上了一课,能具体说清楚了. 并介绍了英伦三岛.
1) 零度以下可以用什么词来表达?
2) 摄氏度degree centigrade 的用法
3) 2005年的正确读法


回复 104#Jennierunrun 的帖子

小MIAO对UK是没话说了.  深啊!     出国看和在书本上学真是有很大不同.
但千万不要跟团的说.   今天是他回家汇报得最清楚的一天和课程. 我的钱没白费.

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-5-4 22:43 编辑 ].


马上就要放暑假了, 我们的暑假阅读列车又将出发, 这里有一篇短文供孩子们周末阅读.

How Chipmunk Got His Stripes

A little brown squirrel heard the black bear say , " I can do anything ! "

" you can't keep the sun from rising tomorrow , " said the squirrel .

" I can do anything ! " boasted the bear .

" We'll see , " said the squirrel . he gave the bear a sly smile . The next day , the sun rose . The squirrel laughed at the bear and said , " I told you so !"

   The embarrassed bear was angry . He chased the squirrel . The frightened animal escaped , but not without black claw marks down his back . After that the squirrel was called Chipmunk , which means " the striped one ." That is how Chipmunk got his stripes .

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-6-20 08:42 编辑 ].


我们昨天选了一本分级读物第5级之四一起阅读。 书名是 << Six Landmarks >> 中文是《六大名胜》,其实世界名胜远远不止这六大。 但是今天所选书里的内容也已经在三星笔试中出现了,可能记得在听力部分的。读读下面的内容够孩子们云里雾里的。爸爸妈妈也来试一试。
                                          The Eiffel Tower in France
The French Revolution
On 14 July 1789 , The people of Paris marched to Bastille (巴士底狱)Castle and fought with the King's soldiers to set free prisoners from the dungeons ( 地牢). This was the beginning of the French Revolution . After the revolution , the French government and a chance to treat all people equally .  
Why Eiffel ?
ONE hundred years later , the French government decided top build a monument to remember the revolution . The government held a competition for the best landmark design. It received 700 entries(参赛作品). In the end , a design by Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) won .  Eiffel was born in the east of France . He was a clever student and studied at the famous Central School of Arts and Manufacturing .
Later , He helped to build many buildings , bridges and railways. Some of his buildings can still be seen in France today .
Eiffle was very good at maths . For the Eiffel Tower , he worked out the distance between the tower's 2,500,000 rivets (铆钉)to one-tenth of millimeter ! He also made his monument strong enough to hold up against strong winds .
Eiffel started building his tower on July 1887 . Over one hundred workers put togather the tower's 18,038 iron pieces . To show how important scientists were , Eiffel added the names of 72 scientists to the sides of the tower , Then , on 31 March 1889 , Eiffel Tower was finished.
Tower facts
There are three levels and 1,652 steps to the top of the tower . But you must take an elevator from the second floor.
Until 1930 , the Eiffel Tower was the tallest building in the world , standing at 300meters . Today , its height is 324 meters because of radio and TV aerials (天线).
Inside the tower , Eiffel added a weather station ,a relegraph and a wind laboratory . And now there is a restaurant , a bar , a museum and a gift shop for the six million people who visit the Eiffle Tower each year.

[ 本帖最后由 GH 于 2008-8-19 12:18 编辑 ].


回复 108#Jennierunrun 的帖子

就看完了一半Magic Tree House, 共30本。当然都属于我们1-2年级看的书。 你们的年级肯定还看得深了。 请你介绍一下。.


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