培培妈妈 2013-6-25 21:24
Today is a happy day. I with grandma and grandpa go to Oriental land. First we bought three ticket in the ticket offce, and rental a bicycle in the bicycle rental and I let grandpa to ride with me and grandma sit in the middle.we ride aroud the Maidenhiar tree road north and I finde fun bridge and I sad to grandma:"Can we stop?"grandma said:Yes you can, but we can't stay lang."So, I push the brake, and we got of the bicycle and walk to one of the fun bridge.I go first, it is very easy to cross it, and grandpa come, at last, grandma come. and we went to peer bridge, but I can't stand, I must crawl.And we go to the cutting bridge, I can't crawl on these bridge so I muster up courage and stand on the bridge.Because cross these bridge is easy, I use two minutes to cross these bridge and I walk on steel bridge. whan I across it, grandma said to me:"We must go now, because we only have two hours, and we must ride back to one door to return it!" So we got on the bicycle.when we ride a l a bit of road, I finde hero's road and I walk in the first road.The first road is very small, so I bent over the small road. when I parst the small road, a big mountain appear in frout of me, I climb the mountain, I think I had climb three mountains to the end..
培培妈妈 2013-6-25 21:26
牛仔面包 2013-6-25 21:55
培培妈妈 2013-6-26 08:07
回复 3楼牛仔面包 的帖子
汪洋大海 2013-6-26 08:56
牛仔面包 2013-6-26 12:10
回复 4楼培培妈妈 的帖子
因为不知道为什么培培写出来的文章是中文的表达方式,所以不知道我的建议是否有用.我的孩子也是二年级.他写的文章就是按照老师要求的超过10句话,所以他就写个11句这样的孩子.但是这10句里面虽然都是简单句,但是语法确实严谨的,因为我自己是对于孩子英语的语法看得比较重,所以对于英语句子的基本结构我是有机会我就会给孩子讲解的.我注重的语法也包括一个句子的表达方式的,比如,Today is a happy day.这个句子,我的孩子会写I was happy today.一篇好的文章,我个人觉得最基本的是语法要正确,表达方式要正确,这样读起来就通顺,先求通顺再求优美,不然都是枉然.很多妈妈是建议要大量阅读来累积语感,这个方式是很好的,但是我的孩子不爱读书,所以我们没用这样的方式,因为人家不愿意.要是培培同学愿意读书的话,那是最好的了..
培培妈妈 2013-6-26 20:14
回复 7楼牛仔面包 的帖子
培培妈妈 2013-6-27 07:39
回复 11楼洋芋番茄 的帖子
谢谢给予 ,一针见血的指导!!.
大唐家 2013-6-27 08:37
小菲妈妈 2013-6-27 09:11
回复 1楼培培妈妈 的帖子
巧克力姐姐 2013-6-27 09:40
不二周助 2013-6-28 12:28
培培妈妈 2013-6-28 16:06
回复 26楼不二周助 的帖子