不亦悦乎 2011-10-17 12:57
White Out Black Out
I blacked out last night
And didn't plug in until morning
I went to my room
And found a broom
I hid in the back
Where it was all black
My Mom patted me
I got scared as I could be
I cleaned my room
With my squeaky old broom
Sam came to my room
And teased me with the broom
It was time to go to sleep
And they did not want to hear a peep
I whited out this morning
And nothing was happening
Everything was alive
Very unlike the night
Sam was very happy.
胡豆妈 2011-10-17 19:30
不亦悦乎 2011-10-17 20:44
回复 2楼胡豆妈 的帖子
确切地说,没有什么特别的意思,就是把一些押韵的词找个场景放到一起,他们的书上会写一些规则,跟着写就会了。我也不会写诗,更别说英文诗了,主要是在学校学的,我觉得主要是老师没有要求写什么内容,只有形式的要求,给了他们很大的发挥空间,反正最后所有的人都会得到“Excellent" 的评语,所以不害怕尝试,可以随便写。同时他的阅读很广泛很杂,应该也有些帮助。我的任务就是给他买书和经常讨论。
胡豆妈 2011-10-17 21:54
回复 3楼不亦悦乎 的帖子
smile_liyan 2011-10-18 16:40
不亦悦乎 2012-12-17 22:43
Luke Howard 是气象之父,儿子英语课学过后,要求每个人写首关于他的诗。下面就是儿子的小诗,记录一下。
Luke Howard’s Legends
Luke Howard looked up at the sky,
His mind wasn’t on the ground.
Little did he know,
He would name the clouds.
So Luke thought,
Those things are amazing!
If I could, I would
Classify them!
So Luke joined a club,
And he wrote an essay,
And Bingo! Luke really did
Classify the clouds!
And then, the World Meteorological Organization
(You can call it the WMO for short)
Adopted the clouds, and we still use them!
Answer me this: Is he still famous
After 150 years? How
Many people, do
You think, are
Famous after 150 years?.
不亦悦乎 2012-12-17 22:47
我好奇地问他:“为什么最后要把How/Manypeople,do/You think,are/Famous after 150 years?分成这样?”他说:“为了读起来有韵味。”也许是吧,不太懂英文诗的写法。.