查看完整版本: 关于防辐射最权威的说法ZT

jocularjog 2010-3-27 15:38



The following question was answered by an expert in the appropriate field:

I'm pregnant and I have to use computers for a few hours a day and I know electric appliances also emit radiation. How harmful is all of this to me and my baby?My friend suggests that I buy radiation protection suits. According to their advertisements, the garments are made from a kind of fiber interwoven with antiradiation material. Do you think it works? Should I wear it?


The term radiation is a broad term that covers a large number of wave energies to which we may be exposed. The most concerning are the electromagnetic waves (EMF) of very short wavelength that we refer to as ionizing radiation, i.e., x rays, radioactive materials like radium, or radioactive iodine. Very high exposures to ionizing radiation can affect a developing embryo.


美国健康物理学协会(放射安全专家协会,这个名称我翻得不好,能力有限,但是重要的是内容)的Robert Brent(医学博士以及博士)在其官方网站上回答:辐射这个词被广泛的应用到很多种不同的射线。最有害的是一种短波的电磁波,我们通常称为电离辐射,也就是X光。大量的暴露到电离辐射会影响胎儿的发育。

Many other forms of electomagnetic radiation do not have this potential, i.e., power lines, computers, microwave ovens, or radio waves (both FM and AM bands). These are nonionizing EMF of much longer wavelength. We even have ultrasound (sonography) which are physical waveforms that are audible sound or ultrasound. Only the ionizing radiation has the potential to harm your developing embryo if the exposure is high enough. The other forms of radiation to which we are usually exposed do not have this potential.


You do not need a special garment to use a computer. Save your money on important things for you and the baby. The only problem that you have to deal with are the background risks that all pregnant women face. Remember that every woman with a normal personal and genetic family reproductive history has the background reproductive risks which are 3 percent for birth defects and 15 percent for miscarriage. We cannot change those risks at this time.


Robert Brent MD, PhD
Robert Brent(医学博士以及博士)

"Regulations of the US Department of Health and Human Services require manufacturers to test computer monitor emissions for radiation and to label them attesting to the fact that they have been found to meet the standards of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations. You should be able to find this label on the rear of the computer monitor or the computer processor. Health studies of pregnant women who work with VDTs have not found harmful effects on the women or on their children. Heavy lead aprons or other shields are not considered necessary for units that meet the x-ray emission standards of 21 CFR. Such shields may actually be counterproductive from an ergonomic point of view."

美国健康及人类服务部/美国卫生部 发布条文 称: 经过测试电脑显示器释放的辐射量,怀孕女性使用液晶显示器对孕妇或者胎儿没有不良影响。铅制厚重的或者其他的防辐射服被认为是不必要的,除非是x光的辐射并且超过由联邦政府条文21条规定的量。这类的防辐射服实际上从人体工学的角度来说是没有用处的。

Also, from New York Times:

"''If you look at the study, and not the headlines about the study, it seems clear that the problem is the factory-like environment so many VDT operators work in, not the machine itself,'' said Jeanne Stellman, executive director of the Women's Occupational Health Resource Center, a Brooklyn organization. ''The most significant part of the study, one that didn't get reported, was the table showing that administrative and clerical workers who spent more than 20 hours a week on the VDT had a much higher miscarriage rate than managerial and professional women who spent the same amount of time at a computer.'' "


And, finally, from Calgary Health:

"Some women are concerned about radiation from computer screens. There is no evidence to suggest this will harm your baby."

从Calgary 健康报的报道: 有些女性担心电脑屏幕的辐射,实际上没有任何证据表明这会对你的胎儿有害。



中国政府门户网站 [url]www.gov.cn[/url] 来源:科技日报






daisy2006 2010-3-27 19:01


大懒猫 2010-3-30 10:01


可爱的懒羊羊 2010-3-30 12:29


yunbao 2010-3-31 14:33


dingding的妈妈 2010-3-31 19:20


JERRY2003 2010-3-31 21:25

回复 1#jocularjog 的帖子


快乐的小肥阳 2010-4-8 21:39

[quote]原帖由 [i]JERRY2003[/i] 于 2010-3-31 21:25 发表 [url=http://ww123.net/baby/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=6821705&ptid=4715218][img]http://ww123.net/baby/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
不过穿了有一好处,告诉别人怀孕了,有觉悟的让坐吧 [/quote]
;P :handshake.
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