小虎快跑 2010-2-22 13:52
巧学英语:Follow me ABC
小虎快跑 2010-2-22 13:53
------Oxford Practice Grammar 《牛津活用英语语法》.
小虎快跑 2010-2-22 14:05
13# 0 0 Littlewang99 (guess) 发表于 2010-2-21 22:08 只看该作者 个人空间 发短消息 加为好友 备注
三笔考试中a big old square table还是a big square old table?
[b]我的独门绝技:Oops! ash.com. [/b](听说过这样的网站吗?)
(o)op---opinion (看法、观点 如:lovely, beautiful)
s---size (尺寸、大小 如:big, small)
a---age (年龄、新旧 如:old, young, new)
sh---shape (形状 如:round, square)
c---color (颜色 如:red, black)
o---origin (来源、出处 如:American, French)
m---material (材质 如:wool, plastic).
小虎快跑 2010-2-22 15:36
下面是通常的顺序。------Oxford Practice Grammar
1. 看法走前面 (有多好?有多大?)
e.g. wonderful, nice, great, awful, terrible, large, small, long, short, tall
2. 其后紧跟其它大部分性质
e.g. quiet, famous, important, soft, wet, difficult, fast, angry, warm
3. 年龄(多大年龄?新?旧?)e.g. new, old, young
4. 颜色 e.g. red, blue, green, black
5. 来源(来自哪里?)e.g. Amerian, British, French
6. 材料 (用...做的?)e.g. stone, plastic, steel, paper
7. 种类 (什么种类?)e.g. an electric kettle, road transport
8. 目的 (做什么用?)e.g. a bread knife, a bath towel.
小虎快跑 2010-2-22 15:42
常放在名词前面的有下列3类修饰语---Longman Essential Activator
下列3类修饰语置于被修饰的名词前面, 冠词(a, the)、数词(如one, two, three )或代词(如this, that, these, those, my, your)等后面.
1. 形容词: e.g. a sunny day a small round table the best student
2. 分词: e.g. (v-ing\ v-ed): her smiling face the broken window
3. 名词:e.g. the school building a tourist paradise.
小虎快跑 2010-2-22 15:44
a big London bus
the long country road
big leather boots
a serious social problem
3. 分词通常出现在1、2之前,任何形容词之后
a broken garden chair
a smiling American tourist
a happy smiling American tourist
4. 有强势意思的形容词(entire, whole, same等)距离中心词最远,最靠近冠词(a, the)、数词(如one, two, three )或代词(如this, that, these, those, my, your).
the same old broken chair
the entire local committee
5. 其它形容词则跟在4后面,走在3前面:即越泛指的概念,离中心词越远;象描述大小、形状等显而易见的特征词,离中心词越近。
those lovely red curtains
a strange triangular table.
YUKI666 2010-2-22 15:48
Oops! 目前宝宝们最爱用的感叹词,它到底是啥意思?------看到Oops一词,英语文盲随便问问.
小虎快跑 2010-2-22 15:54
记住我的“个人网站”地址:Oops! ash. com,一般的形容词排序问题都能解决了!
想做语法题吗?下列题目摘自Oxford Practice Grammar.
Model: basin/ sugar, antique, silver------ an antique silver sugar basin
1. vase/ glass, old, lovely------
2. mirror/ wall, attractive------
3. desk/ modern, office------
4. chairs/ kitchen, red, metal------
5. boat/ model, splendid, old------
6. stamps/ postage, valuable, Australian------
7. table/ small, coffee, wooden------.
YUKI666 2010-2-22 15:57
记住我的“个人网站”地址:Oops! ash. com,一般的形容词排序问题都能解决了!--------------------上不去.
小虎快跑 2010-2-22 15:59
Model: This game is new. It’s for the family. And it’s exciting.
--- This is an exciting new family game.
1. This computer is for business. It’s Japanese. And it’s powerful.
2. This fire is electric. It’s excellent. And it’s small.
3. This is a chocolate bar. It’s new. And it’s a big bar.
4. This comedy is American. It’s for television. And it’s terrific.
5. These shoes are modern. They’re for sports. And they’re wonderful.
6. This phone is mobile. It’s German. And it’s very good.
小虎快跑 2010-2-22 16:05
回复 9#YUKI666 的帖子
[em16] Oops,sorry!
瞳瞳妈 2010-2-22 17:09
小虎快跑 2010-2-23 15:12
回复 12#瞳瞳妈 的帖子
mayflower 2010-2-23 15:44
Oops! ash. com-----------------记住了
age 在shape前面.
妈妈的心 2010-2-23 19:16
YUKI666 2010-2-23 20:07
聪明的妈妈 2010-2-24 09:35
[tt23] 谢谢!.