查看完整版本: May you be blessed

ostrichbaby 2009-5-25 11:25

May you be blessed

May You be Blessed
Turn on the sound and please watch this, enjoy the music, and pass it on.  It is one of the most beautiful e-mails that I have ever received:   


I have posted it on Christian's circle. I post it here so all of us, whether believe in God or not, can enjoy the beauty and blessings of the movie..

混凝土 2009-5-25 12:56

thanks for sharing this...beautiful like heaven...........[tt9].

cocoyangyang 2009-5-25 20:22

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Emerald 2009-5-27 22:01


The peaceful scene impressed me as if I were there..

Alex' 2009-5-28 17:27

thanks, really nice..
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