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jimmy妈咪 2009-4-1 12:18

Happy April Fool's Day

Happy April Fool's Day!  What a sunny day!.

szm 2009-4-1 12:29

Not a happy day for me. My note book can't be booted up after install some softwares downloaded from the internet.  Seems I am fooled by the virus today. :'( :'( Terrible!.

nice妈妈 2009-4-1 12:32

I am fooled by China telecom, the SIM card of my daughter's mobilephone is expired by China telecom, and telling me it has over 6 months validation period, but i have leftover deposite in the card, it was deprived by China telecom without cost? such a robbery..

jimmy妈咪 2009-4-1 12:38

How lucky both of you are! Because you have had a real April Fool's Day..

szm 2009-4-1 16:50

the worst thing happened to my laptop. The hard disk failed to past the selftest, i.e. broken!  Everything is not backed up, and I have already applied for a portable hard disk.
What an awful day to me! Wish it were a Fool's day joke to me.:'( :'(.

jimmy妈咪 2009-4-1 17:29

回复 5#szm 的帖子

Hope to  just be a joke.It will recover tomorrow, I think.  Good luck!.

Emerald 2009-4-1 20:41

回复 5#szm 的帖子

Don't worry. Get some IT people to fix it..

Emerald 2009-4-1 21:19

My girl is poorly so she has to stay at home. I rushed back in the afternoon and took her to see a doctor. The hospital is always busy, here and there is hustling bustle. I told her not to touch anything or run in the corridor, so as to save her strength. It was nearly dinner time when we left. I decided to order pizza but unfortunately i forgot the number. What a woodenhead I have! I tipped my purse upside down in the taxi but still can't find the card. We got home and had to wait for another 30 mins till the door bell rang. Anyway, the pizza is good. Oh, my, what a day! April fool? My back is sore. I lie in bed in a state of exhaustion..

cocoyangyang 2009-4-1 21:28

*** 该贴被屏蔽 ***

szm 2009-4-2 09:05

Seems my laptop colluded with IT guys to fool me yesterday. Laptop selftested and reported ,"Hard Disk self test failure", and IT guys said, "You need send it to HP for hard disk repair. It may take long time and cost much, and your data may get lost ". Gosh! I begged, "Please try to re-install the XP operations system, maybe it works". "No, it can't  help." claimed they.
I took it back to my home, and installed with a piratic XP. Yeh, it works. My data comes back.
What a foolish day!.

jimmy妈咪 2009-4-2 09:09

回复 10#szm 的帖子

Congratulations! I said it would recover..

szm 2009-4-2 09:13

回复 11#jimmy妈咪 的帖子

Thank you, you are a great prophet.:P.

jimmy妈咪 2009-4-2 09:29

Most of the things happened yesterday were just a joke.  
Yesterday, when I was back home, my son told me that his maths teacher wanted to see me.  He looked very depressed.  I was very nervous at that moment.  I thought my boy must do very bad job in math.  I was eager to know what had happen. so I  picked up the telephone to call the teacher .  But my child sai suddenly :"Happy April Fool's Day". Finally I relaxed and burst into laughter..

Emerald 2009-4-2 09:52

回复 13#jimmy妈咪 的帖子

Your son is so cute. :P.

丽贝卡妈妈 2009-4-4 15:00

回复 1#jimmy妈咪 的帖子

We were fooled by an irregular international flight............[em17]      [em13].
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