cocoyangyang 2009-3-20 08:55
Husband and wife
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nice妈妈 2009-3-20 09:09
man from Mars, woman from Venus..
cocoyangyang 2009-3-20 09:27
回复 2#nice妈妈 的帖子
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nice妈妈 2009-3-20 09:30
回复 3#冰城来客 的帖子
Be Careful, WangBa has already abandoned the reply with only emotion icon.
冰城来客 2009-3-20 09:36
回复 5#nice妈妈 的帖子
Thank you for you reminding,[em08].
loveneverdies 2009-3-20 10:08
[tt21] [tt21] [tt21]
cocoyangyang 2009-3-20 10:34
回复 7#loveneverdies 的帖子
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混凝土 2009-3-20 11:06
l[em08] so...................o.................funny.
Emerald 2009-3-20 11:18
I prefer the last one.;P.
cocoyangyang 2009-3-20 11:19
回复 10#Emerald 的帖子
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Emerald 2009-3-20 11:24
回复 11#cocoyangyang 的帖子
Of course I never do that.
I like the last one because I have good imagination. I imagine the scene when reading it. It IS a funny one..