不二周助 2007-9-16 17:48
我:What's a noun?
女儿:Noun is a thing.
我:You are very close. Noun is a name, a thing or a place. What's an adjective?
女儿:Adjective is a describing word.
我:Fantastic. We are going to learn synonym today. A pair of synonyms discribe similar thing. For example, if I say "sea", what's the other word for "sea"?
我:Right. How about "forest" and "hill"?
女儿:Er...Jungle, mountain.
我:Look at these words, they are nouns. Try to write their synonym.
我写了stream, marsh, road, shop, pool.
女儿写了river, swamp, street, store or supermarket, pond.
我:Excellent. Here I have got some weather words for you to find sets of synonyms that describe similar kinds of weather.
我写了Showery, frosty, breezy.
女儿写了Showery, rainy, drizzly
frosty, freezing, cold, icy
breezy, windy
我:Can you think of some more words and synonym to describe the weather?
女儿写了Wet, damp
Hot, blazing, burning
我:Excellent. I am now going to read you a story. There are two characters in this story, Miss Honey the teacher and Miss Trunchbull the headmaster. Can you tell me what it is like for Miss Honey in Miss Truchbull's office after you hearing it?
我开始读一段文章,大意就是校长Miss Truchbull是个很凶的人,老师Miss Honey必须要去校长室告诉她一些事,但她很害怕和校长说话。
女儿:Miss Honey is frightened.
我:Good. What else do you think?What is the other words for frightened. I have got one "scared".
女儿:Terrified. She might want to go back as quick as possible.
我:True. Do you think She will be comfortable and relax in headmaster's office?
女儿:No. I've got another one "nervous".
我:Yes. She will be nervous. She might quiver but try to be smart.
女儿:Yes. She might freeze with fear.
我:Right. All these words describe the same feeling of Miss Honey. So they are synonyms.
我写了frightened, scared, terrified, nervous, quiver, freeze with fear.
女儿:I got it..
H爸 2007-9-16 17:54
宝贝猪猪妈妈 2007-9-16 18:04
回复 2#H爸 的帖子
我儿子说,口语中就是用I got it.,意思是我明白了,电影都是这样说的..
不二周助 2007-9-16 20:21
回复 2#H爸 的帖子
如果她不懂,她说I didn't get it. 如果她懂她说I got it. 用法应该是对的。有时她也说I don't get it..
宝贝猪猪妈妈 2007-9-16 20:56
got it?(懂了吗?上司对下级)
got it!(明白了! 下级对上司,注意那时侯要两眼吓丝丝望着上级)
如果不明白,可以用,I don't understand
[[i] 本帖最后由 宝贝猪猪妈妈 于 2007-9-16 20:59 编辑 [/i]].
H爸 2007-9-16 21:03
:L :funk: :'( 谢谢楼上两位指点菜鸟。:hug:.
都都妈 2007-9-16 21:36
回复 1#不二周助 的帖子